Get Infected

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I am but a conduit for the verbal and musical expressions that the universe chooses to channel through my mind and soul.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sappy Sad Songs Said Several times Speedily

So I had a list of songs that I was going through to try and find one that described how I'm feeling today, but they're all sappy sad songs. So screw that. I'm gonna think of a fast paced song for the day!
So my father and I are having a discussion over facebook about how Superman makes Aquaman (and pretty much every other member of the Justice League/Superfriends) useless. I mean, he doesn't need to breathe (constant periods in outerspace, even inside the sun) so he can stay underwater forever. His strength and speed would allow him to manipulate the water just as well as Aquaman (aside from shaping it into solid weapons, which Superman doesn't need anyway, cuz he's indestructible)
I don't have time to finish this right now, but my point is that Superman makes the Justice League useless.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Living In A Dream

Ever have the person you can only see in your dreams? And I don't mean that ideal human being you fantasize about meeting one day, I mean a real person that's just so far away that you can't see them, so you see them in your dreams. Rocket is the girl I can only see in my dreams right now, but that's gonna change soon. Until then though I'm just stuck in this fantasy world where we got away. The Song of The Day is Living In A Dream by Finger Eleven. I don't really have the time or privacy to make this a longer post, sorry. 
I'll end with my usual question that never gets answered in the comments section despite my pleading and begging; Readers, what's your Song of The Day?


Friday, December 28, 2012

Blue Christmas

So I know I'm late, but I'll try to post a bunch today, starting with The Christmas Song of The Year (instead of song of the day cuz Christmas only happens once a year and all that stuff). The Christmas Song of The Year for 2012 is Blue Christmas by way-too-many-people-have-done-this-song. I'll let you guys figure out why.
What was your Christmas song?


Monday, December 17, 2012


I did say you'd be seeing a lot of repeats in my song list didn't I? Well, if I post at all that is. This is my first SOTD post in a while and the Song of The Day is Young by Hollywood Undead. My message for you all today is to disregard the idea that age determines intellect. Just because you've been around longer doesn't mean that you're dumb as a rock compared to somebody years younger than you.
As many of you know I am not one that completely agrees with the government. Which is a nice euphemism for saying that I want the new revolution to happen very soon. Corrupt politicians, crooked justice system, those in power treading on the constitution and by proxy tarnishing the memory of our country's founders. Yeah, that's the kind of country I want to live in. No. This needs to change, and it needs to change soon.
On a completely unrelated note that I'll find a way to relate to my hating the government, the world is scheduled to end on Friday! HOORAY! SWEET FUCKING RELEASE! Yeah no. As much as I hate the way the world is, I don't want it to end, I want it to change. I don't care what initiates this worldly change, I don't care what catalyst speeds it along, just let it happen Gods.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Monday, November 19, 2012


So I've been back for a while... I just haven't posted anything for a time. I've been listening to a bunch of new music, been playing Borderlands 2 even more (I've only got 5 more levels until my Assassin is lvl 50! and I might be getting the DLC soon. Torgue campaign comes out on the 20th.). Expect new posts later.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I go in to do my time tomorrow. It's gonna be righteous. Gonna go in, make some friends, get some life experience, hopefully NOT get raped up the ass. It's gonna be great.
The Song of The Day is Renegade by Styx! STYX MAN! FUCKING STYX! I can't believe this is the first Styx song I've posted on here! I don't even know if it's really by Styx, give me a sec to look it up.. Yep. It's by Styx.
Anyway, I'll be gone until the 7th of November, so if there's any posts on here, it's not me.
Readers, what's your Song of The Day? HAPPY HALLOWEEN BITCHES!!!


