Yo, sometimes you just gotta go. You just gotta fight back in whatever way you can. Now some of you will say that's just the teenage rebel in me (love you Grandma), but others will recognize something else in these songs. So here, look 'em up. Love them, hate them, do whatever you want with them once you've heard them. So here we go.
Till I Collapse by Eminem
Bring The Pain by Mindless Self Indulgence
Prayer of The Refugee by Rise Against
Faint by Linkin Park
Grammatizator by Rise Against
Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold
Listen to them, figure out what they have in common. Then post your playlist with the same theme in the comments section below.
Get Infected

- Virus
- I am but a conduit for the verbal and musical expressions that the universe chooses to channel through my mind and soul.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Getting Away With Murder
It's not that hard. Getting away with murder. Not saying that I've done it before, but I know enough about it. There's a science to it. You don't ever need to worry about "how am I going to kill this person?." It's "What do I do with the body, weapon, and crime scene?." Now I'm not encouraging that you go off and practice this theory, and the only reason my Song of The Day is Getting Away With Murder by Papa Roach is because I live with an unstable threatening asshole that has the God-Complex stick shoved so far up his ass you can see it poking out of the top of his skull. Before I go any further on that note, let me point out a fucking retarded ass law made up by politicians that grew up sucking on their mother's money-tit. It's called "Corporal Punishment", y'know the extremely controversial law that basically says you can brutalize anybody in your house under 18 to whatever extent and any way you want just so long as they can still breathe and still walk afterwards, and if they try to defend themselves you can have them thrown in jail for assault? I'm sure you'll remember it now. But this asshole I'm forced to call my step"father" (as if he's any sort of father figure) threatened my 13 year old sister with it yesterday. Now that, that's just pushing me a little too close to the edge right now, and with the situation I'm in you really don't want me to go over the edge. I'm a guy with no future, no hope, and no family. All I've got right now is Rocket and my music, and those are the two things I'm going to hold on two for as long as I can. But with every threat he's ever made, every time he's told my mother that he's going to kill me, every time he's threatened mine and my sister's lives, every time he's hit on other women while I'm with him and he knows he's fucking married. There are people in this world that deserve to die Readers, but you'll notice they almost always outlive the good people in the world that try to get along with others, that want to help people and make this shithole of a planet a better place. So I propose a new law, as a counter to their Corporal "Punishment" (or the beat the shit out of your kids however long you want law). This new law would be one that says if some douche bag is terrorizing your family and threatening your lives, you have legal authority to tie him down, torture the motherfucker until he begs you to kill him, then give him a pair of cement shoes and drop him in the fucking ocean. And the government will pay for all materials used as a way of apologizing to you for having to deal with this asshole for so long. I like my law better. I'd feel so much better afterwards. But with the way things currently are, I can't kill him. No matter what service I'd be doing the world, I CAN'T do it. I mean me, as a person, could not kill him. Only strictly because I couldn't get away with it, and because I'll never have enough money to hire a professional killer (joking! for all the feds watching this, track my email and I'll give you his name, rank, and current address. Conspiracy to commit murder applies to years of words coming out of his mouth, and if I can't have personal justice, maybe you can help me.)
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Love The Way You Lie
Now, this is not the Song of The Day, it's just another badass song that I thought should be shared with the masses. Yesterday I was talking with Dmitri about doing a rock or metal cover of an Eminem or D12 song. Then I'm scrolling through some music online and noticed something that I thought was really badass. Then I listened to it, and I thought it was even more badass than my original assessment. Love The Way You Lie by A Skylit Drive from Punk Goes Pop Volume 4. Look it up.
Readers, any songs that you think the others should know? Feel free to post them in the comments section below, if it is still down there.
Readers, any songs that you think the others should know? Feel free to post them in the comments section below, if it is still down there.
