I really should sleep. But as it goes, "we will never sleep, cuz sleeping's for the weak, and we will never rest till we're all fucking dead!" The song of The Day is Diamond's Aren't Forever by Bring Me The Horizon. So no sleep for me tonight, just sugar, music, and.... Oh shit, I have to sleep tonight. Cuz I've got a day of hardcore gaming planned for tomorrow. Well then, goodnight Readers,
and what's your song of the day?
Get Infected

- Virus
- I am but a conduit for the verbal and musical expressions that the universe chooses to channel through my mind and soul.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Happy Birthday Song
Just a general song that everybody should know after their first birthday. Today was my birthday, and it was great. Got a new guitar, a PS3 controller shaped like a batarang, birthday cake oreos, a calender, and more bacon flavored toothpicks. My mum and I tried making a cake to look like a zombie face, but it came out looking like a retarded ninja turtle.... Rocket couldn't come over because it's a school night, I have nowhere to be tomorrow so I'll be up for a while playing music on my new guitar. My Father called me at 6 a.m. this morning, I was the second one up today, I'm used to being first but the whole suspension thing is kinda throwing me off. So The Song of The Day is the Happy Birthday Song! Thanks to all my family and close friends that wished me a happy birthday, and thank you also to those people that I don't really know all that well but still wished me a happy birthday over facebook.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Monday, February 27, 2012
Need a good motivational song? One that just says "Fuck you!" to everyone that messes with you or your plans? Or how about the song to let somebody close to you know that you're thinking of them? The very first line of this song "This one's for you and me".
The Song of The Day is Lighters by Bad Meets Evil, which is the project Eminem and Royce Da 5'9'' did. The album is Hell:The Sequel. Good song, good CD overall. Tomorrow is my birthday! YEAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. That's about all for today. I am curious as to one thing though....
What's your song of the day?
The Song of The Day is Lighters by Bad Meets Evil, which is the project Eminem and Royce Da 5'9'' did. The album is Hell:The Sequel. Good song, good CD overall. Tomorrow is my birthday! YEAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. That's about all for today. I am curious as to one thing though....
What's your song of the day?
Sunday, February 26, 2012
World Around Me
I hate ruining somebodies positive mood, but there's being positive, and then there's being overly hopeful. I mean, the chances that we actually win this, are close to none. The chances of us failing? EXTREMELY HIGH. The Song of The Day is World Around Me by Escape The Fate. What's your song of the day?
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Can't Find The Music
It's hard for me to find songs to describe my time with Rocket. It's just too much fun. It's too perfect. We had an early birthday celebration for me today, because we don't know if we'll see eachother on my birthday or not as a result of our choice. But I'll let you guys know.
What's your song of the day?
What's your song of the day?
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Prisoner of Society
So, who else feels trapped? Constricted by the rules and expectations of society and family and friends? Who else is sick of it? I've got my father on one side who doesn't think I can handle my own mind and is thinking I should be medicated, and then my mother on the other who's extremely irritable and wants me to lower myself to a different, more normal level. I don't want to appease either of them. I don't want to be medicated, I don't want to be normal. Then I've got my friends, who expect me to be this endless encyclopedia of plans, music trivia, and useless information, and are then disappointed or surprised when I don't have anything to say or anything to correct. I feel like a prisoner to all of this. Like no matter what I do, I'll end up like one of my parents, or I'll end up failing somebody important or letting someone down. So the Song of The Day is Prisoner of Society by The Living End. The only people that I actually seek to make happy in my life are Rocket, and my Grandmother. And I have a plan to do both at the same time. See, my Grandmother wants me to be successful. Be a doctor or something that pays a lot. And Rocket wants the rockstar life. House in the mountains (literally IN THE MOUNTAIN), money, and an adopted daughter named Stacy. So I'm doing whatever I can to please both of them later in life. But my plan is not for your knowledge. It is to be revealed at a later date, when all you that read this shall be able to meet me in person.
Until then our only communication between eachother is the comments none of you leave, Readers will you just answer me this; What is your song of the day?
Until then our only communication between eachother is the comments none of you leave, Readers will you just answer me this; What is your song of the day?