Monday, October 29, 2012

I'll Be Watching You

So I got asked why I don't post as much anymore and told that I should put up a song today. Well there are a couple answers to that question. The first being that my stepfather is a lying, invasive prick who will tell any lie it takes to get my mother to hate me. He's the kind of person that's only happen when the world is miserable. (Don't even go with the "some men just want to watch the world burn" thing, that doesn't apply to him, he wants the world to be miserable).
The second answer being because I'm way too fucking depressed. I can barely form these sentences, I'm not  my usual smart-ass self with the quick responses, I'm thinking about what I say before I say it, and I've come to the conclusion that sometimes music doesn't matter. I feel like Marshall (From How I Met Your Mother) when Lily walked out. Angry, confused, alone, just generally broken. I've been doing everything the G-men have asked of me, I'm playing well with others (Except Frodo, godsdamn you Frodo, learn to shut up), I'm trying to do better in school. It's not going to be enough for them though. In the end, when I ask to see her again, they'll say no. Because all of you fucks working in our "legal system" are just like my stepfather. You just want to see us miserable and abuse your "power" as much as you can. You know the people are too scared to do anything about it, too scared to break your precious rules, and you lock up anyone bold enough to say anything against you.  So here's me speaking out. Here's me telling you the truth you refuse to believe;
You only have as much power as WE give you. WE THE PEOPLE, isn't there some famous document that starts out like that? The one that you, and your kind (The G-Men, Government Workers), have been ignoring for the last hundred years? No matter what's going on we've always got some asshole in some office trying to rip our rights away from us, and I'm not the only one that's sick of it. I mean, 6.5 billion (and counting) people in this world and I'm the only one with the same path of thinking as our ancestors? Those that settled the colonies and fought for their freedoms and what they believe in? If the presidents of old, those just, and righteous bastards, could see us now they probably would've kicked our asses for letting people rule over us the way we do. WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING PATRIOTISM?
See, now I've gone and ruined this post. It was supposed to be something sweet about how much I missed Rocket, ergo the Song of The Day being I'll Be Watching You by The Police.
What's yours?


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Between Angels and Insects

I'm sick of this. Sick of the distance between us, the bars that the "people of the state"  have put up between her and I. All because they lost money. That's really what all this is about. People need money to buy the things to make themselves feel like they're worth something. I love her, I hate money. That's not normal for these people, so they separate us. Who gave them that power? Who decided that Judge Smiley can choose whether or not two people can be together. I hope they pay you people working legal jobs well. Because in the end, you're worth just as much as that little piece of green and yellow paper; NOTHING. You lead meaningless lives in which your whole goal is to make as much money as possible because you have been conditioned to love money. You may have a person that you think you love, but not more that your money. You'd rather go to work every day of your pathetic, worthless lives, instead of doing something to change the country's dependence of money. If I could, I'd burn it all. Set every dollar bill ablaze in front of you. Destroy all the presses that make coins and cash, demolish all the banks and buildings dedicated to the Almighty Dollar. Get back to trading rocks and beads or some shit tha EVERYONE can get for free. "Oh well if everyone can get it then why is it valuable?" Can't everyone in the country get cash or change in some way? Why is it valuable if millions are produced everyday? Why waste your life in pursuit of a piece of paper, spend it searching for happiness in more practical things than cash. Instead of paying for things, why don't we just take them? "Because we don't want to get locked up." So you don't do what you could, and possibly want to, be doing out of fear of imprisonment. Well then you're already living in a prison. You're exactly how they want you to be. A compliant little ant to move where they place the food and to panic when they tap the glass (ant farms). Stand up for yourselves. Don't let some people tell you what to do just because they sit in a big chair in a big building. Our ancestors didn't take shit from their government. When the taxes and prices were too high, they rebelled. If they could see us now, they'd beat the shit out of every single one of us that is not actively trying to free ourselves, then they'd kill themselves out of disappointment. Even after that, you people wouldn't change. You can't change. You are pathetic, worthless, dependant, and you have no desire to make this country what it should be.
The Song of The Day is Between Angels and Insects by Papa Roach. What's yours?


