Drones by Rise Against
Our Time Now by Plain White T's
My Own Worst Enemy by Lit
All of these songs have been featured here at least once, and each of them was a candidate for today's Song of The Day. So which one won? Well, now that you're this far I suppose I should tell you so you can be on your way. Fuck that. First let me elaborate on why each one is qualified to be the SOTD.
Let's start with My Own Worst Enemy by Lit.
-Why It's Qualified
Who is the one person that's always getting in the way of your happiness? You. This goes for everyone. But relates to my day very little.
This is not the SOTD
Drones by Rise Against
-Why It's Qualified
Who are you in the eyes of the government? Nobody. That's what we are, and we could all take a hint from this song, and V For Vendetta (have I mentioned that's my number 2 favorite movie?).
Not The SOTD
Our Time Now by Plain White T's
Fuck all the rules, love jumps the barriers set by our peers and elders. All these things that happen between people are natural and good.
Not The SOTD
So then what could it be? Wait, what's this?! There was a fourth competitor! The Song of The Day is All I Want by A Day To Remember. All I want is a place to call my own. To get out of this town. There were really only two options for the SOTD anyway, and both were by A Day To Remember. It was either All I Want or All Signs Point To Lauderdale.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Get Infected

- Virus
- I am but a conduit for the verbal and musical expressions that the universe chooses to channel through my mind and soul.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
I am one fucked up dude.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Shut-Up And Smile
Let's just be happy. I'll say this no matter how much everybody hates hearing it; I love Rocket. If I could use real names on this page, you'd all know who and why. Then you'd be jealous of me, and stop reading. So no names for you. The Song of The Day is Shut-Up And Smile by Bowling For Soup. I know it's been on this page before, but probably last years playlist. I wish Rocket didn't have to go home tonight, I'm missing her again already, as pathetic as it sounds it's true. I know that I won't see her for another week, and the knowledge of that just kills me. It shouldn't be like this. I shouldn't feel like such a failure if she's happy with me. I know I let a lot of people down with my escape attempt and the resulting expulsion, but failing her hurt the most. Knowing that all of this could've been avoided for a bit longer had I been more in control of the situation back then. Knowing that another vision could potentially come true because of tonight. It won't though. I have communed with the spirits! And they hath warned me of a somewhat beneficial future that is still to be avoided with all my ability. For now at least.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Friday, April 27, 2012
I had some trouble selecting my Song of The Day for today. Then I realized that not much happened today that I could relate in a song, so I'm just going to feature a new favorite of mine as the Song of The Day, which is Complicated by Your Favorite Martian. If you watch =3 or any other of Ray William Johnson's channels, then you know about YFM and YFMTS (YEAH!). Watch the music video for this song. Fucking do it. I'll know if you don't. I'm creepy like that. Sentence fragments. Yeah.
I'm so ready for tomorrow. I really just want to sleep right now so that it'll get here faster so I can see Rocket. Seriously, you have no fucking clue. NO FUCKING CLUE PEOPLE.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
I'm so ready for tomorrow. I really just want to sleep right now so that it'll get here faster so I can see Rocket. Seriously, you have no fucking clue. NO FUCKING CLUE PEOPLE.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Song of The Week
Wow, how did I ever forget about the Song of The Week post? As previous, this and the Song of The Day will be two separate posts. The Song of The Week is Kick Monday (In The Nutsack) by Watsky & Mody feat. Wax. Now I know this was Monday's SOTD, but get the fuck over it. I'm the writer, you're the reader, and nobody is forcing you to agree with me. Not yet at least... But yeah, I kicked this week in the nutsack. Saturday is going to be great no matter how many people actually show up, and I learned a couple new songs. Such as Jump by Van Halen. Yeah.
Readers, what's your song of the week?
Readers, what's your song of the week?
