Spent the day at Rocket's house. Have to wake up early to clean up and get everything ready for our New Years Eve. Hope she likes what I've got planned. The only reason I bought this movie is because she hasn't seen it yet, and everybody needs to see it. But just in case she doesn't want to watch that one, I bought a couple more. Some horror flicks, and something else. I'm not going to ruin anything though.
Get Infected

- Virus
- I am but a conduit for the verbal and musical expressions that the universe chooses to channel through my mind and soul.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
1 Trillion Dollar$
"Fuck the world, fuck 'em all" That's it. That one line describes how everything has been going. I thought Winter Break was going to be cool. Christmas for the presents and the knowledge that our giant spending has fueled the economy for another month. New Years because I'd get to be with Rocket. Overall just not being in school. But no. Fuck the idea that I could be happy or content or even joyful of the holiday season! Gods forbid an average American guy like me could enjoy himself during Christmas! No, one of Rockets asshole friends started messing with me. And then messing with her. And trying to break us up. And it almost fucking worked. I figured she'd be done with the bastard Cross by the time he called her a whore and attempted to destroy our relationship, completely disregarding that he threatened to kill me, made her cry, and continued to harass us, but no. In her own words "friendships were broken, thrown in the dirt, and stomped on. But then they were picked up, washed off, and put back together." What I feel towards her is more than friendship and I'm hoping she feels the same, then that would leave the one "friendship" involved being her and Cross. So, rather than telling him to fuck off, which seems like the proper response given all that he's done and is still trying to do, I'm left to guess that she fixed things with him, and is still counting him among her trusted friends. If that's the kind of person she considers a friend, what does that say about me? Whatever though. Saving up my money to try and take Rocket out on a date for New Year's Eve, but one thing this song teaches us, aside from that the world is fucked up and everyone in it (including myself) is just wondering around aimlessly and is under-appreciative of what they have, is that money can't buy happiness. I can sure as hell try though. I can't change who she thinks are her friends, I wish I could help her instead of just having to watch and wait, but that's how humanity learns. Trial and Error, and if she thinks he deserves a second chance, let alone to even speak to her still, then she'll learn when he betrays her a second time. Just wish I could understand completely. The Song of The Day is 1 Trillion Dollar$ by Anti-Flag.
Readers, fuck, you guys never answer the question but I'll ask anyway because by some miracle of whatever god is out there, somebody is reading this. Somebody is interested. And if you are that person then YOU just made the top of Santa's nice list. The rest of you could be sipping tea with Kim Jong Il for all I care. (too soon?)
Music=Life::My Life=WTF?
Readers, fuck, you guys never answer the question but I'll ask anyway because by some miracle of whatever god is out there, somebody is reading this. Somebody is interested. And if you are that person then YOU just made the top of Santa's nice list. The rest of you could be sipping tea with Kim Jong Il for all I care. (too soon?)
Music=Life::My Life=WTF?
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Buried Alive
That's how I feel right now. Just buried Alive. So The Song of The Day is Buried Alive by Avenged Sevenfold. Go to hell, all of you.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Game Has Changed
Y'know those songs that make you feel like a badass in everything you do? This is that song for me. The Song of The Day is The Game Has Changed by Daft Punk, it's from the Tron:Legacy soundtrack, which was entirely orchestrated by Daft Punk.
Anyway, today went well. We went to the Manhattan Cafe for lunch because we got out of school early, but some guy picked up our check... He had a white beard, and drove away in a red pickup with garbage sacks filling the back of it. Now I'm not saying I believe in Santa Claus, but what are the odds of that? Some random guy picks up the check for 3 teenagers, just because he's a good person? I want to find him and ask him why..
After that we went to the park and hung out at a picnic table for like 5 minutes before heading back to the school to chill until the buses arrived. I gave Rocket the dreamcatcher, and as far as I can tell she liked it. She gave me a kickass necklace, and I shall wear it every day. The pin holding the main piece is a little loose though, I can fix that. Something was right with the world today, I don't quite know what it was, but the air of the world was better here. I got everyone's Christmas presents done today, everyone's except Stepfather.. I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to get him.