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

When I'm With You

A song for last night. I had the most epic dream, last nights song is When I'm With You by Faber Drive (I've decided I don't care if I've used the same song multiple times for a while. Probably until the no-contact order is removed)
So after playing Borderlands 2 until around 1 in the morning I decided to put on a movie on Netflix, can't remember what movie it was so don't ask, and then I fell asleep. While in my sleep mode I dreamed that Rocket and I were walking around town hiding from the cops and figures of societal "authority." Then we get  to some house and my mum and her grandma are there talking. Then they tell us that our lawyers just called and the no-contact order was removed while we were out. So we went out again, got lunch, and sneaked off somewhere to be alone for a bit. And that's when I woke up and started playing Borderlands 2 again. Always at the good part of the dream right? lolz. 
I'll have the Song of The Day up in a little bit (4-10 hours from now) so until then go look up some songs and  find purpose in your life. And don't let some government fuckhead take that purpose from you.
Readers, have any awesome dreams last night?


Tuesday, October 9, 2012


The Song of The Day is Untitled by Simple Plan.
So in court there's this thing that lawyers and such can do. If a comment offends somebody and they yell out "objection" or whatever the hell else they say, the offending lawyer-person can say "withdrawn." Which is basically saying "Ohshit I take it back!" So they can legally do that, but nobody else can. Why not? Why do they have the power to take back the bad things they've done, have them stricken from their record, and the regular folks like us can't? "Oh well they worked hard to get where they are in life to be able to exercise that ability in court." Shut the fuck up. They worked hard? So according to you nobody else in the world works hard enough, even those that work harder (factory workers, miners, gun-smiths and such), to be able to use this magical ability that lets you take things off the record? Well fuck, I withdraw everything I did that caused Smiley-the-judge to put a no-contact order on Rocket and I. All better? What's that? No? There's still a no-contact order. OH I KNOW! They have to hear me say it.
Readers, what's your song of the day? A pointless question as I will not get a response, so I guess that makes in an unintentionally rhetorical question. That's fucking great.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Jamie All Over

I don't know why, but the song of the day is Jamie All Over by Mayday Parade. I first heard it from the Warped Tour 2008 cd, and I think it's a great song.
Okay, bye.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Come On Get Higher

SEX. That's right, todays song is about Sex. Something that people seem to think it's not okay for people my age to be talking about, much less doing. Now I get that safe sex is a practice, personally I think it's a practice that everyone should practice unless married or infertile. The Song of The Day is Come On Get Higher by Matt Nathanson. You listen to that chorus and tell me he's not talking about fucking. Anyway, I didn't come here today to preach about always using condoms (even though in the long run they are cheaper than a kid. JUST SAYING), but you should. Everyone should, unless you shouldn't. Then don't. I guess. I'm not very good at this so let's move on to what I wanted to talk about today.
In a way maybe it's an okay thing that Rocket and I can't see eachother right now. I mean, I'm not okay with it, I'm still extremely pissed off by the people that think that it's okay to do this to ANYONE (literally, I'd prefer prison.), but this'll show our families that our relationship isn't all about sex. Well, my family, her family is still irritating. Am I allowed to say that? Oh to hell with it I don't care what I'm "allowed" to say. It's the internet. The world is anonymous here.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Here Without You

I know I've probably used this song before, I've actually got this whole 2 page list of songs that relate to the situation in my room but I'm downstairs and apparently I'm being a lazy fucker today. I blame the fact that I'm too depressed to even play guitar or finish a song. The Song of The Day is Here Without You by 3 Doors Down.
Remember a couple years ago when I mentioned feeling hollow? Well this is worse. Imagine the Vampire from the Soul Reaver game for PS1. Torn up, wings ripped off, wearing a cloth to hide his destroyed face. Unfortunately unlike him I can't remove the cloth and suck out the souls of those who cross me. That'd be fun. I don't imagine it would taste very good though. Wait a minute, does he even have a tongue? Raghghggh off topic.
So I was up until around 245am last night/this morning playing Borderlands 2. Had all 4 character classes in my lobby, and in the end, the lvl 14 Gunzerker, who did nothing the entire mission, got the final shot on The Warrior, and stole all the loot. Whatever though, I'll do the final mission on my own with my Siren. I don't want to start the playthrough on Vault Hunter Mode until I've done all the Side Missions. Which is a bit of a bitch.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Friday, October 5, 2012

