Here. For now. I've set up a new email account and rather than try and go through this Google sites ridiculous settings to try and figure out how to transfer control of this page over to my new email, I'm just going to start over. I'll make the first post on the new Song of The Day blog a link to this old page, and probably include the link in a couple posts after that. Most likely until I get everything transferred over to my new email address. So you want some songs? Here's a little farewell playlist that will be entirely off the top of my head (which means it'll pretty much be the last ten songs I listened to before coming to the library.)
Ridiculous by Bowling For Soup
Paralyzed by The Used
Dark Blue by Jack's Mannequin
Devils Dance Floor by Flogging Molly
Two Weeks by All That Remains
Bleed It Out by Linkin Park
See you soon! Hopefully.