This is a good song. It's about a guys life after some girl left him. And it's by Fake Problems, and it has a banjo in it, ignoring the fact that this is a ridiculously-close-to-being-country song, it's a good song. 3 minutes and 4 seconds of awesome. When typing up my song of the day posts I usually listen to the song on playback while I'm typing it, but I already know the words to this song. Still listening to it of course, but that's beside the point. This song is awesome because he's obviously trying to send a message about a break-up and how it affected him, but his voice is just so happy in the song, it's hard to believe that it really broke him at all. Song of the Day is Heartless by Fake Problems, a band that is currently touring and last I checked is in Ohio I think (?).
Even though nobody ever answers my question, song and artist along with a brief description of why it is your song of the day with your initials or handle at the end, what is your song of the day readers?
The song was called Heartless, I made a mistake in the title, sorry.