Hey, Soul Sister

The Song of The Day is Hey, Soul Sister by Train. It's one of those "feel good" songs that I can sing and slightly dance to.
Grandma is doing better. At least that's what everyone is telling me. So I'm really hoping that this isn't just some elaborate hoax to keep me from killing myself, if it is then I guess it's working. It's hard, not being able to talk to Rocket. If I could talk to the judge I'd ask him if he could stand the same punishment. Not in a threatening way, but I believe that in order to understand what you're doing to somebody then you should go through the same thing first. A reason not to wish death upon others, the whole "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." That's what they teach us in kindergarten, and people seem to forget that. I know I forgot that temporarily, and I have repented to my Gods. Another thing, I'm not a real Christian person, I don't believe in God because I don't want to believe that one entity can be so evil. But one of the things I got from reading through The Holy Book, is that "Only God should judge." Now I don't care what "god" or gods you believe in, but that belief seems to be a slight constant. So who gave man the power to judge in this country that based all of it's laws from Christian beliefs? It surely wasn't "God," the only entity that should have the power to judge.
Just my slight rant. Readers, what's your song of the day?


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Scream, Aim, Fire

The Song of The Day is Scream, Aim, Fire by Bullet For My Valentine. This is the song you want to listen to when you're pissed off. A great time to play this song is when you're pissed off, doing a high level boss raid in Borderlands 2, and have nobody else home. Unfortunately, I'm not legally allowed to be home alone until after I do my days and community service.
I found out today that my hands can no longer play guitar right. I don't know if I'm still in shock from all the bad news received at once (did I mention that my cat went missing as well? Not that that's a big deal, but still. I liked that cat... Sometimes... When he wasn't sticking his claws into my skin. I didn't like him that much during those times.) but the point is I can't play. I can't sing, write, or play guitar anymore. This is one of those times that I think I might've been Hitler in a past life for the universe to be fucking me over this badly.
On the upside, I do have cheesy bread.
What's your song of the day?


Monday, October 1, 2012


So, here's the summary of how my fucking day went.
1. Wake up
2. Go to court
3. Get No-contact order saying that I can't see or talk to Rocket for a fucking year
4. Get home, trash my room screaming profanity at the fucking walls
5. Find out my Grandma is in the hospital because of a fucking heart attack.
6. Go downstairs and vent my anger by playing Borderlands 2 and killing every. single. thing.

So world, I invite you to bend over, introduce your fist to your ass, and go fuck yourself.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

8-Bit World

VIDEO GAMES! More Specifically;


Yes, I went to the midnight release of Borderlands two, got a cool looking display box and my game, and I haven't touched another game since. Better than the original in every way possible in my opinion. Harder, better guns, better shields, not seeing much variety in the grenade mods so far but they do a shit-ton more damage. Using the Assassin, Zer0, currently. But I think I'm going to switch to the Gunzerker, Salvador, later on. Like when I'm halfway done with the game and feel like starting a speed run. Can't beat double damage and duel wielding for speed.
Yesterday was also mine and Rockets one year anniversary. We started dating a year ago at the air show on base. We didn't get to see eachother because her grandparents hate me and my dog attacked my mother. But I called and we talked for a bit. Then I had to go and by the time I was done it was too late to call so Stepfather and I played Borderlands 2 for a bit. He's a total dick in video games. So the Song of The Day is 8-Bit World by Your Favorite Martian, because video games.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Friday, September 14, 2012

Wake Me Up When September Ends

So far September sucks. School, family, 5 months till I turn 18 (then I'm really fucked). Can't write for very long. Song of The Day is Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day.
What's your song of the day?


