Last night, very late last night, I had an amazing conversation with one of my old friends Rider. Now Rider and I think a lot alike, with the exception that he smokes pot, which I'm sure most of you are like "durr, stupid stoner kid". Go fuck yourselves. He is one of the smartest people I have ever met, and a kickass rocker. But anyway, we were talking about something, had to do with the earth and soul finding and shit like that, but he told me that, if we do the right stuff, "Earth has a second chance". People, look at where you are. Look at the world around you. Do you want the current beauty that you see before you destroyed and reduced to either radioactive rubble, or made into a dump for all our trash? Go through you garbage, pull out anything that could be recycled, and take it to your local recycling place (or whatever your town has). Take public transportation to work instead of getting in your car or truck or SUV or whatever the fuck you drive. It's more cost effective and better for the environment. Rather than spending 200 bucks at the pump for 10 gallons of gas (exaggerating, calm the hell down), spend $2.50 for a bus ticket. I know you've heard all of this before, but stop wasting so much electricity too. Turn off your computer when you aren't using it, you don't need to be on facebook 24/7. Unplug your chargers when there's nothing plugged into them. Get those really fancy lightbulbs that use less of an electrical charge. I know I sound like one of those Green Earth fuckers, but look this shit up. There's websites that can calculate your "carbon footprint" (the impact that your energy consumption and use has upon the environment) based on your information, I know there is, I had to use one for a school assignment 2 years ago. So come on people, speaking to you in the military especially, and the militaries around the world. You'll fight for your country's dominance, but not for the worlds health? Let's start trying to make this a world worth dying for.
Song of The Day is Worth Dying For by Rise Against, and you should already be logging off.