Get Infected

- Virus
- I am but a conduit for the verbal and musical expressions that the universe chooses to channel through my mind and soul.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Fuck You
I'm continuing the song of the day, and I don't give a fuck about how much any of you bitch about it.
If You Could Only See
Y'know, when you know a lot of the people that read this, it makes it hard to post your actual thoughts. Because they'll read them, and feel that they have to change those thoughts somehow or otherwise dispel them from your mind in some way. So I'm done posting anything remotely true to my day and feelings and overall just give up on this entire project because my mother, father, family, and friends are all just going to bitch and moan about anything I say at this point. Sucks to, cuz I had a hell of a song picked out for tomorrow. But whatever. I couldn't find anything to express how I was feeling today, and I can't remember the lyrics to this song, but it's the first on Pandora today, so fuck off world. The Song of The Day is If You Could Only See by Toxic.
Readers, I quit. Because a majority of you just continue to bitch at me for being an honest and occasionally biased person. And to those people, fuck off.
Whisper To The Clouds
Still looking for my song of the day. No it's not Whisper to The Clouds by The High Court, I just wanted to share a song to keep you all sated while you wait. I know exactly what I'm going to say in my Song Of The Day lecture, rant, spill, gush, speech, whatever you want to call it.
Friday, October 28, 2011
The Song Of The Day is Lee by Tenacious D, only because I've been singing it all day. I'm not sure if I can do this anymore, my Song of The Day I mean. It's getting harder and harder to focus on anything but Rocket, I love her. And my Mother, and The Stepfather, and anybody else who says I should feel otherwise, or questions why, can go fuck off. As a mother that constantly preaches honestly and being a good person, you can't make base assessments of Rocket just based on what she says, and you can't say you trust me when you pull what you did today by giving me more chores than usual just so we can't be together, and then tell me I have to keep my door open when you know my door is ALWAYS CLOSED, and I am angered when it is open.
But whatever, what's your song of the day Readers?
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
One Step Closer
How many of you can honestly say you're a good person? Huh? What like five or six of you yeah? How many, out of the rest of you, try to be a good person? Or at least pretend? Well I'm sick of it. You know how it works. You try to be the nice guy, the good guy, the one always trying to avoid conflict around others, and they just can't let you be. They have to push, and push, and push, until you're ready to fucking break(their necks). But you don't. Whether it be out of sanity, or fear of legal repercussions, the point is that you don't do it. Which is good, but you at least fantasize about it right? I can't be the only one that just wants to put a hole in these fuckers skulls. Actually I had a fantastic day. Spent the hour of "Tiger Time" (our schools version of a free class. Only mandatory if you have low grades.) with Rocket (she is no longer grounded on Saturday! So we can go see the Night Of The Living Dead show! I kinda have to be there for one of the nights, just an emergency stage hand if anything gets totally fucked up.). But that's not all. The people that you hold closest in your mind might be out to destroy you! WATCH THEM. BE PARANOID. They always told me to keep my friends close and my enemies closer, well why not treat everyone as an enemy and keep them all as close as possible? There are few people who I will actually trust that are currently alive in this world; Rocket, my Uncle James, Vic, The Nerd King, and the voice in my head that suspiciously speaks Russian (yeah I don't know.), and there's one more that I'm not exactly sure about.. Anyway, people are just going to keep moving you one step after another towards the proverbial edge. Now I'm not saying that you should give up on all of humanity and kill yourself (unless you're in the habit of pissing me off, then kill yourself.), not actually sure what I'm saying right now. But yeah, people are pissing me off, and I've found that living in ignorance about who people are, what they do, and what they're thinking is much more fun. Because I get to do what I do best and come up with an entire background story for them and why they're such assholes.
