Who's ready for a tale of happiness and wonder? Of fate and love? Of Birds, bees, and all that other happy crap? Well you're kind of in the wrong place. I'll bet if you would scroll up and hit that "Next blog" button you'd be on your way to finding it though! I'm kidding please don't leave! I need to views... (apparently I'm ineligible for the whole "make money off your blog" thing because I don't get enough views. So seriously, stay. PLEASE.) Anyway, I had some fun with a tracer program and a Slowpoke Virus today, and one of Rocket's 2 evil exes. The one that supposedly messed with us last Christmas. Has a hell of a time sense that one. I can't wait to dissect his brain and find out how he knows just when to launch another attack.
I was so angry this morning, so ready to just go off and blow some shit up. So The Song of The Day is Blitzkrieg Boom by Death Stars! Such an original name -_-' anyway, this is a song for when you want to kill something peacefully.
Get Infected

- Virus
- I am but a conduit for the verbal and musical expressions that the universe chooses to channel through my mind and soul.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Fuck You
This weekend is just overall a shitty weekend. Mother has been a bitch for the last week and a half, Rockets grandparents suck (more on that further down the page.), and Belle throws a fit at the slightest thing. Go ahead, walk into my house, say her name, and see if she doesn't throw a fucking fit. Then I shoot you for walking into my house. I don't know you people, you could be serial rapists for all I know.
So, on to the issue I now have with Rocket's Grandparents. When she first told me her family hates her, I thought she was just overreacting. Teenage family drama like we all have. I should've believed her. Whenever I went over and they argued I always tried to listen to both sides, hear out her grandparents and they go try to comfort her. She kept pressing that they only do things because they hate her and want her miserable. I always countered that they were just old fashioned and don't want us too close. Then I learned a little backstory and realized that they have no place at all to criticize us on being too close when we've known eachother for almost a year now. Not my story to tell though. Anyway, she gets punished and screamed at because HER BROTHER sits on the computer all day and doesn't do his chores. Somehow that makes it okay for them to punish her and not let her do anything while he goes completely unpunished. I've spent all day at that house quite a few times, I've seen it. Rocket and I have done work that he was supposed to do. What does he do all day? He sits on the computer playing Minecraft and looking up gay porn with a MLP fetish. He at least has the courtesy to wear headphones, fuck him anyways. Look, I tried not to hate the kid. I tried to get along with him, but him stalking me and trying to get me alone and away from Rocket has tried my patience for a while and today is the day I decide that the next time he touches me I 'm going to break one of his fingers. Then the next time he gets Rocket in trouble, I'm going to cut one off. Sounds like a good plan to me. So then Mother and Stepfather tried telling me it's the "Boot Camp Mindset" where if one person messes up, EVERYONE gets punished. But not EVERYONE is being punished. The only one being punished in any way is Rocket. "Well you don't know that", well fuck you very much person whose opinion doesn't matter, why don't you go read something else and get the fuck off my page. It's never right for somebody who did nothing wrong to receive all the punishment while the person who committed the offense gets off clean, but hey this is America isn't it? Just another part of American life, you hear about it every day.
The point is, Rocket calls me tonight, crying. Saying that she got yelled at and she can only talk for 5 minutes, when I ask why and what happened, I learn that it's because her brother didn't do his chores, again. The same reason she got in trouble last time. Because of her completely fucktarded younger brother, and her horrible grandparents. Anybody that thinks that it's right that she's being punished can get the fuck off my page now, do not leave a comment, do not collect likes, get directly the fuck out. The Song of The Day is Fuck You by Sleeping With Sirens, yes it's a cover of the Ceelo Green song. Go ahead, complain.
And for those of you in my family that don't understand how I can be so angry, it's because this is how things are. I will not be censored. I will not calm down. The world will either bow or keep fueling my anger, and judging by how things are going right now I genuinely think it's going to continue to be the second of those options. You can either deal with it, or get the fuck out of my way. Because when I start my war, anyone that gets in front of my way is an obstacle, and obstacles will be eliminated in one way or another.
I'm at my breaking point with how this month's been going bitches and pricks, so let's hear from the audience. WHAT'S YOUR SONG OF THE DAY FUCKERS? Comment with song title and artist, and then fuck off.