Sunday, September 9, 2012

She's A Genius

So I'm  back from quite the little break. Just had a 4 day weekend home alone and it was kinda lame to be honest. Aside from getting to see Rocket yesterday (more details later) I mainly just cleaned, did my schoolwork, and played PS3. Bought a couple new games before they left and got a 20 gift card from a friend in the mail. Used the card to buy GTA4 off of PSN (SO MANY ACRONYMS!!)
The people I live with came home today, so earlier I was cleaning like "a 1950's housewife with OCD" (not my words, don't freak out on me. I thought it was funny though.).  Halfway done with Assassin's Creed 2, stuck in Gluttony on Dante's Inferno, on the last planet of Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, haven't played L.A. Noire in a while, and I'm learning a couple new songs thanks to Rocksmith.
So Rocket and I went to the Air Force Appreciation Day Parade yesterday. It was fun. There were booths set up in the park, a band played, little kids got pegged with candy and we almost got run over crossing the street. Pretty awesome. We ate lunch by a little creek that runs through town, and we ran into a couple people that we used to go to school with. I also bought us this giant thing of Sunny D. It was a gallon jug of Mango flavored Sunny D. FREAKING AWESOME!!!!! We got through about half of it before we had to leave so we gave it to one of her friends that we ran into in the park near the Dunk-a-Cop booth.
Have I ever mentioned that I really hate police? Growing up where I'm from I always heard stories about these psycho cops that would kill you as soon as look at you. I remember one incident that I kept hearing about before we left. Some guy was riding his 4-wheeler, and the cop jumps out of his car and shoots the dude in the back. Nobody does anything about it, but it's not like the town is living in fear or anything. If I ever get into politics, it'll be there. Or at least it'll start there. I don't know what it's like now of course, and none of this is really my point. The point is that cops are evil. All cops. Everywhere. They have a quota that they have to meet and it doesn't matter if you're going 0.01 mph over the speed limit, you're gonna get pulled over if you're unlucky enough to pass one. Sure I have relative that are cops, but I don't really know them or remember them. I have no respect for the police force for the reason that there is no such thing as a "good cop"...
This went from "Hey how's everybody doing?" to "FUK DA PO-LEES I DO WAT I WAN"... Not where I wanted this to go. Fuck, knowing my luck some asshole PA is watching this page and is gonna try to take everything out of context to use against me. Anyway, I was listening to this song a lot today so it's the Song of The Day only because I haven't posted a while and it has a really good feeling to it. The Song of The Day is She's A Genius by Jet from the album Shaka Rock. Look it up. Now.
What's your song of the day?


Friday, August 24, 2012

Minor Changes. Not A Song

I've decided that from this point on, I'll be posting youtube links so you can listen to the songs that I'm posting. Maybe that'll get you fucks to start reading this inconsistent babble again. LOLZ.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Caught Like A Fly

There's a word for what you are. A fair-weather friend. For those of you that don't know what this means it when somebody pretends to be your friend until things go south for you. Then they ditch you. The Song of The day is Caught Like A Fly by Falling In Reverse.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Wednesday, August 22, 2012


So this song is kinda stoner music, but I just got done watching Idle Hands. It's an old horror/comedy movie with Seth Green, Jessica Alba, and Vivica Fox (the chick from the first Blade movie). It's hardcore funny XD Stepfather set it up on the PS3 with some Ultraviolet streaming shit or something like that. Anyway, The Song of The Day is Santeria by Sublime. It played basically through the entire movie. Good song, but it's by Sublime and kinda total stoner music. Doesn't stop it from being a good song though.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Wretches And Kings

The Song of The Day is Wretches And Kings by Linkin park. What's yours?


Friday, August 10, 2012


I couldn't think of a Song of The Day, so we're doing an artist of the day again. RUSH MOTHERFUCKERS!! ALL RUSH, ALL THE TIME!!! I have the Different Stages Live cd set constantly playing in my stereo. If you don't know who Rush is.. there is no suitable punishment.
Who's your artist of the day?