A Skylit Drive,
rap/hip hop,
Friday, March 23, 2012
I'm constantly being told how good of a person I am. How smart I am. How respectful I am. But it's all a lie. I'm not meant to be a perfect kid, or some genius that cures cancer (which in theory is uncurable. Seeing as how cancer is basically just a faulty cell or some failing part of the persons cellular structure, the only actual cure is death.), hell I may not even end up being the Rockstar I want to be, but none of that matters to these people. They only see the good, because that's all that I let them see. They don't see the sides of me that show how messed up in the head I really am. The fact that there's more than one should give a hint! I'm constantly combating these other sides just to make sure I don't say or do something that I'll regret for the rest of my life. Maybe in retrospect I should have tried a little harder to keep all these bad ideas locked away, so uh... My bad. The point is, that no matter how much these people tell me how bright, nice, and good I am it just makes this worse. That I can get away with such a con, deceiving even myself at times, only encourages this. Sure I can be polite to the point where it's like I'm from a different time, but I'm not a good person because of that. I've fucked up a LOT. Getting arrested and expelled are some of the worst things to ever happen to me, but I caused it by being a bad person. My grandmother says that "The path to hell is paved with good intentions", I believe it. My intentions have always damned me. Even if I was just trying to help, or to protect somebody, or even if I was doing what should be considered the right thing, I've always been punished for trying to be a good guy, so in their eyes aren't I the bad guy? I don't know where else I'd go with this, but I think I'm done. The Song of The Day is Duality by Slipknot.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Just look it up. Crush Crush Faint. Just look it up on youtube. The dude that made it is apparently called TheUnforgettableSound.
Monday, March 19, 2012
New Divide
I had some trouble trying to convey my thoughts into a song today. Or rather, I had some trouble trying to find a song that I could use to properly convey my thoughts to you Readers. So I'll start like this. Ever have one of those days where you just want to rip yourself apart piece by piece? Like, you hate yourself for your decisions, but you acknowledge that there's nothing you can do to change what you did, and that just makes it worse. You want to off yourself but won't because there's people that need you and you have this false sense of pride that drive you to tell the universe "Fuck off, this soul is mine!"? This is one of those days for me. Because of my paranoia, and my dreams. I hate dreaming, with a passion. I used to have these really kickass rocker dreams, and now they all suck. Back to whatever the fuck I hinted at a story with earlier.
I say a lot of stupid shit (if you've read this blog before, you know that), and I get in trouble for a lot of stupid shit, but as my mother once told me "You're a teenager, that's pretty much the epitome of 'It seemed like a good idea at the time'." She's right, but what bothers me the most, in when I don't know what I did to piss somebody off. Did I say something? Was it something I did? Then they don't tell me when I ask. When I ask what I did wrong I'm not just curious, I want to fix it. Cross whatever gap I have caused. The Song of The Day is New Divide by Linkin Park. I know I've done it before, but that was like two years ago right? Right? Whatever, fuck off.
On a note that has nothing to do with anything I've talked about today, my mother leaves for Home tomorrow. That's right, she gets to take a trip up to our hometown in Alaska. I'm not going with for two reasons; 1)I won't leave the state unless Rocket is with me for fear that I might not make it back. 2) I don't want to use my grandparents airline miles. They'll need those to come to my graduation. Which I will graduate, despite what all of you fucks say.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
I say a lot of stupid shit (if you've read this blog before, you know that), and I get in trouble for a lot of stupid shit, but as my mother once told me "You're a teenager, that's pretty much the epitome of 'It seemed like a good idea at the time'." She's right, but what bothers me the most, in when I don't know what I did to piss somebody off. Did I say something? Was it something I did? Then they don't tell me when I ask. When I ask what I did wrong I'm not just curious, I want to fix it. Cross whatever gap I have caused. The Song of The Day is New Divide by Linkin Park. I know I've done it before, but that was like two years ago right? Right? Whatever, fuck off.