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
No Bed of Broken Glass
Well I'm back. It was a quite a break wasn't it? Did you have fun? I had a little fun. Experimented a bit, I'm paying for it now, but for the few hours that everything went perfectly I had fun. Then we deviated from the plan, the others couldn't sit still. They weren't patient, they weren't truly prepared for what we were doing. But, it's all over and done with now, and we all have to pay the price for our actions. I'm facing expulsion from school district, Rocket and Bass Man are just grounded with In School Suspension. Bass Man blamed himself a little bit, so did Rocket, but they have no reason to. It was my plan, I was supposed to be a leader, I gave in to their want to get out and move around. I should have been persistent when I said we shouldn't, I should have said no. But I'm too nice. I'm too cooperative. It was my plan, and I failed them. I was gonna get us out of here. I had a plan to get us out, and it failed. I failed. But that's past, over, and done, so all that's left to do is get everything fixed, and to move on to today. So let's start with a song.
The Song of The Day is No Bed of Broken Glass by This Time Next Year, from the Warped Tour 2010 Compilation, Disc 2. You should look it up, or better yet, just go out and buy the set. There's only a couple songs that I wouldn't recommend at all. Ever. But those songs are by bands that I don't particularly like anyway. Like ATTACK! ATTACK! or Shiragirl. ugh.... I think I just threw up a little in my mouth thinking about their music. But anyway, look up the song. Some of you will understand the relevance to the daily and current events, some of you will not, and the rest of you will be too distracted by the righteous music to even think.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
The Song of The Day is No Bed of Broken Glass by This Time Next Year, from the Warped Tour 2010 Compilation, Disc 2. You should look it up, or better yet, just go out and buy the set. There's only a couple songs that I wouldn't recommend at all. Ever. But those songs are by bands that I don't particularly like anyway. Like ATTACK! ATTACK! or Shiragirl. ugh.... I think I just threw up a little in my mouth thinking about their music. But anyway, look up the song. Some of you will understand the relevance to the daily and current events, some of you will not, and the rest of you will be too distracted by the righteous music to even think.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
I Just Wanna Run
Not posting this one from my computer because the battery is dead. The Song of The Day is I Just Wanna Run by The Downtown Fiction. I just wanna run. Run from this place, Rocket would come with me. I'm sure she's feeling a little of the same as I am right now. She's the only one that knows why after all. I'm haviing a heart attack, trying to convince myself that it'll all turn out right. I'm fine with either outcome though. Whatever happens, her and I are together and so long as that continues, everything will be fine. The Dragon is getting suspicious, so I guess I have to make an appearance tomorrow.
What's your song of the day?
What's your song of the day?
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The Song of The Day is Apologize by Silverstein. I like the covers better than the actual songs most of the time.
What's your song of the day?
What's your song of the day?
Monday, February 6, 2012
Not Afraid
Yay 200 posts! I've been doing this since 2010 and I only have 200 posts. I'm missing a couple hundred days huh? But there really is no song that I know of to describe how amazing today was, even if I am totally fucking pathetic, so I'm just going to post the last song I listened to. The Song of The Day is Not Afraid by Eminem. Deal with it.
What's your song of the day readers? Even if you don't have an account, you can still post your song of the day in the comments section below. Seriously, I need new music.
What's your song of the day readers? Even if you don't have an account, you can still post your song of the day in the comments section below. Seriously, I need new music.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
I keep having fucked up dreams. I was woken up at 2 in the morning by the taste of my own blood, and I couldn't tell if I was still dreaming or not. I haven't had nightmares in years, and now all of a sudden every time I sleep, I'm woken up either clutching my paintball gun that I keep next to my bed, or bleeding somewhere. Woke up this morning and my door was locked, which is weird because I went to bed with it unlocked. I don't know what's going on with me, but I know it's not good, and it's not normal. And I'm blacking out again, or I guess the term would be whiting out. Because my vision doesn't turn to black, it goes to a flashing, blinding white, and the next thing I know I'm on the ground. I know it's not dehydration, I know it's not an iron deficiency, so what the fuck is wrong with me? The Song of The Day is Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold, because I'm actually scared by these dreams. I'm not used to waking up in fear. It's troubling. Oh and I have a cold sore on my lip randomly.
