Have you ever had to tell one of your friends that their girlfriend/boyfriend is cheating on them? Have you ever felt that pain, felt responsible for something you had nothing to do with? It sucks. Especially when they're the last to know. Song of the Day is Last To Know by Three Days Grace. How do you tell them and expect your friendship to survive, how do you expect them to survive? He hates his life, and never had much to talk about, until he met her. I'm worried for my friend, but I hate the girl. I have the thought that nobody should be able to get away with hurting my friends, but bound by my family's rules I can't attack a girl. So how do I get her back? How do I "avenge" my friend? Rumors are for the weak with little imagination, all her friends knew she was cheating on him and never said anything, so there's nothing I can do involving them.... Attack the one she was cheating with? Not a good idea, football players tend to hit really hard. I guess there's not much to do but hope he gets over it and realizes she's just another preppy bitch and easily forgotten. I hate high school, it causes this. All the overachievers and jocks find whatever small difference there is in anyone and exploit it, making them seem weirder and weirder to the other students. Eventually those that are thought to be "weird" or different in any way are totally isolated. Psychology and media tells us that they do it just to make themselves feel better, to compensate for what makes them different, but I see no difference in any of them. Perhaps a line from the song From Heads Unworthy by Rise Against fits this a bit better, "except for you and me love, everyones the same". I think that these kids do all this just to be mean. No reason other than that. They aren't compensating for a difference. Do the mentally challenged make fun of us because we're different and they feel the need to compensate for their disability? (I fucking dare you to point out what's wrong with that comparison, I will find you, and destroy you) No they don't. Fuck this, nothing is real, the government did it, aliens, bigfoot. I don't feel like thinking.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Music=Life, Cheaters=Pathetic, Society=Wrong
Making Love Is Easier Done Than Said - This Day Will Tell or Romance Is Dead - Parkway Drive