On a note that has nothing to do with anything I've talked about today, my mother leaves for Home tomorrow. That's right, she gets to take a trip up to our hometown in Alaska. I'm not going with for two reasons; 1)I won't leave the state unless Rocket is with me for fear that I might not make it back. 2) I don't want to use my grandparents airline miles. They'll need those to come to my graduation. Which I will graduate, despite what all of you fucks say.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Friday, March 16, 2012
All Signs Point To Lauderdale
I'm not sure that I'm spelling the name of this song right. But The Song of The Day is All Signs Point To Lauderdale by A Day To Remember. The Chorus of the song, that's how I'm feeling right now.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The only words to describe today are boring and repetitive. So here's a song that is both boring, and repetitive. I really can't figure out why it's on my Droid. The Song of The Day is Technologic by Daft Punk. For some reason I used to like this song, enough to pay itunes for it apparently. Rocket can't come over tomorrow, and by the time I'd get there it'd be time for chores and I always feel like I'm just getting in the way and not really helping with anything. We're gonna try for Saturday and Sunday and then next weekend and spring break. But I know that my Mother and her Husband will come up with a hundred different reasons why we can't see eachother during the whole week that she doesn't have school. She says that she doesn't do it on purpose, but every time I even bring up Rocket or going to see her it's always a "maybe" and something always comes up. So forgive me if it leads me to believe that they obviously don't want me seeing her. Well, they can go fuck themselves.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
The Last Song
The Song of The Day is The Last Song by Foo Fighters. For my father, because this is the last Song that I will dedicate to you. I'm done with you.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Topic one. Don't get married to somebody with children if you're not ready to be a parent. My Mother's Husband, no longer known as the stepfather because that insinuates that he's a parent, really wants nothing to do with any of us. Not me, not my sister, and not his daughter. His reason for being here? As far as I can tell he doesn't have one. He never has anything nice to say about anyone, not me, not my sisters, not my mother. He bitches about everything and has told me before that he doesn't need any of us (which I find to be completely untrue because he can't really clean up after himself, as displayed by his and my mothers room.). And he displays no outward affection towards my mother, mainly just sexual actions towards her. Just what I see though. Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe I'm right again.
Now I've been getting this a lot. "Why'd you try to run?". Well, the answer is because of all of the bullshit that daily life requires us to deal with. Then there's my biological father, "I just don't understand why you don't want to live with me. Look at all your friends up here, they're all going to be successful and not a total fuck up. And somehow that's all because they live near me." (okay so that's not exactly what he says, but in a nutshell that's what I'm getting from it.) And the answer, which I didn't want to say before because I really didn't want to hurt his feelings , but his constant referring to Rocket as just another "piece of ass" (do it again old man, I fucking dare you.) has pushed me beyond caring about how he feels. So the real answer comes in three parts. First of all, you keep fucking comparing me to EVERYONE. I know I'm not who YOU want me to be, but I'm working towards being who I want to be, and in my life that's what matters. Part 2, you don't care what I want to do, you're going to push me into what you did as a kid. You're going to do whatever it takes to make me just like you, and no matter how many times you tell me not to be like you you're just going to keep pushing me towards it. And that's what pisses you off the most right now, that I'm not just like you. Lastly, and this one will really hurt, it's that you're fucking boring. Everything is the same with you. Maybe I'll regret saying all this later, but right now it feels pretty damn good.
Next up, now that I've gone off on my little rant that has absolutely nothing to do with my Song of The Day, is my Song of The Day which happens to be Island by The Starting Line. Because that's where we'd be right now. Some little island or coastal area in the South. In a way I'm kinda glad they caught us, but now I've sampled freedom. I want more. I want that feeling of not having to report or call in to anyone, or having to leave Rocket at 3:00 pm every day. And I know I've only got a couple years until then, but a year is a long time, and I know how things turn out, but no matter how positive it is if we stay, I can't wait. I'm an impatient little bastard.
So readers, what's your song of the day?
