The Song of The Day is Untitled by Simple Plan.
So in court there's this thing that lawyers and such can do. If a comment offends somebody and they yell out "objection" or whatever the hell else they say, the offending lawyer-person can say "withdrawn." Which is basically saying "Ohshit I take it back!" So they can legally do that, but nobody else can. Why not? Why do they have the power to take back the bad things they've done, have them stricken from their record, and the regular folks like us can't? "Oh well they worked hard to get where they are in life to be able to exercise that ability in court." Shut the fuck up. They worked hard? So according to you nobody else in the world works hard enough, even those that work harder (factory workers, miners, gun-smiths and such), to be able to use this magical ability that lets you take things off the record? Well fuck, I withdraw everything I did that caused Smiley-the-judge to put a no-contact order on Rocket and I. All better? What's that? No? There's still a no-contact order. OH I KNOW! They have to hear me say it.
Readers, what's your song of the day? A pointless question as I will not get a response, so I guess that makes in an unintentionally rhetorical question. That's fucking great.
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