Monday, August 6, 2012

Feel Like Home

This is one of those days where I just want to think out loud. I've got a lottta shit running through my head lately, haven't really had time to post a lot. Working on my internalization issues, figuring out that I can't blame myself for everything that goes wrong, even if there's nobody else that could rationally take the blame. Also going through some shit with Rockets family. Apparently we're going to be seeing eachother even less. Now I understand that she lives with them, but her grandparents should butt out of some aspects of her life. They have a hand in almost everything. She's home all the time, but not allowed to go walk around the property that she lives on. Not only that, but she's almost never allowed out, and when she asks they never give her a reason. I'm beginning to think that her family just generally doesn't like me. Except her older brother, he doesn't seem to have an issue with me. Her younger brother is a pain in the ass though, and constantly stalking us whenever I'm over. It's like he has some sort of crush on either me or his sister. Then there's the shit going on with court and all that bullshit. Apparently my Lawyer, Miss M, is having a constant panic attack because she couldn't get me less time. I guess she was hoping to get me 1 day with minimal community service, but we ended up getting 5 days with 3 days of community service. Still better then what I was expecting, hell I was going to ask her to push for solitary confinement. Away from all the other little psycho kids.
Anyway, the Song of The Day is Feel Like Home by Fort Minor. What's your song of the day?


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Burn My Shadow

Just to be sure, this is not my song of the day. Rocket and I were talking and she was wondering why I hadn't updated it in a while. So I said that I'd update mine if she updated hers. And she did. So here's a little song to add to your playlist. Burn My Shadow by Unkle. Some may recognize it from the Repo Men soundtrack.
The reason that I haven't been posting regularly lately is that I've been kinda busy. Working on some lyrics for a friend, taking care of my bitch of a dog (she ate my damn shoes! I only have one pair of shoes at a time!), and explaining things to my family.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Blitzkrieg Boom

Who's ready for a tale of happiness and wonder? Of fate and love? Of Birds, bees, and all that other happy crap? Well you're kind of in the wrong place. I'll bet if you would scroll up and hit that "Next blog" button you'd be on your way to finding it though! I'm kidding please don't leave! I need to views... (apparently I'm ineligible for the whole "make money off your blog" thing because I don't get enough views. So seriously, stay. PLEASE.) Anyway, I had some fun with a tracer program and a Slowpoke Virus today, and one of Rocket's 2 evil exes. The one that supposedly messed with us last Christmas. Has a hell of a time sense that one. I can't wait to dissect his brain and find out how he knows just when to launch another attack.
I was so angry this morning, so ready to just go off and blow some shit up. So The Song of The Day is Blitzkrieg Boom by Death Stars! Such an original name -_-' anyway, this is a song for when you want to kill something peacefully.