Now I've been getting this a lot. "Why'd you try to run?". Well, the answer is because of all of the bullshit that daily life requires us to deal with. Then there's my biological father, "I just don't understand why you don't want to live with me. Look at all your friends up here, they're all going to be successful and not a total fuck up. And somehow that's all because they live near me." (okay so that's not exactly what he says, but in a nutshell that's what I'm getting from it.) And the answer, which I didn't want to say before because I really didn't want to hurt his feelings , but his constant referring to Rocket as just another "piece of ass" (do it again old man, I fucking dare you.) has pushed me beyond caring about how he feels. So the real answer comes in three parts. First of all, you keep fucking comparing me to EVERYONE. I know I'm not who YOU want me to be, but I'm working towards being who I want to be, and in my life that's what matters. Part 2, you don't care what I want to do, you're going to push me into what you did as a kid. You're going to do whatever it takes to make me just like you, and no matter how many times you tell me not to be like you you're just going to keep pushing me towards it. And that's what pisses you off the most right now, that I'm not just like you. Lastly, and this one will really hurt, it's that you're fucking boring. Everything is the same with you. Maybe I'll regret saying all this later, but right now it feels pretty damn good.
Next up, now that I've gone off on my little rant that has absolutely nothing to do with my Song of The Day, is my Song of The Day which happens to be Island by The Starting Line. Because that's where we'd be right now. Some little island or coastal area in the South. In a way I'm kinda glad they caught us, but now I've sampled freedom. I want more. I want that feeling of not having to report or call in to anyone, or having to leave Rocket at 3:00 pm every day. And I know I've only got a couple years until then, but a year is a long time, and I know how things turn out, but no matter how positive it is if we stay, I can't wait. I'm an impatient little bastard.
So readers, what's your song of the day?
Monday, March 12, 2012
Sing For The Moment
Because I'm the bad guy. Because in the eyes of those in control, I'll always be a bad guy. Which, a year ago I would've been psyched about, because a year ago I didn't have as much to lose as I do now. Now I've got a dream, I had a future, I have real love, and I have more than two real friends. I had a place I belonged, and a group I belonged to. So today's Song of The Day is Sing For The Moment by my hero, Eminem. Eminem is one of my greatest inspirations because he's a guy that's been persecuted for his music, his actions, and what he believes in, and he just decides "fuck that shit" and gets up, gets clean, and gets back to making music, doing what he does, and standing up for what he believes in. He's a man that got his life back in order after everything turned to shit for him. And this one song, it's a reminder. It lets me know that I don't need to be thinking about my future right now, no matter what the rest of the world says, I just need to live for the moment. That doesn't mean I'm going to be careless, I'm just going to start having fun with what I can do in my life now.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Miserable At Best
Let's start with the last couple of days
3/8/12-War by Sick Puppies
3/9/12- The Diary by Hollywood Undead
3/10/12- Not Afraid by Eminem
And now today. The Song of The Day is Miserable At Best by Mayday Parade. I don't want Rocket and I to have to wait for the weekend just to see eachother once a week. First I should tell you why we'll only be seeing eachother once a week; I got expelled from school. The hearing was bullshit, and the one bitch wouldn't even let me finish my defense. They completely ignored the character references, my otherwise perfect record, and my intentions. They weren't even going to give me a second thought, they knew they were going to expel me before anybody even showed up that day. The hearing was just to fuck with me, give me some false hope that I could somehow revive my future. But no. Everything I had ever planned out is now nothing. I won't be able to get into any college, and I can't get a job. So, fuck you very much for my false trial, and I'll see you fuckers in a year. I know what I did was wrong but there are other factors that should have come into play before you made your decision.
Back to why my song of the day is depressing and sad and shit. Apparently there were rumors going around that Rocket was cheating on me, I had no way of knowing whether or not they were true or not (I refused to believe that they were, which they aren't), so I was kinda fucked up for a bit. But I went over yesterday and helped her and her family out with the cows and sheep, and we talked. At the end of everything, no matter how great the day was, or how much fun we had, I was just sad. Because we'll have to wait 7 days to do anything together again, and even then it's just one day, not even a full day. Whenever one of us goes to the others house it's only for a maximum of 6 hours. Compared to the time we spent together during the week at school. It's not enough, and I can't stop thinking about the possibilities. That one day she'll decide she can't wait to be able to see me, and just goes off with someone else. I know she wouldn't think about it now, but a lot can happen in a year, and I don't know... I don't like thinking it, but The Others won't shut up. I love her, and I trust her with my soul, and I don't consciously doubt her, but the thought won't go away. Not to mention this fucking song keeps playing on my Droid. Fuck you Droid, just fuck you.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
3/8/12-War by Sick Puppies
3/9/12- The Diary by Hollywood Undead
3/10/12- Not Afraid by Eminem
And now today. The Song of The Day is Miserable At Best by Mayday Parade. I don't want Rocket and I to have to wait for the weekend just to see eachother once a week. First I should tell you why we'll only be seeing eachother once a week; I got expelled from school. The hearing was bullshit, and the one bitch wouldn't even let me finish my defense. They completely ignored the character references, my otherwise perfect record, and my intentions. They weren't even going to give me a second thought, they knew they were going to expel me before anybody even showed up that day. The hearing was just to fuck with me, give me some false hope that I could somehow revive my future. But no. Everything I had ever planned out is now nothing. I won't be able to get into any college, and I can't get a job. So, fuck you very much for my false trial, and I'll see you fuckers in a year. I know what I did was wrong but there are other factors that should have come into play before you made your decision.
