I go in to do my time tomorrow. It's gonna be righteous. Gonna go in, make some friends, get some life experience, hopefully NOT get raped up the ass. It's gonna be great.
The Song of The Day is Renegade by Styx! STYX MAN! FUCKING STYX! I can't believe this is the first Styx song I've posted on here! I don't even know if it's really by Styx, give me a sec to look it up.. Yep. It's by Styx.
Anyway, I'll be gone until the 7th of November, so if there's any posts on here, it's not me.
Readers, what's your Song of The Day? HAPPY HALLOWEEN BITCHES!!!
Get Infected

- Virus
- I am but a conduit for the verbal and musical expressions that the universe chooses to channel through my mind and soul.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
I'll Be Watching You
So I got asked why I don't post as much anymore and told that I should put up a song today. Well there are a couple answers to that question. The first being that my stepfather is a lying, invasive prick who will tell any lie it takes to get my mother to hate me. He's the kind of person that's only happen when the world is miserable. (Don't even go with the "some men just want to watch the world burn" thing, that doesn't apply to him, he wants the world to be miserable).
The second answer being because I'm way too fucking depressed. I can barely form these sentences, I'm not my usual smart-ass self with the quick responses, I'm thinking about what I say before I say it, and I've come to the conclusion that sometimes music doesn't matter. I feel like Marshall (From How I Met Your Mother) when Lily walked out. Angry, confused, alone, just generally broken. I've been doing everything the G-men have asked of me, I'm playing well with others (Except Frodo, godsdamn you Frodo, learn to shut up), I'm trying to do better in school. It's not going to be enough for them though. In the end, when I ask to see her again, they'll say no. Because all of you fucks working in our "legal system" are just like my stepfather. You just want to see us miserable and abuse your "power" as much as you can. You know the people are too scared to do anything about it, too scared to break your precious rules, and you lock up anyone bold enough to say anything against you. So here's me speaking out. Here's me telling you the truth you refuse to believe;
You only have as much power as WE give you. WE THE PEOPLE, isn't there some famous document that starts out like that? The one that you, and your kind (The G-Men, Government Workers), have been ignoring for the last hundred years? No matter what's going on we've always got some asshole in some office trying to rip our rights away from us, and I'm not the only one that's sick of it. I mean, 6.5 billion (and counting) people in this world and I'm the only one with the same path of thinking as our ancestors? Those that settled the colonies and fought for their freedoms and what they believe in? If the presidents of old, those just, and righteous bastards, could see us now they probably would've kicked our asses for letting people rule over us the way we do. WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING PATRIOTISM?
See, now I've gone and ruined this post. It was supposed to be something sweet about how much I missed Rocket, ergo the Song of The Day being I'll Be Watching You by The Police.
What's yours?
The second answer being because I'm way too fucking depressed. I can barely form these sentences, I'm not my usual smart-ass self with the quick responses, I'm thinking about what I say before I say it, and I've come to the conclusion that sometimes music doesn't matter. I feel like Marshall (From How I Met Your Mother) when Lily walked out. Angry, confused, alone, just generally broken. I've been doing everything the G-men have asked of me, I'm playing well with others (Except Frodo, godsdamn you Frodo, learn to shut up), I'm trying to do better in school. It's not going to be enough for them though. In the end, when I ask to see her again, they'll say no. Because all of you fucks working in our "legal system" are just like my stepfather. You just want to see us miserable and abuse your "power" as much as you can. You know the people are too scared to do anything about it, too scared to break your precious rules, and you lock up anyone bold enough to say anything against you. So here's me speaking out. Here's me telling you the truth you refuse to believe;
You only have as much power as WE give you. WE THE PEOPLE, isn't there some famous document that starts out like that? The one that you, and your kind (The G-Men, Government Workers), have been ignoring for the last hundred years? No matter what's going on we've always got some asshole in some office trying to rip our rights away from us, and I'm not the only one that's sick of it. I mean, 6.5 billion (and counting) people in this world and I'm the only one with the same path of thinking as our ancestors? Those that settled the colonies and fought for their freedoms and what they believe in? If the presidents of old, those just, and righteous bastards, could see us now they probably would've kicked our asses for letting people rule over us the way we do. WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING PATRIOTISM?
See, now I've gone and ruined this post. It was supposed to be something sweet about how much I missed Rocket, ergo the Song of The Day being I'll Be Watching You by The Police.