What's your song of the day readers?
What's your song of the day readers?
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Swing Life Away
I've been thinking about the future. Where I'll go, what I'll do, that kind of stuff. And I've decided that I want to live somewhere peaceful. Somewhere where I can just sit out on the front porch and enjoy the weather. Enjoy the silence in the air. I want to live somewhere away from people. Out in a mountain cave. Or just carve an entire home into the side of a canyon. Reinforce it against earthquakes and stuff like that. Have an entrance at the top with stairs to the main chamber, where there'll be entrances to the other hallways and rooms. And a Safe Room, or rather, all the bedrooms would be Safe rooms. Peace. That's what this song makes me think of. A peaceful, safe, quiet place all to myself and whoever else I want with me. Of course the idea for the rocker mountain mansion wasn't solely my idea (Rocket). The Song of The Day is Swing Life Away by Rise Against, it's one of their acoustic songs. It's amazing. It's peaceful. It makes me think of a bright future. I know this one is a bit earlier than when I usually post, but there's really nothing going on today. I can't go see Rocket because we don't have money for gas, or we probably do and they are just trying to keep some semblance of control over my life. One more year. If everything moves smoothly (it won't), then I'll have a job and be out of this house within the next 14 months. I have a plan this time.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Friday, February 3, 2012
Let Me Hear You Scream
What do you want in life? Doesn't matter, unless you're willing to earn it. To fight for it. Only the strong survive in this world, so you've got to flex your muscles every chance you get (figuratively of course). You've got to scream for it. The Song of The Day is Let Me Hear You Scream by Ozzy Osbourne, from his latest album Scream. If you're gonna go down, go strong, go proud, go hard or go home. If you want something, go for it. Don't just back down. No matter who, or what gets in your way. Your religion doesn't want you to have fun? Fuck it. The state or government says you can't see somebody? Fuck it.
But say your problem can't be blamed on others, or yourself, say somebody has emotional issues, you help them. You don't just leave, you don't give up on them, you stay, you help. Anybody who does otherwise is a douche and should be beaten. Nobody said it'd be easy. Even if they aren't actually an emotional wreck, and they just beat themselves up over nothing, you take their mind off of it. You do whatever you can to make sure they're happy, and you don't make them cry. The moment you cause a single tear to be shed, you've failed them.
Wow I went off topic. Readers, what's your song of the day?
But say your problem can't be blamed on others, or yourself, say somebody has emotional issues, you help them. You don't just leave, you don't give up on them, you stay, you help. Anybody who does otherwise is a douche and should be beaten. Nobody said it'd be easy. Even if they aren't actually an emotional wreck, and they just beat themselves up over nothing, you take their mind off of it. You do whatever you can to make sure they're happy, and you don't make them cry. The moment you cause a single tear to be shed, you've failed them.
Wow I went off topic. Readers, what's your song of the day?
Dance, Dance
There was a dance at the school last night. It started out great, but then got bad towards the end. The worst part was having to say goodnight to Rocket, and then coming home. Nearly freezing to death could've been better too..
So the Song of The Day for yesterday is Dance, Dance by Fallout Boy. You're probably thinking "Who in their right mind listens to Fallout Boy anymore? I mean REALLY!?" Well, fuck off.
To be honest I'm really not in the mood to do this right now, I still feel like hell, and I barely slept last night because I don't want to dream anymore.
So what was your song of the day for yesterday?
So the Song of The Day for yesterday is Dance, Dance by Fallout Boy. You're probably thinking "Who in their right mind listens to Fallout Boy anymore? I mean REALLY!?" Well, fuck off.
To be honest I'm really not in the mood to do this right now, I still feel like hell, and I barely slept last night because I don't want to dream anymore.
So what was your song of the day for yesterday?
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Rock You Like A Hurricane
It was a good day. So it needs a good song. Know what a really good song is? Rock You Like A Hurricane by the Scorpions. Oh, and it's the Song of The Day too. I promise I'll have a longer post soon, but I don't have much that I CAN talk about. It's not that I don't have stuff to talk about, it's that I don't have stuff I can post about on this page.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
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