Back to why my song of the day is depressing and sad and shit. Apparently there were rumors going around that Rocket was cheating on me, I had no way of knowing whether or not they were true or not (I refused to believe that they were, which they aren't), so I was kinda fucked up for a bit. But I went over yesterday and helped her and her family out with the cows and sheep, and we talked. At the end of everything, no matter how great the day was, or how much fun we had, I was just sad. Because we'll have to wait 7 days to do anything together again, and even then it's just one day, not even a full day. Whenever one of us goes to the others house it's only for a maximum of 6 hours. Compared to the time we spent together during the week at school. It's not enough, and I can't stop thinking about the possibilities. That one day she'll decide she can't wait to be able to see me, and just goes off with someone else. I know she wouldn't think about it now, but a lot can happen in a year, and I don't know... I don't like thinking it, but The Others won't shut up. I love her, and I trust her with my soul, and I don't consciously doubt her, but the thought won't go away. Not to mention this fucking song keeps playing on my Droid. Fuck you Droid, just fuck you.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Hollywood Undead,
Mayday Parade,
rap/hip hop,
Sick Puppies
Monday, March 5, 2012
Stereo Hearts
I can't write a love song. I've tried, trust me I've tried, but the words are never enough. I could get to the third verse and sing it out, and I'll hate it. The muses just don't want me to write a love song. Which only makes things more complicated, because that's all I feel like writing. But I think I'll give my writing a rest and let the song of the day send the message for me. The Song of The Day is Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heroes, featuring Adam Levine (I have no idea who the fuck that guy is, but I assume he does the chorus.)
I don't know where else I was going with the Song of The Day today, so what's yours?
I don't know where else I was going with the Song of The Day today, so what's yours?
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Brain Stew
Had a discussion with my mother today, in which we decided that The Stepfather isn't simply stupid, he's just slow and doesn't give a shit about anything that doesn't interest or benefit him. He can fake care, but he's just going to bitch about it in the end and if he helps you once or does something for you, he's just going to hold that against you forever. But that's not what today's post is about, well, kinda.
If you can't tell by me typing this at 10 at night, I can't sleep. Mainly because I'm too bored, and just to spite the bitchiness that is the people I live with. We were cleaning the house this morning because Rocket was coming over later, and all you could hear was The Stepfather bitching about how dirty it is and blaming it all on us (being me and my sister Mix). Nevermind that the house is trashed with his and my mothers crap everywhere, and the living room floor is always covered with the baby's mess, nope. It's apparently all our fault that nothing is ever clean. Bitch please. My room is the cleanest in the house, know why? Because I clean up my room (Then he comes in and finds the one thing that's "out of place" and bitches about it for the next 12 hours.), know why I'm not responsible for anything that happens downstairs? Because I barely leave my room, and when I do it's certainly not to trash the already shitty looking house. When I do make a mess downstairs, I clean it up. I don't just pile everything on our entertainment center, or on the "Dining Room" table. All of this is just retarded, and it's killing my mind. The Song of The Day is Brain Stew by Green Day. I can't deal with these people for a whole year. I just need to be left in my room, I'll come down to do my chores, leave the house, and eat. But for the rest, I don't want any "family time" (as you would have to count me as part of this family first), I don't want any instruction as to what I'm doing wrong by doing exactly as I'm told, and I don't want to hear the bitching that comes from these peoples overused talking holes. Stop bitching about every little thing, and just generally shut the fuck up. Keep in mind that most of this is directed to one person in specific and not entirely everyone in my house. I despise the rest of you equally.
