Get Infected

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I am but a conduit for the verbal and musical expressions that the universe chooses to channel through my mind and soul.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Choose Your Fate

Ever think about the future? Experience Dejavu? Any thought, prediction, or experience can be changed in an instant. Anything that you want the future to be, can be. This coming from a believer that we don't actually have a choice in our lives probably doesn't mean anything, but they aren't words for me to live by, they're for you Readers. Each one of you has the choice to change what you don't like in yourself, and thus change your fate. Except death, that's for everyone. Except those immortalized by word and song. The Song of The Day is Choose Your Fate by Escape The Fate. And now that we've gone over that, I have a change of subject. Once again Readers, I ask you to describe love. As an action. I think it's as simple as living. But the word love could also be a situation. I picture a couple, meeting in high school or college. Dating for a few years. Then on a cruise, lying side by side in the night (not talking about sex, just sleeping together, calm the fuck down readers. I'm describing love after all, not LUST.). Then one not being allowed to see the other on their deathbed. The reason I say that is this, if you love someone, do you really want their last memory of you to be a weak and feeble person, being kept alive by machines? I wouldn't want that in her mind.
Anyway, Readers what's your song of the day?


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