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Between Angels and Insects
I hate money. Have I ever mentioned that? It serves fucking no purpose other to make the rich feel good about themselves and turn the poor towards suicide. Really, you need the money to buy the stuff to give you a semblance of happiness. You need the money to buy food to support yourself. Is that how it should be? Should people suffer hunger and unhappiness just because of a piece of paper? Now the more argumentative of you will bitch and moan about how a monetary system gives us reason to work and helps us to maintain social order. Well call me a fucking communist then because I believe that's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. This country doesn't need cash to solve it's problems, it needs smarter people. Hell, the whole fucking world just needs to get smarter. The Song of The Day is Between Angels and Insects. This is one song that gets the fucking idea. This one and 1 Trillion Dollar$ by Anti-Flag (featured in a previous, much older post). I hate money, and I hate what it does to us. People are gunned down every day just for the couple bucks that they may or may not have on them. People go homeless because they can't afford to stay in a house or apartment. What happened to humanity? There are no records that the cavemen had any form of economy, and they seemed to get along just fine. "Oh well it was a simpler time then, they didn't have the technology that we do now." Oh so this is all because of our fancy sleek machines? No, no it's not. This is because people have to have something in exchange. Nobody does anything out of the kindness of their heart anymore, or to genuinely help their fellow human beings. Not even all these supposed "non-profit charity organizations". It's all corporate bullshit. Someone somewhere in that company is making hundreds of thousands of dollars that they don't fucking need. The only reason we think we need money and all of these nice things is because the whole fucking world is insecure. You, me, your neighbor, President Obama, Congress (and every fucking oil baron in it), even the people you look up to. Whether or not any of us realize it, we're being played, and it's not a very fun game. We get caught in this infinite loop, like playing tag with three-people-no-tagbacks. Just when we think we've spent enough money to feel good about what we have, something better comes out. Then you've got to work more to replace something you just bought, just so that you're not insecure about having last weeks model. All of us just need to grow the fuck up and get over ourselves.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Party Playlist
So as most of you know I'm organizing a party for this Saturday. Turns out it's kinda hard to invite people without internet. But I always hated the music that the schools play at parties or dances, let's be honest we don't want to listen to the same song mixed 100 different ways for 4 hours, and I figured I can do better with a playlist. It's got 69 songs (not on purpose) and they're all pretty high energy. Here we go.
19-2000 (Soulchild Remix) by Gorillaz
Airplanes by B.O.B. feat. Hayley Williams of Paramore
The Anthem by Good Charlotte
As You're Falling Down by Escape The Fate
Behind Closed Doors by Rise Against
Blitzkrieg Boom by Deathstars
Burn It To The Ground by Nickelback
The Catalyst by Linkin Park
Chicks Dig Giant Robots by Deathwish iX
Come Out And Play by The Offspring
Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy
Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low
Dirty Little Secret by The All-American Rejects
Valley of The Damned by Dragonforce
Without Me by Eminem
Fade Out/In by Paloalto
Faint by Linkin Park
Fake It by Seether
Die For Metal by Manowar
Girls Not Grey by AFI
Good Girls Bad Guys by Falling In Reverse
Gorgeous Nightmare by Escape The Fate
Handlebars by The Flobots
Hear Me Now by Hollywood Undead
Heartless by The Word Alive
Hello Fascination by Breathe Carolina
Hey by Lil Jon feat. 3OH!3
Issues by Escape The Fate
Jack Sparrow by The Lonely Island
JiggaFaintCrush by Jay-Z
Kickstart My Heart by Motley Crue
Kill The Rock by Mindless Self Indulgence
Let Me Hear You Scream by Ozzy
Lights Out by Mindless Self Indulgence
Living After Midnight by Judas Priest
Just Lose It by Eminem
Lost Woods (Ephixa Dubstep)
Love The Way You Lie by A Skylit Drive
Master Exploder by Tenacious D
The Middle by Jimmy Eat World
Monster by Skillet
My Darkest Hour by Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Never Wanted To Dance by Mindless Self Indulgence
Numb/Encore by Jay-z
The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At The Disco
Points of Authority/99 Problems/ One Step Closer by Jay-z
Porn Star Dancing by My Darkest Days
The Pretender by Foo Fighters
A Really Cool Dance Song by Bowling For Soup
Rock And Roll All Night by Kiss
Scotty Doesn't Know by Lustra
Shut Me Up by Mindless Self Indulgence
Situations by Escape The Fate
Song 2 by Blur
Stacy's Mom by Fountains of Wayne
Straight To Video by Mindless Self Indulgence
Summer of 69 by Bowling For Soup
Superman by Goldfinger
Technologic by Daft Punk
Till I Collapse by Eminem
I don't feel like typing out the rest right now, but that's a majority of the music isn't it? So deal with it
19-2000 (Soulchild Remix) by Gorillaz
Airplanes by B.O.B. feat. Hayley Williams of Paramore
The Anthem by Good Charlotte
As You're Falling Down by Escape The Fate
Behind Closed Doors by Rise Against
Blitzkrieg Boom by Deathstars
Burn It To The Ground by Nickelback
The Catalyst by Linkin Park
Chicks Dig Giant Robots by Deathwish iX
Come Out And Play by The Offspring
Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy
Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low
Dirty Little Secret by The All-American Rejects
Valley of The Damned by Dragonforce
Without Me by Eminem