Now, what's your song of the day?
If you can't tell by me typing this at 10 at night, I can't sleep. Mainly because I'm too bored, and just to spite the bitchiness that is the people I live with. We were cleaning the house this morning because Rocket was coming over later, and all you could hear was The Stepfather bitching about how dirty it is and blaming it all on us (being me and my sister Mix). Nevermind that the house is trashed with his and my mothers crap everywhere, and the living room floor is always covered with the baby's mess, nope. It's apparently all our fault that nothing is ever clean. Bitch please. My room is the cleanest in the house, know why? Because I clean up my room (Then he comes in and finds the one thing that's "out of place" and bitches about it for the next 12 hours.), know why I'm not responsible for anything that happens downstairs? Because I barely leave my room, and when I do it's certainly not to trash the already shitty looking house. When I do make a mess downstairs, I clean it up. I don't just pile everything on our entertainment center, or on the "Dining Room" table. All of this is just retarded, and it's killing my mind. The Song of The Day is Brain Stew by Green Day. I can't deal with these people for a whole year. I just need to be left in my room, I'll come down to do my chores, leave the house, and eat. But for the rest, I don't want any "family time" (as you would have to count me as part of this family first), I don't want any instruction as to what I'm doing wrong by doing exactly as I'm told, and I don't want to hear the bitching that comes from these peoples overused talking holes. Stop bitching about every little thing, and just generally shut the fuck up. Keep in mind that most of this is directed to one person in specific and not entirely everyone in my house. I despise the rest of you equally.
Now, what's your song of the day?
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Last Train Home
I like helping people. I like having people listen to what I have to say, and having them know that my advice isn't all that bad. What I don't like, is helping people with relationship drama. So, I have decided to devise a playlist for all of you to listen to when your love life takes a shit on your regular life. It starts with my Song of The Day, Last Train Home by Lostprophets. Yes, I know I've used this one before. But that was a whole year ago. So Shut up.
1. Last Train Home by Lostprophets
2. Injection by Rise Against
3. Too Sick To Pray by A3
4. If You Can't Live Without Me, Why Aren't You Dead Yet? by Mayday Parade
I got bored before I could get a fifth song.
So what's your song of the day?
1. Last Train Home by Lostprophets
2. Injection by Rise Against
3. Too Sick To Pray by A3
4. If You Can't Live Without Me, Why Aren't You Dead Yet? by Mayday Parade
I got bored before I could get a fifth song.
So what's your song of the day?
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Shut-Up And Smile
I really don't want to quit the band. Mainly because I don't know how everything else could be impacted by me quitting. Not with the band, I'm ready to abandon them, I just don't know what Rocket will think. I mean, we met because I joined this band, so how would she feel about me quitting? If I stay I feel like I'm betraying one of my best friends because he was needlessly replaced, but I don't want to stay because (not only for the reason previously stated in this sentence) I can't do anything. They can all practice at school, which they have been (by they I mean Savvy, the new lead, and the new bass), and I just feel useless. No information has been relayed to me about new songs, or if we're doing any new covers. I feel useless. I'm an upfront guy, I tell people what I think, I just wish people would do the same for me. If you don't need me, tell me. Don't just keep me around because you feel bad. I don't know. I'll figure it out.
Onto the Song of The Day, which is Shut-Up and Smile by Bowling For Soup, because no matter how shitty things get, no matter how indecisive we may be, all we need is love, beer, metal, and holiday cheer. I don't have much more to say than that.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Onto the Song of The Day, which is Shut-Up and Smile by Bowling For Soup, because no matter how shitty things get, no matter how indecisive we may be, all we need is love, beer, metal, and holiday cheer. I don't have much more to say than that.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
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