So, on to the issue I now have with Rocket's Grandparents. When she first told me her family hates her, I thought she was just overreacting. Teenage family drama like we all have. I should've believed her. Whenever I went over and they argued I always tried to listen to both sides, hear out her grandparents and they go try to comfort her. She kept pressing that they only do things because they hate her and want her miserable. I always countered that they were just old fashioned and don't want us too close. Then I learned a little backstory and realized that they have no place at all to criticize us on being too close when we've known eachother for almost a year now. Not my story to tell though. Anyway, she gets punished and screamed at because HER BROTHER sits on the computer all day and doesn't do his chores. Somehow that makes it okay for them to punish her and not let her do anything while he goes completely unpunished. I've spent all day at that house quite a few times, I've seen it. Rocket and I have done work that he was supposed to do. What does he do all day? He sits on the computer playing Minecraft and looking up gay porn with a MLP fetish. He at least has the courtesy to wear headphones, fuck him anyways. Look, I tried not to hate the kid. I tried to get along with him, but him stalking me and trying to get me alone and away from Rocket has tried my patience for a while and today is the day I decide that the next time he touches me I 'm going to break one of his fingers. Then the next time he gets Rocket in trouble, I'm going to cut one off. Sounds like a good plan to me. So then Mother and Stepfather tried telling me it's the "Boot Camp Mindset" where if one person messes up, EVERYONE gets punished. But not EVERYONE is being punished. The only one being punished in any way is Rocket. "Well you don't know that", well fuck you very much person whose opinion doesn't matter, why don't you go read something else and get the fuck off my page. It's never right for somebody who did nothing wrong to receive all the punishment while the person who committed the offense gets off clean, but hey this is America isn't it? Just another part of American life, you hear about it every day.
The point is, Rocket calls me tonight, crying. Saying that she got yelled at and she can only talk for 5 minutes, when I ask why and what happened, I learn that it's because her brother didn't do his chores, again. The same reason she got in trouble last time. Because of her completely fucktarded younger brother, and her horrible grandparents. Anybody that thinks that it's right that she's being punished can get the fuck off my page now, do not leave a comment, do not collect likes, get directly the fuck out. The Song of The Day is Fuck You by Sleeping With Sirens, yes it's a cover of the Ceelo Green song. Go ahead, complain.
And for those of you in my family that don't understand how I can be so angry, it's because this is how things are. I will not be censored. I will not calm down. The world will either bow or keep fueling my anger, and judging by how things are going right now I genuinely think it's going to continue to be the second of those options. You can either deal with it, or get the fuck out of my way. Because when I start my war, anyone that gets in front of my way is an obstacle, and obstacles will be eliminated in one way or another.
I'm at my breaking point with how this month's been going bitches and pricks, so let's hear from the audience. WHAT'S YOUR SONG OF THE DAY FUCKERS? Comment with song title and artist, and then fuck off.
Ceelo Green,
rap/hip hop,
Sleeping With Sirens
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Fuck You
So before somebody goes off thinking that this is in direct implication of relationship issues let tell you that it's not. Even thought that's the entirety of what the song is about. The Song of The Day is Fuck You by Ceelo Green. Just a general message to everyone today, except my Grandparents, aunts/uncles, Rocket, Victor, The Girl, Dmitri, and my dog. FUCK YOU. I feel a little bit better :) Seriously though, people have got me pissed off today. I don't know what it is, could be that I woke up with a spider-bite on my neck and I've had trouble breathing all day, could be that my dog ate my last pair of clean socks, but everyone (except the previously mentioned people) just needs to leave me the fuck alone. LEST YE SUFFER THE WRATH OF VIRUS!!!
So what's your song of the day Readers?
So what's your song of the day Readers?
Friday, July 20, 2012
The Self Esteem Playlist
Before you laugh at the title and idea it imposes upon your mind, shut up. My Mother posted the idea on her blog and she got it off some site I've never heard of. So here's the idea. You get a list of songs that don't necessarily make your mood better, but make you feel better about yourself. As a person. I can't say as a human being because who knows what the hell some of you people reading this are (go ahead, call me racist for saying that. It's a phrase you're going to run into a lot in your life and if saying it makes me racist then fuck you very much). Any martians out there? So I've been thinking, and so far my list is just made up of a bunch of emo songs. I guess it helps to know that somebodies life sucks worse than yours huh?
Anyway, you Readers should try this. I'll post mine when it's done. Until then, the Song of The Day is Move by Thousand Foot Krutch. Just to keep those of you satisfied. I had better not be your only source for finding new music though, otherwise I shall be strictly disappointed in you.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Anyway, you Readers should try this. I'll post mine when it's done. Until then, the Song of The Day is Move by Thousand Foot Krutch. Just to keep those of you satisfied. I had better not be your only source for finding new music though, otherwise I shall be strictly disappointed in you.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Friday, July 13, 2012
Orphan Tears
I feel off today. Like I could be tripping Orphan Tears. No I'm not hallucinating or anything like that. The Song of The Day is Orphan Tears by Your Favorite Martian. Yep
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Ass Back Home
I never want a job that makes me travel. And if it does, then my family should be able to come with. The Song of The Day is Ass Back Home by Gym Class Heroes.
