The Song of The Day is Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand, and you've probably heard it before. Just because you don't know the name, doesn't mean you haven't heard it already. The only reason this is the song of the day is that I haven't heard it in like 6 years, and I heard it today. No long story about how people should change, no euphemisms describing human activity. Just that. Deal with it and leave.
What's your song of the day?
Get Infected

- Virus
- I am but a conduit for the verbal and musical expressions that the universe chooses to channel through my mind and soul.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Take Me Out
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Death To All But Metal
This is the mood I am in. I don't want to hear anything else. Just Metal. Some classic, hardcore, wicked guitar, extra treble, low bass, rolling drums, nothing but the best fucking metal. The Song of The Day is Death To All But Metal by Steel Panther. It's a comedy song, but it get's to the point.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Janie's Got A Gun
Today marks a sad, sad day for me. It's time to hang up Janie, my acoustic guitar. I named her after the song Janie's Got A Gun by Aerosmith, which is the Song of The Day for today. A few weeks ago, during our preparation for Battle of The Bands, I was getting ready in the morning and let the dogs in so they could eat before I left for school. What does Baby Dog do? She runs in and jumps on my guitar. I didn't notice until last week the giant crack along the part where the neck and body join, and it was only getting worse from all the tension the strings were putting on the neck.
So now the neck is warping inward towards the back, we're gonna try to fix it with old fashioned steam therapy and gorilla glue, but I'm not getting my hopes up. I can scrap the tuner, strings, and pickup from it, but the body is going on the wall.
So the only good thing that really happened today is that I got new strings for my electric. Ernie Ball Super Slinky's, but now I'm out of cash. That's okay for now, cuz The Stepfather owes me 10 bucks, and there's been like 5 people emailing me about some stuff I've posted on Craigslist. (I'll post the links to my ads below. Only reply if you live in the Boise area and are willing to make a drive.)
So yeah. Minimal good came out of today, and nothing good can come out of this weekend. I know The Stepfather won't drive me out to see Rocket, and I don't think her grandparents would drive all the way out here just so she could spend a couple hours with me. I'm probably going to have to watch the baby anyway.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
So now the neck is warping inward towards the back, we're gonna try to fix it with old fashioned steam therapy and gorilla glue, but I'm not getting my hopes up. I can scrap the tuner, strings, and pickup from it, but the body is going on the wall.
So the only good thing that really happened today is that I got new strings for my electric. Ernie Ball Super Slinky's, but now I'm out of cash. That's okay for now, cuz The Stepfather owes me 10 bucks, and there's been like 5 people emailing me about some stuff I've posted on Craigslist. (I'll post the links to my ads below. Only reply if you live in the Boise area and are willing to make a drive.)
So yeah. Minimal good came out of today, and nothing good can come out of this weekend. I know The Stepfather won't drive me out to see Rocket, and I don't think her grandparents would drive all the way out here just so she could spend a couple hours with me. I'm probably going to have to watch the baby anyway.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Your Betrayal
Those moments when you know somebody close to you feels guilty about something, but they won't tell you. Then you log onto Facebook and they've told the whole world, and you're just like "You're comfortable telling the whole world when you've done something that you know you shouldn't've, but you won't tell me?" Then you ask them about it and they don't have any reason for it.
Oh well. The Song of The Day is Your Betrayal by Bullet For My Valentine. Love it or gtfo.
What's your song of the day?
Oh well. The Song of The Day is Your Betrayal by Bullet For My Valentine. Love it or gtfo.
What's your song of the day?
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
I could use a wish right now. I really could. The Song of The Day is Airplanes by B.O.B. featuring Hayley Williams from Paramore. Good song, good meaning. The hook is the best part though, because (maybe it's just me) but you can't help but sing along with Williams. Right? No? Just me? Fuck off then.
I need a wish, not for my career, not to go back in time, maybe to go forward a few years, but just to have one. Like a reserve type thing. "In case of emergency wish for this" type stuff.
Everyone seems to have a lot more fun when I'm not at school, I should stay home more often and let the others have their good time. Maybe I could make this watching of the baby a weekly thing. Miss three days a week and get to hear about everybody's awesome times. No, cuz I'm kinda sick of Belle already. and I've only had to watch her for two days now. I don't know what I'm going to do for the next three. I can't stand hearing about all the awesome times, but I'm glad to hear my friends are having fun :)
Readers, what's your song of the day?