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fuck You

This weekend is just overall a shitty weekend. Mother has been a bitch for the last week and a half, Rockets grandparents suck (more on that further down the page.), and Belle throws a fit at the slightest thing. Go ahead, walk into my house, say her name, and see if she doesn't throw a fucking fit. Then I shoot you for walking into my house. I don't know you people, you could be serial rapists for all I know.
So, on to the issue I now have with Rocket's Grandparents. When she first told me her family hates her, I thought she was just overreacting. Teenage family drama like we all have. I should've believed her. Whenever I went over and they argued I always tried to listen to both sides, hear out her grandparents and they go try to comfort her. She kept pressing that they only do things because they hate her and want her miserable. I always countered that they were just old fashioned and don't want us too close. Then I learned a little backstory and realized that they have no place at all to criticize us on being too close when we've known eachother for almost a year now. Not my story to tell though. Anyway, she gets punished and screamed at because HER BROTHER sits on the computer all day and doesn't do his chores. Somehow that makes it okay for them to punish her and not let her do anything while he goes completely unpunished. I've spent all day at that house quite a few times, I've seen it. Rocket and I have done work that he was supposed to do. What does he do all day? He sits on the computer playing Minecraft and looking up gay porn with a MLP fetish. He at least has the courtesy to wear headphones, fuck him anyways. Look, I tried not to hate the kid. I tried to get along with him, but him stalking me and trying to get me alone and away from Rocket has tried my patience for a while and today is the day I decide that the next time he touches me I 'm going to break one of his fingers. Then the next time he gets Rocket in trouble, I'm going to cut one off. Sounds like a good plan to me. So then Mother and Stepfather tried telling me it's the "Boot Camp Mindset" where if one person messes up, EVERYONE gets punished. But not EVERYONE is being punished. The only one being punished in any way is Rocket. "Well you don't know that", well fuck you very much person whose opinion doesn't matter, why don't you go read something else and get the fuck off my page. It's never right for somebody who did nothing wrong to receive all the punishment while the person who committed the offense gets off clean, but hey this is America isn't it? Just another part of American life, you hear about it every day.
The point is, Rocket calls me tonight, crying. Saying that she got yelled at and she can only talk for 5 minutes, when I ask why and what happened, I learn that it's because her brother didn't do his chores, again. The same reason she got in trouble last time. Because of her completely fucktarded younger brother, and her horrible grandparents. Anybody that thinks that it's right that she's being punished can get the fuck off my page now, do not leave a comment, do not collect likes, get directly the fuck out. The Song of The Day is Fuck You by Sleeping With Sirens, yes it's a cover of the Ceelo Green song. Go ahead, complain.
And for those of you in my family that don't understand how I can be so angry, it's because this is how things are. I will not be censored. I will not calm down. The world will either bow or keep fueling my anger, and judging by how things are going right now I genuinely think it's going to continue to be the second of those options. You can either deal with it, or get the fuck out of my way. Because when I start my war, anyone that gets in front of my way is an obstacle, and obstacles will be eliminated in one way or another.
I'm at my breaking point with how this month's been going bitches and pricks, so let's hear from the audience. WHAT'S YOUR SONG OF THE DAY FUCKERS? Comment with song title and artist, and then fuck off.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fuck You

So before somebody goes off thinking that this is in direct implication of relationship issues let tell you that it's not. Even thought that's the entirety of what the song is about. The Song of The Day is Fuck You by Ceelo Green. Just a general message to everyone today, except my Grandparents, aunts/uncles, Rocket, Victor, The Girl, Dmitri,  and my dog. FUCK YOU. I feel a little bit better :) Seriously though, people have got me pissed off today. I don't know what it is, could be that I woke up with a spider-bite on my neck and I've had trouble breathing all day, could be that my dog ate my last pair of clean socks, but everyone (except the previously mentioned people) just needs to leave me the fuck alone. LEST YE SUFFER THE WRATH OF VIRUS!!!
So what's your song of the day Readers?


Friday, July 20, 2012

The Self Esteem Playlist

Before you laugh at the title and idea it imposes upon your mind, shut up. My Mother posted the idea on her blog and she got it off some site I've never heard of. So here's the idea. You get a list of songs that don't necessarily make your mood better, but make you feel better about yourself. As a person. I can't say as a human being because who knows what the hell some of you people reading this are (go ahead, call me racist for saying that. It's a phrase you're going to run into a lot in your life and if saying it makes me racist then fuck you very much). Any martians out there? So I've been thinking, and so far my list is just made up of a bunch of emo songs. I guess it helps to know that somebodies life sucks worse than yours huh?
Anyway, you Readers should try this. I'll post mine when it's done. Until then, the Song of The Day is Move by Thousand Foot Krutch. Just to keep those of you satisfied. I had better not be your only source for finding new music though, otherwise I shall be strictly disappointed in you.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Friday, July 13, 2012

Orphan Tears

I feel off today. Like I could be tripping Orphan Tears. No I'm not hallucinating or anything like that. The Song of The Day is Orphan Tears by Your Favorite Martian. Yep


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ass Back Home

I never want a job that makes me travel. And if it does, then my family should be able to come with. The Song of The Day is Ass Back Home by Gym Class Heroes.
What's your song of the day?
Don't forget to hit that nice little "follow" button on the screen. Thanks.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kick Out The Jams