New topic! Actually no. I'm bored, tired, and still trying to find somebody to talk to. Rocket needs a cell phone -_-
Song of The Day is One Step Closer by Linkin Park, what's yours?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Dear Maria
So, I'm in the process of learning to make Dreamcatchers. Y'know, those old things your grandparents had hanging in EVERY bedroom. They're meant to trap bad dreams so the sun can destroy them with the dawn. And apparently Rocket has been having nightmares, so for Christmas, I'm making her a dreamcatcher. Because they have more power when made by somebody close to you, and because I'm too poor to go out and buy the really fancy jeweled one that she wanted. Fuck money. Eventually I'll have enough to where I'll just forget that I have it and it won't matter because we'll have everything we ever wanted. Not sure how this relates to my song for today, but whatever. The Song Of The Day is Dear Maria by All Time Low. I really, honestly, have no idea why. The Universe said yes when the song came on my phone, and what am I but a human conduit for the wishes and will of the Universe when it calls upon me. Anyway, dealing with yesterday by buying enough video games and music to last me a year without human contact. Phineas and Ferb: Across The Second Dimension, Uncharted, Skylanders, Battlefield 3, and X-Men:Destinies. And then Tron:Evolution when I have enough credit to buy that back. Yep, I'm doing well. Now if I just had some more string to finish the dreamcatcher...
Readers, what's your song of the day? And what game am I missing off this list?
Monday, October 24, 2011
All Downhill From Here
It's finally done. Today marks the true end of my friendship with The Girl, and I just tossed out the only friendship that I thought would last till.. Well, I just thought it would last. But I said that I was done. It was the most recent conversation (yesterday) that did it. She thought that she didn't matter to me anymore, I guess I showed her how right that was, when it's a lie.
As infants we learn through trial and error. We stick our hand to a hot stove and burn ourselves, we don't do it again. So why did I keep talking to her? If every conversation reminded me of the entire road before it, every mistake and every word I shouldn't've said, every time she hurt me and every time I wanted to make her feel the same pain (guess this works...). Another reason why I'm number one on my list of people to shoot while I'm still alive.
The Song Of The Day is All Downhill From Here by Newfound Glory. "Catalyst, you exist to pull me down. You contradict the fact that you still want me around. And it's all downhill from here.". I suppose it also could've been Addicted by Simple Plan, not for the love song aspect, but because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop texting her. Or wanting to talk to her. It's not love, love is what I feel for Rocket. It was different for The Girl. When I did tell her that I loved her (In Florida, before the incident with Alex. The one name that I don't give a fuck about.), I meant it, and she said that she felt the same way. And not a week later she's going out with Alex. Funny. Her excuse for it (as I understand it) was that she didn't want to get close to me when she was just going to leave. I believe her. Took awhile, but I believe her, not that it matters. Why am I still typing this? Fuck. But back to the infantile logic example. When a person keeps hurting you (on purpose or not), why would you stay around them? So that's why I wanted to end our friendship. Because we would've continued that stupid little cycle of one of us hurting the other again and again. Not only was I sick of being hurt, I don't want to hurt her. So my final "attack" was saying goodbye, which is this. Not 6 hours pass and I'm already regretting it. Too damn proud and logical to go back on it now.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Easier To Run
Mistakes. Everyone makes at least one in their lifetime. Big, small, catastrophic, common. Like how people mispronounce my name. Common mistake, because it's not the American average for the spelling. But when people make fun of my name, big mistake.
Sometimes we want to run from our problems, just so we don't have to face the ending, or consequence. We don't want to face the failure alone, but we don't want to involve our friends and family out of pride or some other bullshit. It's always easier to run. So The Song of The Day is Easier To Run by Linkin Park. Just because it's easier to avoid our problems, doesn't mean it's the best thing to do. I try getting to the center of problems. Like here, I'm not skirting around the topic and trying to give you a peaceful way out. Confrontation is often the only way to get over whatever issue is currently on your mind. I'm not talking physical, unless it's a person or a bully. If it is a bully or some piece of shit like that, you have two options. Either way, the cycle will never end and they will never leave you alone. You can risk life and limb and attempt to defend yourself and your honor by kicking their ass, or you can go tell a teacher or some other adult in your life and let them deal with the situation. In the first one there are two outcomes that will lead to you still being tortured. A) You win, you beat the kid's ass. They continue to pester and push you to fight again, claiming that you cheated or that they "weren't ready". Or they just jump your ass on the way home. B) You lose. They call you a little bitch, and continuously use your loss against you verbally. If you go get a teacher, you basically have an upgraded version of outcome B from the fight situation.