What's yours?
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Between Angels and Insects
I'm sick of this. Sick of the distance between us, the bars that the "people of the state" have put up between her and I. All because they lost money. That's really what all this is about. People need money to buy the things to make themselves feel like they're worth something. I love her, I hate money. That's not normal for these people, so they separate us. Who gave them that power? Who decided that Judge Smiley can choose whether or not two people can be together. I hope they pay you people working legal jobs well. Because in the end, you're worth just as much as that little piece of green and yellow paper; NOTHING. You lead meaningless lives in which your whole goal is to make as much money as possible because you have been conditioned to love money. You may have a person that you think you love, but not more that your money. You'd rather go to work every day of your pathetic, worthless lives, instead of doing something to change the country's dependence of money. If I could, I'd burn it all. Set every dollar bill ablaze in front of you. Destroy all the presses that make coins and cash, demolish all the banks and buildings dedicated to the Almighty Dollar. Get back to trading rocks and beads or some shit tha EVERYONE can get for free. "Oh well if everyone can get it then why is it valuable?" Can't everyone in the country get cash or change in some way? Why is it valuable if millions are produced everyday? Why waste your life in pursuit of a piece of paper, spend it searching for happiness in more practical things than cash. Instead of paying for things, why don't we just take them? "Because we don't want to get locked up." So you don't do what you could, and possibly want to, be doing out of fear of imprisonment. Well then you're already living in a prison. You're exactly how they want you to be. A compliant little ant to move where they place the food and to panic when they tap the glass (ant farms). Stand up for yourselves. Don't let some people tell you what to do just because they sit in a big chair in a big building. Our ancestors didn't take shit from their government. When the taxes and prices were too high, they rebelled. If they could see us now, they'd beat the shit out of every single one of us that is not actively trying to free ourselves, then they'd kill themselves out of disappointment. Even after that, you people wouldn't change. You can't change. You are pathetic, worthless, dependant, and you have no desire to make this country what it should be.
The Song of The Day is Between Angels and Insects by Papa Roach. What's yours?
The Song of The Day is Between Angels and Insects by Papa Roach. What's yours?
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Let's Start A Riot.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
When I'm With You
A song for last night. I had the most epic dream, last nights song is When I'm With You by Faber Drive (I've decided I don't care if I've used the same song multiple times for a while. Probably until the no-contact order is removed)
So after playing Borderlands 2 until around 1 in the morning I decided to put on a movie on Netflix, can't remember what movie it was so don't ask, and then I fell asleep. While in my sleep mode I dreamed that Rocket and I were walking around town hiding from the cops and figures of societal "authority." Then we get to some house and my mum and her grandma are there talking. Then they tell us that our lawyers just called and the no-contact order was removed while we were out. So we went out again, got lunch, and sneaked off somewhere to be alone for a bit. And that's when I woke up and started playing Borderlands 2 again. Always at the good part of the dream right? lolz.
I'll have the Song of The Day up in a little bit (4-10 hours from now) so until then go look up some songs and find purpose in your life. And don't let some government fuckhead take that purpose from you.
Readers, have any awesome dreams last night?
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
The Song of The Day is Untitled by Simple Plan.
So in court there's this thing that lawyers and such can do. If a comment offends somebody and they yell out "objection" or whatever the hell else they say, the offending lawyer-person can say "withdrawn." Which is basically saying "Ohshit I take it back!" So they can legally do that, but nobody else can. Why not? Why do they have the power to take back the bad things they've done, have them stricken from their record, and the regular folks like us can't? "Oh well they worked hard to get where they are in life to be able to exercise that ability in court." Shut the fuck up. They worked hard? So according to you nobody else in the world works hard enough, even those that work harder (factory workers, miners, gun-smiths and such), to be able to use this magical ability that lets you take things off the record? Well fuck, I withdraw everything I did that caused Smiley-the-judge to put a no-contact order on Rocket and I. All better? What's that? No? There's still a no-contact order. OH I KNOW! They have to hear me say it.
Readers, what's your song of the day? A pointless question as I will not get a response, so I guess that makes in an unintentionally rhetorical question. That's fucking great.