Fade Out/In by Paloalto
Faint by Linkin Park
Fake It by Seether
Die For Metal by Manowar
Girls Not Grey by AFI
Good Girls Bad Guys by Falling In Reverse
Gorgeous Nightmare by Escape The Fate
Handlebars by The Flobots
Hear Me Now by Hollywood Undead
Heartless by The Word Alive
Hello Fascination by Breathe Carolina
Hey by Lil Jon feat. 3OH!3
Issues by Escape The Fate
Jack Sparrow by The Lonely Island
JiggaFaintCrush by Jay-Z
Kickstart My Heart by Motley Crue
Kill The Rock by Mindless Self Indulgence
Let Me Hear You Scream by Ozzy
Lights Out by Mindless Self Indulgence
Living After Midnight by Judas Priest
Just Lose It by Eminem
Lost Woods (Ephixa Dubstep)
Love The Way You Lie by A Skylit Drive
Master Exploder by Tenacious D
The Middle by Jimmy Eat World
Monster by Skillet
My Darkest Hour by Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Never Wanted To Dance by Mindless Self Indulgence
Numb/Encore by Jay-z
The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At The Disco
Points of Authority/99 Problems/ One Step Closer by Jay-z
Porn Star Dancing by My Darkest Days
The Pretender by Foo Fighters
A Really Cool Dance Song by Bowling For Soup
Rock And Roll All Night by Kiss
Scotty Doesn't Know by Lustra
Shut Me Up by Mindless Self Indulgence
Situations by Escape The Fate
Song 2 by Blur
Stacy's Mom by Fountains of Wayne
Straight To Video by Mindless Self Indulgence
Summer of 69 by Bowling For Soup
Superman by Goldfinger
Technologic by Daft Punk
Till I Collapse by Eminem
I don't feel like typing out the rest right now, but that's a majority of the music isn't it? So deal with it
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
You Had Me At Hello
So is anybody else really not into Bloggers new dashboard layout? It's all white and not very colourful, but whatever. The Song of The Day is You Had Me At Hello by A Day To Remember. It's been three weeks since Rocket and I last saw eachother, and nearly each minute has been spent trying to think of what we could do each weekend. But none of that ever happened, so this weekend has to be killer. Not killer as in murderer, but killer as in totally fucking righteous! The Poor Man's Prom planning is going well, Rocket wants it to be a masquerade, which normally I wouldn't protest to, but it's so little time and people might be discouraged to come if they don't have a mask. So I'm thinking we should just nix that idea and go straight forward with the previous plan; a semi-formal come as you are kind of thing that people don't wear masks at. None of this, aside from the 3 weeks thing, has anything to do with my song of the day. It is what it is because I miss Rocket. Sure we talk on the phone nearly every night, and we've got this weekend, but it isn't enough time. We need more together. It's like I spend most of my day just counting down to when I can call her or when she calls me. Maybe a better song would be Where'd You Go by Fort Minor, but that one turns angry towards the end and I'm not mad at her. If I'm mad at anyone it's myself. I caused all of this. The missing time is all my fault. If I hadn't gotten myself expelled then we'd still see eachother every day and the weekends, but I'm an idiot. I did something because the plan called for it to happen, and I paid for it.
A message to all of you Readers that are still in school; Don't ever do anything to get expelled. It kills certain parts of you, makes you realize just how weak you are and just how much you have to lose.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
A message to all of you Readers that are still in school; Don't ever do anything to get expelled. It kills certain parts of you, makes you realize just how weak you are and just how much you have to lose.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Monday, April 23, 2012
Kick Monday (In The Nutsack)
The Song of The Day is Kick Monday (In The Nutsack)by Watsky & Mody ft.Wax . Because that is exactly what I intend to do. So the weekend was great, I almost died a couple times, three exactly, got beaten down with my own cross, got 12 new books, currently reading 4 of them. Un Lun Dun is pretty cool so far, granted I'm only on page 32. Rocket and I are planning our "Poor Man's Prom", I was going to take her to the real one but I kinda got expelled and that tends to fuck with my participating in school events. So we're planning our own. We're having it at my place, but not really inside my house. Aside from the kitchen and bathrooms, the entire house will be cut off from everybody but my inner circle of friends (Rocket, Savvy, Bass Man, The Trojan, and my sister Mix. Not that she's invited, she just has to stay home to watch the baby while the party is going on.). I think it's gonna go great! I've got the layout planned, everybody should bring a party dish (by dish I mean a plate of food or something like that for all to share, not an actual dish like a bowl or plate or something like that.). Then Rocket had the idea for Karaoke, and I realized that I can totally hook that up. I have a program on my computer that removes the words from any audio file I choose, but it deletes the original. Doesn't matter cuz I can just make two copies of the song before I edit the original one. Anyway, we're going to hook up my audio board to my amp, plug in whatever I have the karaoke files saved on to the audio board, then plug in a mic and let it play out. That with everything else I have planned for it will be pretty cool.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Friday, April 20, 2012
A Really Cool Dance Song
The Song of The Day is A Really Cool Dance Song by Bowling For Soup. Just look it up, I don't have time to explain why right now.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Current Tracks
So, I didn't really have any defining moments in my day that registered on a musical level. But here's my playlist for the day!