Anyway, don't run from your problems, you'll only make the outcome worse when you finally reach a dead end. No matter what you do in life, you will always end up in some kind of conflict that you don't think you're ready to deal with. But you will anyway, unless you decide to off yourself. Now don't get all pissy over what I'm going to say next, we all think this at some point. But suicide just means you're too pathetic to deal with your problems. You're just running away. And it's a lot easier to put on those running shoes and never stop, but at some point you're going to wish you'd'v tripped on your laces before you started. Or maybe not. My whole afterlife theory is that we lose all consciousness and join with the hive mind of the universe, our minds lost in the screams of a thousand more just like us. Anyway, that's my daily ranting and raving or whatever the fuck you want to call it. I'm out.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Danger Line
I really have no idea why this is my song for today, but it feels right. The Song Of The Day is Danger Line by Avenged Sevenfold off of their Nightmare album. In other, moderately less important news, I set up a facebook page for the Song Of The Day blog, so now you can stalk me from everyones favorite life-ruining website. Here's the web address.
If the link doesn't work, well then you're fucked. Just search it or whatever. It's the one set up as a playlist rather than a page or a group, And if there's no link to this page posted on it, you've got the wrong one. So yeah, hit the like button or whatever. I'll probably post the link a couple more times over the few days.
Anyway Readers, what's your song of the day?
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Fuck The Police
I've never liked cops. With the exception of my uncle, I think all cops are scum and will do whatever it takes to meet their departments quota. Even when I was little, hearing the stories about the police in North Pole. It was a fear then, but fear turned to anger and anger turned to hatred. Now I know one of you worthless trolls out there is going to comment about how you're dad or some other family member that I don't know and don't care about is a cop, and how I should be more respectful. Toss those ideas right now. This one's for you Rocket, The Song of The Day is Fuck The Police by Ice Cube.
In seriousness though, there is something wrong with the universe right now. I've had this feeling since Sunday when I woke up, and nothing has gone quite right since then. And it's not even worst aimed at me. Maybe I should start over, but then again it's not entirely my story to tell. I'll just give bits and leave the rest to imagination.
Rocket, Savvy, Emo-Girl, and I were hanging out by this tree (off school grounds). They were all doing something that they shouldn't, and I was standing there peacefully eating a pop-tart.
Then a Pig pulls up in his trash-mobile. They all got in trouble, and I feel bad. I should've said that the box was mine, and that nobody else was doing anything. I feel like a coward for not doing it. And when the cop called my parents I could've just come up with some more clever lies to keep the others out of trouble. Forces are conspiring against us right now Readers, maybe you're not tuned in as much as I am to feel it, but there's something definitely wrong.
