Get Infected

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I am but a conduit for the verbal and musical expressions that the universe chooses to channel through my mind and soul.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sappy Sad Songs Said Several times Speedily

So I had a list of songs that I was going through to try and find one that described how I'm feeling today, but they're all sappy sad songs. So screw that. I'm gonna think of a fast paced song for the day!
So my father and I are having a discussion over facebook about how Superman makes Aquaman (and pretty much every other member of the Justice League/Superfriends) useless. I mean, he doesn't need to breathe (constant periods in outerspace, even inside the sun) so he can stay underwater forever. His strength and speed would allow him to manipulate the water just as well as Aquaman (aside from shaping it into solid weapons, which Superman doesn't need anyway, cuz he's indestructible)
I don't have time to finish this right now, but my point is that Superman makes the Justice League useless.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Living In A Dream

Ever have the person you can only see in your dreams? And I don't mean that ideal human being you fantasize about meeting one day, I mean a real person that's just so far away that you can't see them, so you see them in your dreams. Rocket is the girl I can only see in my dreams right now, but that's gonna change soon. Until then though I'm just stuck in this fantasy world where we got away. The Song of The Day is Living In A Dream by Finger Eleven. I don't really have the time or privacy to make this a longer post, sorry. 
I'll end with my usual question that never gets answered in the comments section despite my pleading and begging; Readers, what's your Song of The Day?


Friday, December 28, 2012

Blue Christmas

So I know I'm late, but I'll try to post a bunch today, starting with The Christmas Song of The Year (instead of song of the day cuz Christmas only happens once a year and all that stuff). The Christmas Song of The Year for 2012 is Blue Christmas by way-too-many-people-have-done-this-song. I'll let you guys figure out why.
What was your Christmas song?


Monday, December 17, 2012


I did say you'd be seeing a lot of repeats in my song list didn't I? Well, if I post at all that is. This is my first SOTD post in a while and the Song of The Day is Young by Hollywood Undead. My message for you all today is to disregard the idea that age determines intellect. Just because you've been around longer doesn't mean that you're dumb as a rock compared to somebody years younger than you.
As many of you know I am not one that completely agrees with the government. Which is a nice euphemism for saying that I want the new revolution to happen very soon. Corrupt politicians, crooked justice system, those in power treading on the constitution and by proxy tarnishing the memory of our country's founders. Yeah, that's the kind of country I want to live in. No. This needs to change, and it needs to change soon.
On a completely unrelated note that I'll find a way to relate to my hating the government, the world is scheduled to end on Friday! HOORAY! SWEET FUCKING RELEASE! Yeah no. As much as I hate the way the world is, I don't want it to end, I want it to change. I don't care what initiates this worldly change, I don't care what catalyst speeds it along, just let it happen Gods.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
