I don't want to be anything other than how I've been lately. And I've been fucking AMAZING! Things are great with Rocket (3 weeks this Saturday), things are going well at home. I have named the Spirit of The House. I call him George. Anyway, the Song of The Day is I Don't Want To Be by Gavin Degraw, and you might not remember it. I haven't heard this song a lot since 2005, but in the three years from it's release to then, this song was everywhere. American Idol, America's Top 40, the voices in my head were singing it (at that time there was only 2, not sure where the others came from.). It's about being yourself, and how proud you should be about that. How many other people in the world can say that they are YOU? We can narrow this down like this, if you are not from an alternate Earth, do not have a Clone, are not a clone, do not have an identical twin, or you are currently not possessed by spirits, the answer is nobody. I'm proud of who I am. I am The_ViRUs. Retired computer virus programmer, former lead singer of Broken Sanity, current rhythm guitarist for The Nobodies. Yeah we got our name today, and COMPLETELY finished the guitar for Awaking The Dead. It's on youtube somewhere. I'm the one in the red hood and you can only see half my face, continuously making out with Rocket. The other guitarist is Fat Bastard. The dude in the purple hoodie is Batman (we just call him Bats for short.), and the chick with the kickass voice is Savvy. Our bassist didn't bring her bass because it was raining. So that's us, "performing" (more like practicing really) our song in the rain outside of our school. We fuck up A LOT, but we're working out the bugs each time we play. This was also our first time after Fat Bastard and I fixed the guitar for the chorus. Anyway, back to the topic.
Be proud of yourself, you've got a lot of reasons to be. First of all you survived your time in the womb and the birthing process, congratulations! You haven't killed yourself yet after reading my not so motivational words. And you're patience with me is slowly boosting my self esteem every time you tell a friend to read my postings. So, what's going to happen next is that you are going to look up and illegally downl- I mean buy, this song. And I am going to go make a sandwhich or some sort of dinner (it's fend for yourself Wednesday.).
So Readers, what's your song of the day? Did I mention it's a 4 day weekend for me? SUCKS FOR THE REST OF YOU THAT DON'T HAVE ONE! I get to hang out with Rocket, THE most amazing girl in all of time and space.
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