My friend Punk and Emo-Boy almost got caught 3 times just this morning. But what they're all doing isn't totally illegal okay? It's just frowned upon. And no it's nothing inappropriate, so calm the fuck down all you parents and family members that may or may not be reading this. Anyway, fuck the police, and if anything has happened to Rocket in a physical way, there shall be vengeance walking this town with a stride that not even Jesus Christ could slow.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Bleed It Out
Think about killing yourself recently? That's not good. Unless of course you are a/an; Rapist, child molester, wife-beater, child abuser (or Micheal Bay, seriously dude, no movie needs as many explosions as you think they do.) Seriously though, I know I've already preached about how horrible this nation is with tolerating anything that's different on even a remotely molecular scale, and I've already preached about my hate of homophobic assholes. Now, my words alone will make no fucking difference. So I type them here, so you can read them, remember them, and use them in your life sometime so that you don't seem like a hateful asshole (regardless of the fact that we all slip up sometimes). Maybe my constant use of "vulgar and obscene language, mixed with pseudo-intelligent ramblings" (I fucking love haters by the way, keep the hate flowing to me. See if my words change in your favor.) has put you off of reading the rest of this, and if that's the case I pity you for letting that stop you from understanding the actual message of this. The Song Of The Day is Bleed It Out by Linkin Park. This song is about suicide. I dare you to say otherwise. Look up the lyrics. I don't support suicide unless you belong on the list that I stated above. But it's not the ones that want to kill themselves faults, it's the people that drive them to it. Think about every mean thing you've said today, and compare it to all the good you've done. Which side of the scale is farther down? I know I'm a bit of an asshole, and judgmental, and hateful, and prejudiced. But fuck off. This isn't for me, this is to stop others from being hateful. I've been trying though, I've cut back on my outward hate.
anyway, Readers what's your song of the day?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
When I Grow Up
When I grow up I'm going to be a motherfucking rockstar, and fuck you if you say any different. Seriously though, how many of you reading this never got to live your dream? Never got to be famous, be known, have massive orgies with random groupies backstage (not exactly my style, just going through the lyrics and adding my own shit along the way). The Song of The Day is When I Grow Up by Mayday Parade. Yes, another cover. It's from the second volume of Punk Goes Pop. Back to the topic. As a kid you probably wanted to be famous at some point. You also probably wanted to be a superhero strictly because they get to run around in their pajamas all day and night. But yeah, our dreams die as we get older, and only the brave and stupid continue to pursue them. Just call me stupid, but I'm nearly 17 and I still dream about the crowd screaming for me. Of course when I was REALLY little (like 6 or 7) I wanted to be Spiderman, but when I discovered that you can die of spiders poison, the thought of letting an irradiated one bite me kinda destroyed those thoughts (I'm lying of course, I still wouldn't mind being Spiderman.). What about you? Yeah, the one still living in his mothers basement for free taking online college courses and working as a pizza delivery boy at age 32. What happened to your dreams? Did they die around the time you left home after high school and realized "I'm gonna fucking die out here"? Maybe you just didn't try hard enough. Go watch Mr. Deeds. That part at the end where they're all in the little courtroom talking about what they wanted to be when they grew up. Good movie anyway, but that part in specific, and because the Monopoly Man makes me laugh. Anyway, I can't remember where I was in this post and I don't feel like reading what I already typed just so I can repeat myself again.
So Readers, what's your song of the day?
Monday, October 10, 2011
Ever want to watch somebody die? Not kill them, just watch them die. Well, here we go with my story. Idiot football player that can't tell Napoleon Bonaparte from Napoleon Dynamite in my History class, and all he can do is complain and say stupid things. I want to watch him choke on his own blood as it fills his lungs. And then drop him off a cliff. Then find the body, cut off his head, drive a stake through his heart to make sure he doesn't get back up. Seriously, there's stupid, and then there's that guy. I need somebody to cut out his tongue before I stab him in the leg. Anyway, the song of the day is Bodies by Drowning Pool
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Stuck In America
I will never get out of this damn country... Can't move to Canada because in order to live there you have to own property there, and in order to own property you have to live there. The only ways to actually get to live in Canada are as follows; Be born in Canada, or go through a several year process to gain citizenship, and in order to do so, you have to have a friend or family member that lives in Canada... And all the other countries kinda suck by my standards. So I'm fucking stuck here. Until I die. And since I can't die without permission from Rocket, I'm going to be here a very long time... The Song Of The Day is Stuck In America by Sugarcult. Other than those cheery thoughts, my day was as boring as a day in church (Sit down, stand up, sit down, kneel, stand up, sit down, kneel, repeat until noon.). Anyway, I have no current thoughts to share other than STOP LYING TO ME IF YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE AN HONEST FRIEND YOU ASSHOLE! And If you are going to continue, don't let me catch you again :)
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Ride Of A Lifetime
I'm goin straight to the top, never gonna stop. I'll be at the top of the world someday, with the rest of you looking up to me. Don't tell me no, just stand back and watch me bitches. I'll find some way, and someday you'll be regretting your misplaced doubt in me. But really, I just wanted this to be a motivational post for those of you that are down on your luck, in a bad mood, extremely depressed and running out of razors, and those of you that just need a pick-me-up.
