Y'know those songs that make you feel like a badass in everything you do? This is that song for me. The Song of The Day is The Game Has Changed by Daft Punk, it's from the Tron:Legacy soundtrack, which was entirely orchestrated by Daft Punk.
Anyway, today went well. We went to the Manhattan Cafe for lunch because we got out of school early, but some guy picked up our check... He had a white beard, and drove away in a red pickup with garbage sacks filling the back of it. Now I'm not saying I believe in Santa Claus, but what are the odds of that? Some random guy picks up the check for 3 teenagers, just because he's a good person? I want to find him and ask him why..
After that we went to the park and hung out at a picnic table for like 5 minutes before heading back to the school to chill until the buses arrived. I gave Rocket the dreamcatcher, and as far as I can tell she liked it. She gave me a kickass necklace, and I shall wear it every day. The pin holding the main piece is a little loose though, I can fix that. Something was right with the world today, I don't quite know what it was, but the air of the world was better here. I got everyone's Christmas presents done today, everyone's except Stepfather.. I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to get him.
I know I'm getting a few things that I want for Christmas, but what I really REALLY want is an impossibility. What I want for Christmas, more than the ability to stop time, or Skyrim, or a new guitar (an Ibanez Iceman or Xiphos to be exact for those of you that have the idea of getting me a guitar, unless you have the ability to make this next part happen), I want to spend the holidays with Rocket and her family. Which isn't to say that I don't like spending the holidays with my family.... Well... That's not the point. Anyway, I'd like to spend the holidays with Rocket, it'd be a good test of how we each handle the stress of Christmas and New Year and how we would tolerate it together.
Anyway Readers, what's your song of the day?
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