MORE BREAKING BENJAMIN???? Yes, now stfu and love it. You ever read a girls diary? I haven't, unless you count Rocket's blog. ;) So remember The Girl? The one that I loved and had plans to meet after High School? I understand everything now, or at least I think I do. See, everyone knew my friends, the ones that I thought were my friends I mean, and at some point, she had went out with all of them (not at the same time *as far as I know*) What she tells me now is her plan for this new school she's at. Find somebody that will give her a good reputation in the school, and date them. Thus boosting her social status. I was useless because very few people actually liked being seen with me, So she thought it would be fun to fuck with head and emotions. But whatever, there's a chance I'm wrong and what's been "going on" between the two of us for the last 2 years isn't just some elaborate charade that she might even believe. But with her almost going out with a 12th grade pedophile, I'm almost done caring. Not that I'm only going out with Rocket because I'm free! That would be horrible! NO! I'm going out with her because she's amazing, and because each possible relationship deserves a chance. So I asked her out to Homecoming, and she said yes ^_^ ANIME-POWERUP-EPIC-FACE. Like, level up, you beat the final boss with 99 lives left and zero deaths in game and unlocked the hardest achievements epic face. I asked my mom for 20 bucks so I could buy 2 tickets, just in case her grandparents won't give her money to buy one. Even then, I'll just give her the ticket so she could just pocket the money they give her. Anyway, The Song of The Day is Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin.
Okay, so Homecoming, you're usually expected to dance right? The only dances I know are a two-step type thing, and fucking mosh pit rave. And I don't know what kind of music they'll play! So I'm only useful in a slow dance (or a modern pop song with a deep enough bass and slow lines.) or if they start playing hard rock or metal... I've got to go eat dinner. Y'know, the meal after lunch.
Okay, I'm back from dinner. it was amazing. Gotta get the whole band together sometime this weekend, don't know how though, I'll meditate on it and ask the cards.
Readers, what's your song of the day?
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