Out of Time by A Day To Remember
It's Complicated by A Day To Remember
It's Not Over by Secondhand Serenade
Hero by Skillet
Follow Me by Uncle Kraker (spelled right? I don't give a fuck)
Fuck You by Ceelo Green
Apologize by Silverstein (none of that Onerepublic bullshit)
S.E.X. by Nickelback
That's what I've listened to today. What's your Wednesday Playlist of The Day Readers?
Out of Time by A Day To Remember
It's Complicated by A Day To Remember
It's Not Over by Secondhand Serenade
Hero by Skillet
Follow Me by Uncle Kraker (spelled right? I don't give a fuck)
Fuck You by Ceelo Green
Apologize by Silverstein (none of that Onerepublic bullshit)
S.E.X. by Nickelback
That's what I've listened to today. What's your Wednesday Playlist of The Day Readers?
A Day To Remember,
Secondhand Serenade,
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Darkness Within (Acoustic)
So, as many of you know already, I'm a lyricist. That means that I write song lyrics with the intention of producing music with them or selling them for profit. Now I'm sure right now a lot of you are thinking "That sounds like the easiest shit ever! I'm gonna go out and write a hit song right now!", if only it was that simple. The Song of The Day is Darkness Within (Acoustic) by Machine Head. It's about music. I'm using this to tell you that it's not easy writing good lyrics, it's especially harder to sell them. You need to have inspiration, a story, a strong beat in your head while you write, luck, and I've been told that hallucinogenic drugs can help a bit too (not that I'd know anything about that.). Overall, it's like a minigame in Life. Not the HASBRO board game, but the metaphor of comparing life to some suck ass game where the general public has literally no hope of ever making it to the last godsdamned square. Fucking rich folk and g-men have all the cards with the matching color-squares (10 points for candyland reference! Somebody should pay me for all this advertising. lolz.). I've probably gone through at least 20 different versions before I submit my best work for criticizing from my friends. And they can be pretty harsh sometimes. But I never give up on a set of lyrics or a song. Even if I'm just working with 2 chords and a single verse, I'll keep going till I'm happy with it, and that's what matters. You don't do this because it's some get-rich-quick plan, you do it because you want to. It's just like writing poetry, only with music behind it and it doesn't take 6 fucking hours in a smokey coffee house to listen to ONE GODSDAMNED STORY (ALL CAPS RAGE ON YOU FUCKING SLOW ASS POETS! LEARN TO SPEAK NORMAL SPEEDS!). I'm just putting the final touches on Rocket's song right now as I copy it into my official songbook. Only my best work goes in the song book. The rest gets incinerated along with any original copies.
I also write music to tell my stories, or to let out all of this pent up rage that builds from my environment. Somebody pisses me off beyond the point of no return, I don't murder them and their entire family out of revenge (although sometimes I wish I had), I write a song. When I have something to say that I couldn't say in a regular conversation, I sing it out in a song. I'm not saying it's for everybody, I'm just saying music has power. Whether it's the music in your ipod, or the music in you.
So Readers, if any of you will answer the fucking question this time, what's your song of the day?
I also write music to tell my stories, or to let out all of this pent up rage that builds from my environment. Somebody pisses me off beyond the point of no return, I don't murder them and their entire family out of revenge (although sometimes I wish I had), I write a song. When I have something to say that I couldn't say in a regular conversation, I sing it out in a song. I'm not saying it's for everybody, I'm just saying music has power. Whether it's the music in your ipod, or the music in you.
So Readers, if any of you will answer the fucking question this time, what's your song of the day?