I need a wish, not for my career, not to go back in time, maybe to go forward a few years, but just to have one. Like a reserve type thing. "In case of emergency wish for this" type stuff.
Everyone seems to have a lot more fun when I'm not at school, I should stay home more often and let the others have their good time. Maybe I could make this watching of the baby a weekly thing. Miss three days a week and get to hear about everybody's awesome times. No, cuz I'm kinda sick of Belle already. and I've only had to watch her for two days now. I don't know what I'm going to do for the next three. I can't stand hearing about all the awesome times, but I'm glad to hear my friends are having fun :)
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Chasing Cars
The Song of The Day is Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. Good song, look it up. Listen to it. This one's for us Rocket.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Monday, January 23, 2012
The song that can sum up any stress, any drama, any bullshit you deal with through high school to college is this song. The Song of The Day is Dammit by Blink-182, for that one line "I guess this is growing up"
What's your song of the day?
What's your song of the day?
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Civil War
I am a liar, but I'm an incredibly honest liar. I'll only lie when I need to lie, and I will never intentionally lie to someone who matters to me. So when somebody who matters to me lies to me and I find out, forgive me if I get a bit steamed. Not that any of this has anything to do with the song of the day, which happens to be Civil War by Guns and Roses.
Answer the question or gtfo. What is your song of the day?
Music=Life, Lies=Pointless anger and arguing that never leads to anything good. Not that anything this specific person says can be trusted as truth anymore anyway after the 4th time I've caught a different lie. Nice.
Answer the question or gtfo. What is your song of the day?
Music=Life, Lies=Pointless anger and arguing that never leads to anything good. Not that anything this specific person says can be trusted as truth anymore anyway after the 4th time I've caught a different lie. Nice.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Better Than Me
That moment when you realize you're holding someone back from something better, and your heart stops beating, those are the moments that make us realize how worthless we think we are to the people we care about. But the moment we lose hope in our relationships with those people, that's when we truly become worthless. Never lose hope in your love, and never let your love lose hope in you. Because it doesn't matter who, or what, tries to stop the relationship of two people, if it truly love then it will last all trials. You may realize it's love instantly, or it could take months, years even of spending time with this one person to truly "fall in love" with them, but love is love.
The moment you let this song of the day come true for you, is when you begin to doubt your Love. When you feel them turn away, don't just let it happen, even if you're wrong about them losing feeling for you, show them how much you truly love them.
Say an ex comes back to you, trashes your Love, and wants you back. It won't matter, because you are in love, and whatever they have to offer is not worth giving up a future for. Worst case scenario time, say you do leave your Love, and the ex wrongs you again, your Love will take you back, they would put you back together after the monster had torn you apart, and your relationship would be either be stronger, or filled with the doubt and worry that you would leave again, this time for good.
The Song of The Day is Better Than Me by Hinder, and it is never true for those in love. It is a song that inspires doubt and self-pity, although the music is good, it is a horrible song.
I love you Rocket, and this is not the song for us.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
The moment you let this song of the day come true for you, is when you begin to doubt your Love. When you feel them turn away, don't just let it happen, even if you're wrong about them losing feeling for you, show them how much you truly love them.
Say an ex comes back to you, trashes your Love, and wants you back. It won't matter, because you are in love, and whatever they have to offer is not worth giving up a future for. Worst case scenario time, say you do leave your Love, and the ex wrongs you again, your Love will take you back, they would put you back together after the monster had torn you apart, and your relationship would be either be stronger, or filled with the doubt and worry that you would leave again, this time for good.
The Song of The Day is Better Than Me by Hinder, and it is never true for those in love. It is a song that inspires doubt and self-pity, although the music is good, it is a horrible song.
I love you Rocket, and this is not the song for us.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Paint It Black
The internet is doing a blackout today in support of the anti-SOPA thing. So here's my pitch. The Song of The Day is Paint it Black by The Rolling Stones.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Two Words
Two words is all it takes to start something horrible. Two words is all it takes to ruin everything.