What's your song of the day?
Don't forget to hit that nice little "follow" button on the screen. Thanks.
What's your song of the day?
Don't forget to hit that nice little "follow" button on the screen. Thanks.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Kick Out The Jams
So, I don't think I've mentioned how much I love doing collaborative writing, but I fucking love it. You got your brain and a good friend or a couple other partners working on a song and it just turns out beautifully. I've done this a couple times and now I'm doing it again. Working with Savvy (of Euphonious) again, and The Girl (from older posts in Florida). The Girl provided the scrap lyrics from some poem she wrote a couple years ago but never finished, and I talked Savvy into helping me out because my chorus needs a little work and I need some ideas for the break. Going to try to get Rocket in on this, but her and Savvy had a falling out and I don't know if they could work together. I kinda feel bad going to Savvy first, but she's had more experience in writing lyrics. Rocket has written one set that I know of, and even though it was freaking cool she just doesn't have the experience yet. Maybe that's all the more reason to bring her in. So she can learn more about what I love to do, that could help with our issues right? I mean, learning more about eachother is rarely a bad thing (I totally just put a jinx on myself or something didn't I? Fuck...). I know that I want both her and Savvy on the recording of it. All the while I have to report back to The Girl on the production of it since it did start with her original work. I plan on putting on the demo I'm trying to produce if it works out. So the Song of The Day is Kick Out The Jams by Rage Against The Machine. Even though it's mainly about sex, it's also about music. So fuck off.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Monday, July 9, 2012
The Middle
Things get better. That's how the world works. When it's at it's worst a lightning storm begins to lose charge. A tornado starts to deteriorate. Things start to get better. So yeah. Song of The Day is The Middle by Jimmy Eat World. Don't know if I've used that this year or not, but fuck it.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
It's Not Over
Today's song has almost nothing to do with today, and it's one of those songs that makes me happy to sing even though it shouldn't. I owe The Girl and her kickass brother for showing me this band as well. The Song of The Day is It's Not Over by Secondhand Serenade. So it really relates to my day in no way at all. Other than the title, because it's not over. Sure we got into a fight, I was being stupid, and sure things are different for Rocket and I than they used to be, again my fault, but that doesn't mean that every argument we get into is going to be our last. Because there isn't going to be a last argument for us, we'll always be arguing (lolz). Joking, we don't actually have a lot of big arguments, but when we do it's usually explosive and we both end up saying things we wish we didn't (me more than her, I'll guarantee that). We went to a party for a friend, had an amazing time, there was blood. I've noticed a cycle though, for every good day I have, a week of misery follows. But for every week of misery, there is an amazing day. So I don't really know how to deal with it.
So Readers, what's your song of the day? (Song title and artist in the comment box below, if not.... I really can't do anything to you)
So Readers, what's your song of the day? (Song title and artist in the comment box below, if not.... I really can't do anything to you)
Saturday, July 7, 2012
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)
I know where I want to be in the future. I want to be with Rocket. 2 years from now, 10 years. 20. 30. 40. 50345315986598069906. The number doesn't matter, the point is that I want to be with her. And I'm an idiot. I ruin things, it's what I do. Marriages, friendships, families, songs. I ruin things. But now it's serious. I may have ruined the single greatest thing to happen to me ever.
Those of you that really know me know that I have a bit of a temper. And when I lose that temper, hell breaks loose. This was different. I was holding it in, but letting things slip intentionally. I hate myself for it, I didn't know I could be that mean. I was mad at her, but then I wasn't. I'm mad at myself for this, because this is what happens (This is why I can't have nice things! sorry, false humor keeps me from completely breaking down). I've had a couple times where the difference between knowing and not knowing could have saved me a lot of trouble, and probably a couple friends (Like if I knew that kid was Jewish I probably wouldn't've made the Hitler joke at that party). So I have this thing about not knowing stuff, especially when people bring it up and then refuse to speak of it. It defeats the purpose, why say something about it if you're not going to elaborate? Maybe I am just a total idiot who's going to end up ruining his life because of some information, and if I do then it's all on my paranoia and I'll probably lose my mind because of the guilt and end up dead in a gutter like Old Edgar. (Poe. Cuz they found him dead drunk in a ditch. Get it?)