Monday, April 16, 2012
We went by the High School today to get my transcripts so I could register for summer school and for school next year. Rocket, Savvy, and The Other walked by our car, so I rolled down my window and her and I talked. Seeing her absolutely made my day, but having to leave killed me. I whispered the song Darkness Within by Machine Head all the way home through gritted teeth. Beating the shit out of myself mentally for making it to where we have so little time together. I really don't think anybody could hate me more than I do at any point in my life. But I'm trying to be positive again. The Song of The Day is Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls. I know, it's a soft-rock ballad. But it's good, and the very first line says something that I really feel.
Mother and The Stepfather forgot to pay the internet bill, so we have internet at my house anymore. So I'm at the library. I didn't read anything about there being a time limit to how long I can be on a computer, so I'll probably be here a while. Not on this page though, I'm just putting up my post for the day then getting the hell out of here.
Do me a favor, spread the word about my site. Like us on Facebook and all that neat stuff (yes, I just said NEAT. Suck it.), and don't forget to answer the timeless question;
What's your song of the day?
Mother and The Stepfather forgot to pay the internet bill, so we have internet at my house anymore. So I'm at the library. I didn't read anything about there being a time limit to how long I can be on a computer, so I'll probably be here a while. Not on this page though, I'm just putting up my post for the day then getting the hell out of here.
Do me a favor, spread the word about my site. Like us on Facebook and all that neat stuff (yes, I just said NEAT. Suck it.), and don't forget to answer the timeless question;
What's your song of the day?
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Two Weeks
Ignore the sadness behind the song, and the rage, and the depression, then realize what I'm going to say is true. The Song of The Day is Two Weeks by All That Remains. Not because I'm having more relationship issues, not because I'm dead (as the music video suggests), but because a lot can change in two weeks. Two weeks ago I was a depressed, sad, emo-ish, angry dude. Now I'm chill, content, positive, and ready to take on what the universe has in store for me next. What's changed in your lives over the past two weeks readers? Things going for the better or worse? Two weeks was enough time for me to figure out what was wrong with me, and to learn how to fix it, see if you can do the same if you're going through some trouble. Don't be so stubborn as to believe that it's the rest of the world that needs to change, change your damn self first.
Readers, what's your song of the day? Always looking for new music, so post in the comments section below.
Readers, what's your song of the day? Always looking for new music, so post in the comments section below.
When do you reach the point where you decide to tell the world to fuck off because you're having a good time? When you're zoned out to a song on the radio? When you're baked out of your mind? Exploring with friends? Or just sitting around, hanging out and watching anime at 1 in the morning? I don't know exactly when I reached this point, but "fuck tomorrow I just wanna jump." Not off a building or anything suicidal like that, just jump. Like on a trampoline or some shit. So the Song of The Day (for April 14, cuz it's technically the 15 right now) is Jump by Simple Plan. I was going to go with the Van Halen song of the same name, but I already had Simple Plan on file and I'm a lazy bastard so suck it up and read on. I don't really know all the lyrics to the song, but the chorus gets straight to the damn point. "FUCK TOMORROW", I've decided to try making as few plans as possible for the future, and just go along with what happens. Still going to try to call Rocket everyday, still going to make plans with friends and shit, but all future plans? Any hopes of wasting life away at something that shall never be achieved through anything but luck? Fuck it. Let's everyone just go along with whatever comes. So, yeah. I thought I had more to say (once again), but I lost it somewhere in the depths of my mind.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Friday, April 13, 2012
Welcome To My Life
WHOA. I'm back, and a lot has changed since my extended absence. Blogger got a new look, the Facebook Timeline became mandatory, Rocket and I almost broke up (but we didn't), and I'm not depressed anymore. Yeah, you read that last part right. From now on I shall try to be only a positive thinker. "But Virus, why is your Song of The Day something depressing then?" Shut-up, be patient. I'm getting to that.
The Song of The Day is Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan. Because for the last week, aside from 2 days ago, that song fit perfectly into everything that I was feeling. I'm pretty sure that if I didn't have my Mother on my side and helping me work shit out, I would've punched a hole through my wall and broken both my hands. Just sayin'.
Anyway, I'm back, shit's changed for the better, and I want to world to know that I love Rocket. Not that any of you know who that is. Okay, some of you know who that is, but only if you know me. Which I can guarantee that most of my readers do. Oh well.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
The Song of The Day is Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan. Because for the last week, aside from 2 days ago, that song fit perfectly into everything that I was feeling. I'm pretty sure that if I didn't have my Mother on my side and helping me work shit out, I would've punched a hole through my wall and broken both my hands. Just sayin'.
Anyway, I'm back, shit's changed for the better, and I want to world to know that I love Rocket. Not that any of you know who that is. Okay, some of you know who that is, but only if you know me. Which I can guarantee that most of my readers do. Oh well.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
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