I know I'm getting a few things that I want for Christmas, but what I really REALLY want is an impossibility. What I want for Christmas, more than the ability to stop time, or Skyrim, or a new guitar (an Ibanez Iceman or Xiphos to be exact for those of you that have the idea of getting me a guitar, unless you have the ability to make this next part happen), I want to spend the holidays with Rocket and her family. Which isn't to say that I don't like spending the holidays with my family.... Well... That's not the point. Anyway, I'd like to spend the holidays with Rocket, it'd be a good test of how we each handle the stress of Christmas and New Year and how we would tolerate it together.
Anyway Readers, what's your song of the day?
Anyway, today went well. We went to the Manhattan Cafe for lunch because we got out of school early, but some guy picked up our check... He had a white beard, and drove away in a red pickup with garbage sacks filling the back of it. Now I'm not saying I believe in Santa Claus, but what are the odds of that? Some random guy picks up the check for 3 teenagers, just because he's a good person? I want to find him and ask him why..
After that we went to the park and hung out at a picnic table for like 5 minutes before heading back to the school to chill until the buses arrived. I gave Rocket the dreamcatcher, and as far as I can tell she liked it. She gave me a kickass necklace, and I shall wear it every day. The pin holding the main piece is a little loose though, I can fix that. Something was right with the world today, I don't quite know what it was, but the air of the world was better here. I got everyone's Christmas presents done today, everyone's except Stepfather.. I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to get him.
I know I'm getting a few things that I want for Christmas, but what I really REALLY want is an impossibility. What I want for Christmas, more than the ability to stop time, or Skyrim, or a new guitar (an Ibanez Iceman or Xiphos to be exact for those of you that have the idea of getting me a guitar, unless you have the ability to make this next part happen), I want to spend the holidays with Rocket and her family. Which isn't to say that I don't like spending the holidays with my family.... Well... That's not the point. Anyway, I'd like to spend the holidays with Rocket, it'd be a good test of how we each handle the stress of Christmas and New Year and how we would tolerate it together.
Anyway Readers, what's your song of the day?
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Sink or Swim
The Song of The Day is Sink or Swim by Falling In Reverse. Save yourself, and don't worry about anybody that doesn't love you or doesn't care about you. Let them drown.
I have some rules set out that I follow. I don't always remember to follow them though. Anyway, as I have them figured out, here are the important ones that you never break. And that I've probably broken...
#5. No drinking w/o the band or family.
Times Broken: 1
#12. NO dating or attempting to date any chick in your band.
Times Broken: 2 (with the same chick, and on the note of that band; BROKEN SANITY FOR LIFE!)
#42. No fistfights. If you have to fight, don't hurt your hands.
Times broken: More than I would like to mention.
#43. Never Date A Hypnotists Daughter.
Times Broken: 1
Those are just some highlights of my list of rules. Never ask about Rule 43. NEVER. I KILL YOU. UNLESS YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO ME. Anyway, I forgot what I was talking about and why this is the song of the day. So, Readers, what's yours?
I have some rules set out that I follow. I don't always remember to follow them though. Anyway, as I have them figured out, here are the important ones that you never break. And that I've probably broken...
#5. No drinking w/o the band or family.
Times Broken: 1
#12. NO dating or attempting to date any chick in your band.
Times Broken: 2 (with the same chick, and on the note of that band; BROKEN SANITY FOR LIFE!)
#42. No fistfights. If you have to fight, don't hurt your hands.
Times broken: More than I would like to mention.
#43. Never Date A Hypnotists Daughter.
Times Broken: 1
Those are just some highlights of my list of rules. Never ask about Rule 43. NEVER. I KILL YOU. UNLESS YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO ME. Anyway, I forgot what I was talking about and why this is the song of the day. So, Readers, what's yours?