Listen to this song. Seriously. There's a reason I post this publicly, to spread music and my thoughts across the internet. The Song Of The Day is Ride Of A Lifetime by Bowling For Soup. Listen to it, and if you don't feel any better, shut up and deal with your problems your damn self then.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Friday, October 7, 2011
Raised By Wolves
Song of The Day is Raised By Wolves by Falling In Reverse. What's yours?
This Is Halloween
In light of the coming holiday (HALLOWEEN BITCHES!!!) I thought my page could use a new design. So here it is. Also, a new button in the bottom left hand corner to allow you to share my insanity and hatred and love and life with your friends on facebook and twitter (Gods have pity on your soul if you have a twitter.) So maybe todays not Halloween, don't tell me that. Because I will use my demonic mind bending powers to make your brain explode! Not really. But it's fun to pretend. And what is Halloween without a little pretend? You put on a costume to be someone (or something) else, that's pretending. So in a more childish spirit of the holidays, Gods bless Halloween. This is not the song of the day, but it will be very soon. So just to bother you, I used the most pathetic cover of a Panic! At The Disco song ever. This Is Halloween by Marilyn Manson, the posterboy for all things fake and pathetic. Half of the dudes songs are covers, and his original songs aren't that great either. Hate my for it if you want, but these are my thoughts, and why are you here if not to read my thoughts? It's almost like you're reading my mind... GET OUT OF MY HEAD.
Song of the day to be up later Readers.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Too Perfect
There has yet to be a song written to describe a single moment spent with Rocket. She is by far THE most amazing woman in all of time and space and any alternate reality you can think of. And I know that may hurt one of you readers, but it's true. I can say that I've learned, and I can literally feel the Universes favors shifting in my direction. I'm going to bed now, to actually sleep for the night! I LOVE YOU ROCKET!!!
Readers what's your song of the day, who do you love?
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I Don't Want To Be
I don't want to be anything other than how I've been lately. And I've been fucking AMAZING! Things are great with Rocket (3 weeks this Saturday), things are going well at home. I have named the Spirit of The House. I call him George. Anyway, the Song of The Day is I Don't Want To Be by Gavin Degraw, and you might not remember it. I haven't heard this song a lot since 2005, but in the three years from it's release to then, this song was everywhere. American Idol, America's Top 40, the voices in my head were singing it (at that time there was only 2, not sure where the others came from.). It's about being yourself, and how proud you should be about that. How many other people in the world can say that they are YOU? We can narrow this down like this, if you are not from an alternate Earth, do not have a Clone, are not a clone, do not have an identical twin, or you are currently not possessed by spirits, the answer is nobody. I'm proud of who I am. I am The_ViRUs. Retired computer virus programmer, former lead singer of Broken Sanity, current rhythm guitarist for The Nobodies. Yeah we got our name today, and COMPLETELY finished the guitar for Awaking The Dead. It's on youtube somewhere. I'm the one in the red hood and you can only see half my face, continuously making out with Rocket. The other guitarist is Fat Bastard. The dude in the purple hoodie is Batman (we just call him Bats for short.), and the chick with the kickass voice is Savvy. Our bassist didn't bring her bass because it was raining. So that's us, "performing" (more like practicing really) our song in the rain outside of our school. We fuck up A LOT, but we're working out the bugs each time we play. This was also our first time after Fat Bastard and I fixed the guitar for the chorus. Anyway, back to the topic.