Family and friends, I'm done giving a fuck what you think (Unless you're my grandmother and grandfather, in that case I fear you like the Gods themselves, but please back off on me for this one. I don't mean to be rude, but please) I'm in love with Rocket, and if I could tell you her real name then I would. But this is the internet and I'm not about to release somebody else's name and/or information. If you people only knew the amount of pain it inflicts upon my soul hearing her cry or sound any sort of sad. Or how I was worried last night when her property and home were almost ablaze. Or how horrible I feel for getting expelled and getting us all in trouble. All because I'm an idiot, and I ruin things. So what's there left to do but try to explain (if she'll let me. My dog seems to think she'll forgive me. Or maybe Blue is just scratching at her fleas..), and pray to the Gods that we can work out everything that's been going on. Wish me luck Readers. And Rocket, if you're reading this one, I'm sorry and I'm going to prove it tomorrow if you'll still come out to see me. Whatever it takes, remember?
Readers, the Song of The Day is I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers. What's yours?
Those of you that really know me know that I have a bit of a temper. And when I lose that temper, hell breaks loose. This was different. I was holding it in, but letting things slip intentionally. I hate myself for it, I didn't know I could be that mean. I was mad at her, but then I wasn't. I'm mad at myself for this, because this is what happens (This is why I can't have nice things! sorry, false humor keeps me from completely breaking down). I've had a couple times where the difference between knowing and not knowing could have saved me a lot of trouble, and probably a couple friends (Like if I knew that kid was Jewish I probably wouldn't've made the Hitler joke at that party). So I have this thing about not knowing stuff, especially when people bring it up and then refuse to speak of it. It defeats the purpose, why say something about it if you're not going to elaborate? Maybe I am just a total idiot who's going to end up ruining his life because of some information, and if I do then it's all on my paranoia and I'll probably lose my mind because of the guilt and end up dead in a gutter like Old Edgar. (Poe. Cuz they found him dead drunk in a ditch. Get it?)
Family and friends, I'm done giving a fuck what you think (Unless you're my grandmother and grandfather, in that case I fear you like the Gods themselves, but please back off on me for this one. I don't mean to be rude, but please) I'm in love with Rocket, and if I could tell you her real name then I would. But this is the internet and I'm not about to release somebody else's name and/or information. If you people only knew the amount of pain it inflicts upon my soul hearing her cry or sound any sort of sad. Or how I was worried last night when her property and home were almost ablaze. Or how horrible I feel for getting expelled and getting us all in trouble. All because I'm an idiot, and I ruin things. So what's there left to do but try to explain (if she'll let me. My dog seems to think she'll forgive me. Or maybe Blue is just scratching at her fleas..), and pray to the Gods that we can work out everything that's been going on. Wish me luck Readers. And Rocket, if you're reading this one, I'm sorry and I'm going to prove it tomorrow if you'll still come out to see me. Whatever it takes, remember?
Readers, the Song of The Day is I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers. What's yours?
Friday, July 6, 2012
We Didn't Start The Fire
So I'm taking this Sociology class over the summer, and it's pretty badass. We had a couple music assignments lately so I figured I'd go a little old school on the chick and pull out some Billy Joel. As a warning; I just got done watching the first two seasons of Archer, so forgive me on my phrasing tonight. Anyway, I used today's Song of The Day in my assignment, which is literally the only reason it's the SOTD for today, although I'm sure if I went into it I could find some deep meaning as to how this song directly relates to my life today and all that shit I'm supposed to do. But rape that. The Song of The Day is We Didn't Start The Fire by Billy Joel. Love it or gtfo.
As a side note, rape jokes are never funny. Unless your talking about superman and batman. Then it's only funny because you just gave hundreds of uber-nerds nightmares for a month. (take that! Piss me off enough today, this is my revenge!!!)
Readers, what's your song of the day?
As a side note, rape jokes are never funny. Unless your talking about superman and batman. Then it's only funny because you just gave hundreds of uber-nerds nightmares for a month. (take that! Piss me off enough today, this is my revenge!!!)
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
The Night
Motherfucker I dare you to sleep tonight. The Song of The Day is The Night by Disturbed.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Canadian Idiot
In honor of Canada Day the Song of The Day is Canadian Idiot by Weird Al. Since there's not really a story for today, just the usual shit going wrong and finding out that I really don't know anything about anyone. It's fun to watch somebody's lies fall out from under them. Especially over extremely trivial things. Things that you really don't need to lie about. I know you'll read this, and I know you'll know it's for you. So just come out and confess that way I don't have to cite my sources.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
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