Monday, December 19, 2011
Freak On A Leash
What can make a freak on a leash? I feel constricted to this place now, the very idea of leaving Mountain Home hurts my soul. I don't know why. I feel... Tethered. Like the soul of the town is infecting me and I'm going to end up just another small town boy, never to amount to anything. I can't let that happen. I really can't remember much about this song, but the name seemed to fit. The Song of The Day is Freak On A Leash by Korn. One of Korns few good songs. Does anybody really listen to them anymore anyway? I listened to this song maybe like 10 times, and then I sold my guitar hero game and never heard it again. Anyway, I feel like I've become a freak on a leash. Unable to leave, so much so that the idea of leaving for Christmas break is REALLY pissing me off. And it's not just because of Rocket, although she does play the lead role in why I never want to leave this place (unless it's with her that is), it's just something about this town. The people aren't total assholes, they shower regularly, I'm not related to anybody here by blood, and the apartments are cheap on rent. Lowest DECENT apartment I could find was a 2 bedroom within walking distance of the school for 350 a month. If I can find somebody to split the rent with (legal age to move out of home without parents permission is 16 in Idaho, although your parents are financially responsible for you until you are 21)and I'd still need to make at least 200 bucks a month. Anyway, I completely forget what I'm talking about and I don't feel like rereading everything I just typed, so....
Readers, what's your song of the day? I really am interested.
Readers, what's your song of the day? I really am interested.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Holiday Hate
Is anybody else REALLY ready for Christmas to be over? Fucking sick of Christmas and it hasn't even happened yet. Sick of the bitchy people, sick of the wanting, and sick of those fucking commercials that tell us we're poor pieces of shit if we can't afford to buy our friends, family, and loved ones all the expensive crap that nobody really needs. You know it's not even supposed to be in fucking December? Historians estimate the birth of Christ somewhere in APRIL. FUCKING APRIL. EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU KNOW ABOUT CHRISTMAS IS A LIE. December 25th is some Pagan or Wiccan holiday, I can't remember which, but the Church thought it would be a fucking awesome idea to have everybody celebrate the birth of their savior then, but that's not the real reason any of us really celebrate Christmas anyway. No, we're all greedy little fucking bastards who don't actually care about our religions, hell let's be honest, we're all just looking for some sort of confirmation that what we're doing in this life isn't a total fucking waste. But really, what's the point in Christmas if it's not the presents at this point? Maybe a hundred years ago it might have been about Christ and God and the Virgin Mary who was unknowingly infected with God-sperm, they have a word for that, it's called rape.
Anyway, to sum this up; The song of The Day is Holiday Hate by Psychostick, God raped Mary, I'm going to hell if it exists, and I'm not getting anything for Christmas after my mother reads this. What's your song of the day Readers?
Anyway, to sum this up; The song of The Day is Holiday Hate by Psychostick, God raped Mary, I'm going to hell if it exists, and I'm not getting anything for Christmas after my mother reads this. What's your song of the day Readers?
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Wisdom of The Snow
Every song tells a story, but in my opinion, the best stories are those told without words. The Wisdom of The Snow by The Trans-Siberian Orchestra is the Song of The Day, and it tells the saddest story to me. When I hear this song, it saddens me. I see a couple walking down a forest path in December, snow falling from the heavens, and the trees and ground sparkling in the moonlight like the stars in the sky. And then, he says something stupid, she slaps him and starts crying. He falls to his knees in the snow as she runs away crying. The scene changes. He comes home to a note, her stuff is gone. She'll be staying with her friend, he wants to go to her. To apologize, to fix it, but he doesn't go. Not at first. The scene changes again. He goes to her. She clings to him, they both apologize like crazy. Then they kiss. The song ends, as does the story. I don't know why I see this, but I do. I'm just glad it's not me and Rocket that I'm seeing. That's all for now readers.
What's your song of the day?
What's your song of the day?
The Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wizards In Winter
Getting into the holiday spirit currently. Watching Big Band Theory and Rules of Engagement, while listening to The Trans-Siberian Orchestra, the greatest rock orchestra of all time. While the only one in my knowledge, it seems that I need to expand my knowledge. The Song of The Day is Wizards In Winter by The Trans-Siberian Orchestra. I thought about it being The Lost Christmas Eve, but I changed my mind seeing as how it's not Christmas eve. Apparently because we're going to spend the holidays with The Stepfathers family, we're celebrating our christmas on December 22nd as opposed to December 25th. WHAT THE HELL? WHAT THE HELL? One more time? Just one more. Okay. WHAT THE HELL? I mean, I'm all for early Christmas presents, but 3 days early? I don't get a Christmas eve. I don't get our Holiday ritual. Everything is displaced because of one holiday trip. This is not our natural holiday routine. This is not supposed to happen. Now I have been blessed in the past few weeks, with the EXTREMELY good graces of the Universe, so I should tolerate this one curve-ball, right? No. Fuck that. I'm all for traveling during the holidays, but either during, or after Christmas. Not before. Never before.
I found this kickass ring on the ground, silver band, some shiny rock that is apparently NOT FAKE. Was thinking of giving it to my mum for Christmas, but I don't know. I could give it to Rocket. I don't know. I'll figure it out though. It's what I do. I solve problems, after causing them.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
I found this kickass ring on the ground, silver band, some shiny rock that is apparently NOT FAKE. Was thinking of giving it to my mum for Christmas, but I don't know. I could give it to Rocket. I don't know. I'll figure it out though. It's what I do. I solve problems, after causing them.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Heels Over Head
In honesty this is just the first song to come onto Pandora right now. Was sick of thinking through over a million songs. It gets a good point across though. I can't stop thinking of Rocket today. The Song of The Day is Heels Over Head by Boys Like Girls.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Monday, December 12, 2011
gonna have to make this fast cuz im typing off of my phone, which as you can see is not letting me use proper grammar. the song of the day is indestructible by disturbed.
readers, whats your song of the day?
music equals life
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Eye of The Tiger
Just keep pushing through life, no matter how many lies are told, how many times you feel dead, and how much your family and everyone around you seems to hate you. Just keep going. Today The Stepfather told me I must be strong, otherwise I'd have killed myself by now. To tell the truth I've thought about it, but I like knowing that by staying alive I'm helping some people. For the Stepfather I'm somebody he can take his stress out on verbally. For some of my friends I'm a booster, telling them what they want and need to hear at times. For the others that just hate me for no known reason I can make them feel better about themselves by just taking whatever verbal ordinance they deploy at me. So, for the fact that I have yet to kill myself no matter how many times I've wanted to, The Song of The Day is Eye of The Tiger by Survivor.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Sentimental Johnny
Yesterdays Song of The Day was Sentimental Johnny by Flogging Molly. First thing my mom talks to me about after she comes home from her surgery is this song. Tells me that the band has to do a cover of it. In honesty, I'm sick of everybody saying what we need to do covers of. Like we're not good enough to come up with our own fucking songs. We shouldn't be focused on doing any covers at all. We should be focusing on our own music. Battle of The Bands is coming up in January, and we have 30 minutes to fill, and we will fill all 30 minutes. We will not be some sideshow to other local bands. Her Beauty Beheld, they are the competition we have to worry about. Some hardcore punk or metal band, they've been around since 2009 and we've only just started, they have the local support, and have done lots of shows. So if we don't perform our fullest, we'll lose. I swear if anybody fucks up, I stab them. Myself included. Right in the fucking foot, stick 'em to the stage. Yeah. Anyway, I'm not pissed at my mum for telling me we need to do a cover of some song, she was loopy on morphine. :) anyway, I don't know of a song for today.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Thursday, December 1, 2011
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
Yes yes, another style change. It's December. Christmas is in 24 days. I thought I had something to look forward to tomorrow, but it turns out I don't. Oh well. Some sort of birthday party for one of my friends turning 17 tomorrow, congrats Goku. The background of the blog now is The Santa Claus house from my hometown of North Pole, Alaska. Laugh it up, it just makes me more badass than you. So, no song for today. Just a change of scenery.
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