So in court there's this thing that lawyers and such can do. If a comment offends somebody and they yell out "objection" or whatever the hell else they say, the offending lawyer-person can say "withdrawn." Which is basically saying "Ohshit I take it back!" So they can legally do that, but nobody else can. Why not? Why do they have the power to take back the bad things they've done, have them stricken from their record, and the regular folks like us can't? "Oh well they worked hard to get where they are in life to be able to exercise that ability in court." Shut the fuck up. They worked hard? So according to you nobody else in the world works hard enough, even those that work harder (factory workers, miners, gun-smiths and such), to be able to use this magical ability that lets you take things off the record? Well fuck, I withdraw everything I did that caused Smiley-the-judge to put a no-contact order on Rocket and I. All better? What's that? No? There's still a no-contact order. OH I KNOW! They have to hear me say it.
Readers, what's your song of the day? A pointless question as I will not get a response, so I guess that makes in an unintentionally rhetorical question. That's fucking great.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Jamie All Over
I don't know why, but the song of the day is Jamie All Over by Mayday Parade. I first heard it from the Warped Tour 2008 cd, and I think it's a great song.
Okay, bye.
Okay, bye.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Come On Get Higher
SEX. That's right, todays song is about Sex. Something that people seem to think it's not okay for people my age to be talking about, much less doing. Now I get that safe sex is a practice, personally I think it's a practice that everyone should practice unless married or infertile. The Song of The Day is Come On Get Higher by Matt Nathanson. You listen to that chorus and tell me he's not talking about fucking. Anyway, I didn't come here today to preach about always using condoms (even though in the long run they are cheaper than a kid. JUST SAYING), but you should. Everyone should, unless you shouldn't. Then don't. I guess. I'm not very good at this so let's move on to what I wanted to talk about today.
In a way maybe it's an okay thing that Rocket and I can't see eachother right now. I mean, I'm not okay with it, I'm still extremely pissed off by the people that think that it's okay to do this to ANYONE (literally, I'd prefer prison.), but this'll show our families that our relationship isn't all about sex. Well, my family, her family is still irritating. Am I allowed to say that? Oh to hell with it I don't care what I'm "allowed" to say. It's the internet. The world is anonymous here.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
In a way maybe it's an okay thing that Rocket and I can't see eachother right now. I mean, I'm not okay with it, I'm still extremely pissed off by the people that think that it's okay to do this to ANYONE (literally, I'd prefer prison.), but this'll show our families that our relationship isn't all about sex. Well, my family, her family is still irritating. Am I allowed to say that? Oh to hell with it I don't care what I'm "allowed" to say. It's the internet. The world is anonymous here.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Here Without You
I know I've probably used this song before, I've actually got this whole 2 page list of songs that relate to the situation in my room but I'm downstairs and apparently I'm being a lazy fucker today. I blame the fact that I'm too depressed to even play guitar or finish a song. The Song of The Day is Here Without You by 3 Doors Down.
Remember a couple years ago when I mentioned feeling hollow? Well this is worse. Imagine the Vampire from the Soul Reaver game for PS1. Torn up, wings ripped off, wearing a cloth to hide his destroyed face. Unfortunately unlike him I can't remove the cloth and suck out the souls of those who cross me. That'd be fun. I don't imagine it would taste very good though. Wait a minute, does he even have a tongue? Raghghggh off topic.
So I was up until around 245am last night/this morning playing Borderlands 2. Had all 4 character classes in my lobby, and in the end, the lvl 14 Gunzerker, who did nothing the entire mission, got the final shot on The Warrior, and stole all the loot. Whatever though, I'll do the final mission on my own with my Siren. I don't want to start the playthrough on Vault Hunter Mode until I've done all the Side Missions. Which is a bit of a bitch.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Remember a couple years ago when I mentioned feeling hollow? Well this is worse. Imagine the Vampire from the Soul Reaver game for PS1. Torn up, wings ripped off, wearing a cloth to hide his destroyed face. Unfortunately unlike him I can't remove the cloth and suck out the souls of those who cross me. That'd be fun. I don't imagine it would taste very good though. Wait a minute, does he even have a tongue? Raghghggh off topic.
So I was up until around 245am last night/this morning playing Borderlands 2. Had all 4 character classes in my lobby, and in the end, the lvl 14 Gunzerker, who did nothing the entire mission, got the final shot on The Warrior, and stole all the loot. Whatever though, I'll do the final mission on my own with my Siren. I don't want to start the playthrough on Vault Hunter Mode until I've done all the Side Missions. Which is a bit of a bitch.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
Friday, October 5, 2012
Hey, Soul Sister
The Song of The Day is Hey, Soul Sister by Train. It's one of those "feel good" songs that I can sing and slightly dance to.
