Today was pretty awesome. We left early in the morning, not as early as I would've hoped, to go pick up Rocket so we could go to the Russian Food Festival out in Boise. I have a newfound respect for Russian culture. So much so that I want to go there just to eat their food. Forever. Just live in Russia for the food. Although considering the exchange rate from American dollars to Russian Rubles, I should really make my fortune here with music and then go to Russia and have a mansion built. Y'know, the one that I mentioned before, built into the side of a mountain and all that. I don't really care which mountain, so long as it happens. Then we came back to base and went swimming. SO MUCH CHLORINE IN MY EYES IT STILL FUCKING BURNS LIKE YOU HAVE NO IDEA. IT HURTS. I think that's enough caps-lock for this post. But besides the chlorine poisoning my eyes, I had fun. Rocket was there (looking amazing in her swim-suit), and apparently Dmitri was there waiting for us. Oh and my sister Mix was there too. But she's actually the reason we had to leave so early, because she had a birthday party to go to. So we left, dropped Rocket off with her grandmother at the grocery store, then went boating. Now I don't know how many of you know this, but I detest fishing. I used to love it when I was littler. Y'know, like 11, but now it just bores the hell out of me. Literally puts me right the fuck to sleep, no joke. I fell asleep on the boat for a couple minutes. I should probably check a mirror or something to make sure they didn't draw on my face or something. Whatever I'll do that later. So we spent nearly 3 hours on the damn boat, I enjoyed half of it (the half where the boat was actually moving), we caught 4 fish, 3 of which we took home. Apparently you can't eat sucker-fish. Well, you can it's just that they're dirt fish. The scum of the fish world (actually they're the ones that eat the scum of the fish world. Because they eat scum. Off the bottom of the body of water. You get it.). But the point is I had a badass day. I'm in love, I've got family that at least cares about me a little bit (did I tell you? Mum is gonna try to get Rocket and I more than just one day a week.), and I can't stop singing. I'm happy, and that brings to mind a song about being happy. The Song of The Day is Nine In The Afternoon by Panic! At The Disco.
Readers, what's your song of the day? Feel free to share in the comments, I generally look up whatever people post (not that I get a lot of replies), and I'm always looking for more music.
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!! *clap, clap*