So, two words, directed at one person; I Know.
So, two words, directed at one person; I Know.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Dude I Totally Miss You
So, Battle of The Bands is tomorrow. My band Euphonious is going on, well most of it. Fat Bastard has a wake to go to. I guess it's some kind of funeral or something, it's a legitimate excuse. The BOTB has me thinking about Florida again. Trying to get in touch with my brothers Vic and Jordon, not working out so well. The Song of The Day is Dude I Totally Miss You by Tenacious D ("no homo" as Vic would say. lolz)
I feel like I should be nervous for the BOTB, but I've got this weird kind of calm over my mind right now. I know the songs by heart, or rather by fingertips (get it? Cuz I play the guitar? Whatever, my Grandma thinks I'm funny), so I won't have any issues, except that we changed our Setlist now that I've convinced Savvy to sing for us. Points to me! Hopefully she's memorized the fucking words by now. We're doing only one cover, it's You're Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring. The solo isn't that hard, for the guitar, so long as the Bass-man can play the bass solo/bridge (if he can perfect the song in one night, he has earned my respect. I'mm gonna tell him if he doesn't know it, don't come on stage.), and so long as Savvy has learned the lyrics by tomorrow night. Then we're good. I'll be wearing my mask as usual. Can't have the crowd ignoring my playing because of my fucked up face.
Anyway Readers, what's your song of the day?
I feel like I should be nervous for the BOTB, but I've got this weird kind of calm over my mind right now. I know the songs by heart, or rather by fingertips (get it? Cuz I play the guitar? Whatever, my Grandma thinks I'm funny), so I won't have any issues, except that we changed our Setlist now that I've convinced Savvy to sing for us. Points to me! Hopefully she's memorized the fucking words by now. We're doing only one cover, it's You're Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring. The solo isn't that hard, for the guitar, so long as the Bass-man can play the bass solo/bridge (if he can perfect the song in one night, he has earned my respect. I'mm gonna tell him if he doesn't know it, don't come on stage.), and so long as Savvy has learned the lyrics by tomorrow night. Then we're good. I'll be wearing my mask as usual. Can't have the crowd ignoring my playing because of my fucked up face.
Anyway Readers, what's your song of the day?
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Iron Man
So, battle of the bands is coming up at my school. January 13th. Savvy dropped out, and Fat Bastard has something going on that night. Bassman, Doc, and I are still going on. all three of us can sing (nearly), and all three of us can play. The challenge? Can all three of us sing and play at the same time? Here's hoping. Our battle plan is to go on with a three song set if we still have the 30 minutes of time to fill (that includes setup I think.). We'll be doing one original (an entirely new original that we have 4 days to write music and/or possibly lyrics for) and two covers. The covers we're doing are You're Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring, and Iron Man by Black Sabbath. Y'know, the band with Ozzy, and then Dio, then they broke up. Now they're getting back together (with Ozzy cuz Dio is y'know, kinda dead.) to do a tour and shit. Whatever, fuck you if you don't know who Black Sabbath is. But yeah, that's really the only reason that todays Song of The Day is Iron Man by Black Sabbath. If I had known it was such an easy song on guitar before, I would have learned it sooner. Rocket is grounded again, for not cleaning her room. Kind of a stupid reason to get grounded. If the adult doesn't have to sleep in the room, why should it matter if it's clean? So long as it doesn't smell odd or anything, then what's the issue? Don't know if she's just grounded from the computer again, or actually grounded this time. Really wanting to call to talk to her, but don't know if it'll get her in trouble. I should go over to her house and help her clean her room and then she shall be ungrounded! 45th best idea ever!
Anyway, Readers who apparently have no fingers to type in an answer (or just don't give a shit, I'd feel better knowing if you had fingers or not though..), what's your song of the day?
Anyway, Readers who apparently have no fingers to type in an answer (or just don't give a shit, I'd feel better knowing if you had fingers or not though..), what's your song of the day?
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Jack Sparrow
Ever see those Pirates of The Caribean movies? They're pretty cool. The Song of The Day is Jack Sparrow by The Lonely Island feat. Micheal Bolton. That is all.
What's your song of the day?
What's your song of the day?
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