Grandma is doing better. At least that's what everyone is telling me. So I'm really hoping that this isn't just some elaborate hoax to keep me from killing myself, if it is then I guess it's working. It's hard, not being able to talk to Rocket. If I could talk to the judge I'd ask him if he could stand the same punishment. Not in a threatening way, but I believe that in order to understand what you're doing to somebody then you should go through the same thing first. A reason not to wish death upon others, the whole "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." That's what they teach us in kindergarten, and people seem to forget that. I know I forgot that temporarily, and I have repented to my Gods. Another thing, I'm not a real Christian person, I don't believe in God because I don't want to believe that one entity can be so evil. But one of the things I got from reading through The Holy Book, is that "Only God should judge." Now I don't care what "god" or gods you believe in, but that belief seems to be a slight constant. So who gave man the power to judge in this country that based all of it's laws from Christian beliefs? It surely wasn't "God," the only entity that should have the power to judge.
Just my slight rant. Readers, what's your song of the day?
Grandma is doing better. At least that's what everyone is telling me. So I'm really hoping that this isn't just some elaborate hoax to keep me from killing myself, if it is then I guess it's working. It's hard, not being able to talk to Rocket. If I could talk to the judge I'd ask him if he could stand the same punishment. Not in a threatening way, but I believe that in order to understand what you're doing to somebody then you should go through the same thing first. A reason not to wish death upon others, the whole "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." That's what they teach us in kindergarten, and people seem to forget that. I know I forgot that temporarily, and I have repented to my Gods. Another thing, I'm not a real Christian person, I don't believe in God because I don't want to believe that one entity can be so evil. But one of the things I got from reading through The Holy Book, is that "Only God should judge." Now I don't care what "god" or gods you believe in, but that belief seems to be a slight constant. So who gave man the power to judge in this country that based all of it's laws from Christian beliefs? It surely wasn't "God," the only entity that should have the power to judge.
Just my slight rant. Readers, what's your song of the day?
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Scream, Aim, Fire
The Song of The Day is Scream, Aim, Fire by Bullet For My Valentine. This is the song you want to listen to when you're pissed off. A great time to play this song is when you're pissed off, doing a high level boss raid in Borderlands 2, and have nobody else home. Unfortunately, I'm not legally allowed to be home alone until after I do my days and community service.
I found out today that my hands can no longer play guitar right. I don't know if I'm still in shock from all the bad news received at once (did I mention that my cat went missing as well? Not that that's a big deal, but still. I liked that cat... Sometimes... When he wasn't sticking his claws into my skin. I didn't like him that much during those times.) but the point is I can't play. I can't sing, write, or play guitar anymore. This is one of those times that I think I might've been Hitler in a past life for the universe to be fucking me over this badly.
On the upside, I do have cheesy bread.
What's your song of the day?
I found out today that my hands can no longer play guitar right. I don't know if I'm still in shock from all the bad news received at once (did I mention that my cat went missing as well? Not that that's a big deal, but still. I liked that cat... Sometimes... When he wasn't sticking his claws into my skin. I didn't like him that much during those times.) but the point is I can't play. I can't sing, write, or play guitar anymore. This is one of those times that I think I might've been Hitler in a past life for the universe to be fucking me over this badly.
On the upside, I do have cheesy bread.
What's your song of the day?
Monday, October 1, 2012
So, here's the summary of how my fucking day went.
1. Wake up
2. Go to court
3. Get No-contact order saying that I can't see or talk to Rocket for a fucking year
4. Get home, trash my room screaming profanity at the fucking walls
5. Find out my Grandma is in the hospital because of a fucking heart attack.
6. Go downstairs and vent my anger by playing Borderlands 2 and killing every. single. thing.
So world, I invite you to bend over, introduce your fist to your ass, and go fuck yourself.
1. Wake up
2. Go to court
3. Get No-contact order saying that I can't see or talk to Rocket for a fucking year
4. Get home, trash my room screaming profanity at the fucking walls
5. Find out my Grandma is in the hospital because of a fucking heart attack.
6. Go downstairs and vent my anger by playing Borderlands 2 and killing every. single. thing.
So world, I invite you to bend over, introduce your fist to your ass, and go fuck yourself.
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