So I'm back from quite the little break. Just had a 4 day weekend home alone and it was kinda lame to be honest. Aside from getting to see Rocket yesterday (more details later) I mainly just cleaned, did my schoolwork, and played PS3. Bought a couple new games before they left and got a 20 gift card from a friend in the mail. Used the card to buy GTA4 off of PSN (SO MANY ACRONYMS!!)
The people I live with came home today, so earlier I was cleaning like "a 1950's housewife with OCD" (not my words, don't freak out on me. I thought it was funny though.). Halfway done with Assassin's Creed 2, stuck in Gluttony on Dante's Inferno, on the last planet of Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, haven't played L.A. Noire in a while, and I'm learning a couple new songs thanks to Rocksmith.
So Rocket and I went to the Air Force Appreciation Day Parade yesterday. It was fun. There were booths set up in the park, a band played, little kids got pegged with candy and we almost got run over crossing the street. Pretty awesome. We ate lunch by a little creek that runs through town, and we ran into a couple people that we used to go to school with. I also bought us this giant thing of Sunny D. It was a gallon jug of Mango flavored Sunny D. FREAKING AWESOME!!!!! We got through about half of it before we had to leave so we gave it to one of her friends that we ran into in the park near the Dunk-a-Cop booth.
Have I ever mentioned that I really hate police? Growing up where I'm from I always heard stories about these psycho cops that would kill you as soon as look at you. I remember one incident that I kept hearing about before we left. Some guy was riding his 4-wheeler, and the cop jumps out of his car and shoots the dude in the back. Nobody does anything about it, but it's not like the town is living in fear or anything. If I ever get into politics, it'll be there. Or at least it'll start there. I don't know what it's like now of course, and none of this is really my point. The point is that cops are evil. All cops. Everywhere. They have a quota that they have to meet and it doesn't matter if you're going 0.01 mph over the speed limit, you're gonna get pulled over if you're unlucky enough to pass one. Sure I have relative that are cops, but I don't really know them or remember them. I have no respect for the police force for the reason that there is no such thing as a "good cop"...
This went from "Hey how's everybody doing?" to "FUK DA PO-LEES I DO WAT I WAN"... Not where I wanted this to go. Fuck, knowing my luck some asshole PA is watching this page and is gonna try to take everything out of context to use against me. Anyway, I was listening to this song a lot today so it's the Song of The Day only because I haven't posted a while and it has a really good feeling to it. The Song of The Day is She's A Genius by Jet from the album Shaka Rock. Look it up. Now.
What's your song of the day?
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