Be proud of yourself, you've got a lot of reasons to be. First of all you survived your time in the womb and the birthing process, congratulations! You haven't killed yourself yet after reading my not so motivational words. And you're patience with me is slowly boosting my self esteem every time you tell a friend to read my postings. So, what's going to happen next is that you are going to look up and illegally downl- I mean buy, this song. And I am going to go make a sandwhich or some sort of dinner (it's fend for yourself Wednesday.).
So Readers, what's your song of the day? Did I mention it's a 4 day weekend for me? SUCKS FOR THE REST OF YOU THAT DON'T HAVE ONE! I get to hang out with Rocket, THE most amazing girl in all of time and space.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Don't Mess With Ouija Boards
Who believes in ghosts? Spirits? God and The Devil? How about the power of the Ouija Board? A board game with the ability to allow communication with the dead. Right now I'd just like Facebook chat to work so I could talk to my girlfriend (Go fuck yourself Mark Zuckerburg!). Anyway, I saw a ghost today. No joke! STOP LAUGHING OR I THROW QUARTZ AT YOU! Quartz is basically a spiritual energy conduit rock. Anyway, I believe in rocks, I mean ghosts. XD piss off, I'm distracted.
The song of The Day is Don't Mess With Ouija Boards by Falling In Reverse, and I SOLD MY SOUL TO ROCK AND ROLL!
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Wake Me Up When September Ends
I celebrate the end of September a day late with this Green Day song, and with the end of September, OCTOBER! A whole month available for scaring the shit out of your family and friends. And the finale, the greatest, most horrifying, goriest, bloodiest, sexiest, most fucked up day of the year!!! HALLOWEEN!!! Oh I can't wait for it. What's this you say? Halloween is on a Monday this year? Fuck it, I'll wear my costume to school! Not like they can stop me. They tell me to take it off I'll start stripping to Porn Star Dancing in the hallways! (Porn Star Dancing is by My Darkest Days). I love Halloween. Did you know it was actually not originally Pagan, but a Christian Holiday? It's true. My Stepmother made me learn all about how Halloween got started in the year I lived with her and my Father. Learning can be fun when it's about how idiotic Christians can be when they're scared (ex. The Dark Ages). They believed that once a year, on October 31st. The Devil and his army of demons were free to roam the earth for a night. So they wore masks to scare them off.
Dumber than how the Mormon religion got started.
And it has progressed to being celebrated by "good, god-fearing men and women of the church", to being frowned upon as another excuse for mass orgies, partying, and another day for crazy pedophiles to kidnap and rape children (only happens to every one in six, come on people.). Anyway, the song of the day is Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day. "September's over, somebody wake up Billy Joe!", Readers, what's your song of the day?
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Too Good For A Song
Today was indescribable. I mean, my stepfather is a dick and we dropped Rocket off at her house 2 hours early, we could've been only 1 hour early... Anyway, picked up Rocket and we went out to the reservoir to go boating. But the boat starting taking on water so we went back to shore. Then we just sat in the back seat together while my parents drove around looking for garage sales (lame right? Pick up a girl and go looking for garage sales.... ugh...) But we made the best of it by not getting out of the car. Then we went to an early dinner at Wingers. First time either of us had been there but it was amazing. Then we went to her house and checked out all her animals (cows, pigs, chickens, cats, her little brother). Then she showed me around her house, her room is amazing. And then we left :( Sad faceness... I got home, started cleaning my room, listening to music, and then we emailed for a bit (she's grounded from facebook, and doesn't have a cell phone. And I don't know when an appropriate time to call her housephone is because I'm afraid one of her grandparents will yell at me or interview me because I'm dating their granddaughter.)
Anyway, no song for today Readers (gasp!), but what's your song of the day?
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