So, I don't think I've mentioned how much I love doing collaborative writing, but I fucking love it. You got your brain and a good friend or a couple other partners working on a song and it just turns out beautifully. I've done this a couple times and now I'm doing it again. Working with Savvy (of Euphonious) again, and The Girl (from older posts in Florida). The Girl provided the scrap lyrics from some poem she wrote a couple years ago but never finished, and I talked Savvy into helping me out because my chorus needs a little work and I need some ideas for the break. Going to try to get Rocket in on this, but her and Savvy had a falling out and I don't know if they could work together. I kinda feel bad going to Savvy first, but she's had more experience in writing lyrics. Rocket has written one set that I know of, and even though it was freaking cool she just doesn't have the experience yet. Maybe that's all the more reason to bring her in. So she can learn more about what I love to do, that could help with our issues right? I mean, learning more about eachother is rarely a bad thing (I totally just put a jinx on myself or something didn't I? Fuck...). I know that I want both her and Savvy on the recording of it. All the while I have to report back to The Girl on the production of it since it did start with her original work. I plan on putting on the demo I'm trying to produce if it works out. So the Song of The Day is Kick Out The Jams by Rage Against The Machine. Even though it's mainly about sex, it's also about music. So fuck off.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Monday, July 9, 2012

The Middle

Things get better. That's how the world works. When it's at it's worst a lightning storm begins to lose charge. A tornado starts to deteriorate. Things start to get better. So yeah. Song of The Day is The Middle by Jimmy Eat World. Don't know if I've used that this year or not, but fuck it.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

It's Not Over

Today's song has almost nothing to do with today, and it's one of those songs that makes me happy to sing even though it shouldn't. I owe The Girl and her kickass brother for showing me this band as well. The Song of The Day is It's Not Over by Secondhand Serenade. So it really relates to my day in no way at all. Other than the title, because it's not over. Sure we got into a fight, I was being stupid, and sure things are different for Rocket and I than they used to be, again my fault, but that doesn't mean that every argument we get into is going to be our last. Because there isn't going to be a last argument for us, we'll always be arguing (lolz). Joking, we don't actually have a lot of big arguments, but when we do it's usually explosive and we both end up saying things we wish we didn't (me more than her, I'll guarantee that). We went to a party for a friend, had an amazing time, there was blood. I've noticed a cycle though, for every good day I have, a week of misery follows. But for every week of misery, there is an amazing day. So I don't really know how to deal with it.
So Readers, what's your song of the day? (Song title and artist in the comment box below, if not.... I really can't do anything to you)


Saturday, July 7, 2012

I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)

I know where I want to be in the future. I want to be with Rocket. 2 years from now, 10 years. 20. 30. 40. 50345315986598069906. The number doesn't matter, the point is that I want to be with her. And I'm an idiot. I ruin things, it's what I do. Marriages, friendships, families, songs. I ruin things. But now it's serious. I may have ruined the single greatest thing to happen to me ever.
Those of you that really know me know that I have a bit of a temper. And when I lose that temper, hell breaks loose. This was different. I was holding it in, but letting things slip intentionally. I hate myself for it, I didn't know I could be that mean. I was mad at her, but then I wasn't. I'm mad at myself for this, because this is what happens (This is why I can't have nice things! sorry, false humor keeps me from completely breaking down). I've had a couple times where the difference between knowing and not knowing could have saved me a lot of trouble, and probably a couple friends (Like if I knew that kid was Jewish I probably wouldn't've made the Hitler joke at that party). So I have this thing about not knowing stuff, especially when people bring it up and then refuse to speak of it. It defeats the purpose, why say something about it if you're not going to elaborate? Maybe I am just a total idiot who's going to end up ruining his life because of some information, and if I do then it's all on my paranoia and I'll probably lose my mind because of the guilt and end up dead in a gutter like Old Edgar. (Poe. Cuz they found him dead drunk in a ditch. Get it?)
Family and friends, I'm done giving a fuck what you think (Unless you're my grandmother and grandfather, in that case I fear you like the Gods themselves, but please back off on me for this one. I don't mean to be rude, but please) I'm in love with Rocket, and if I could tell you her real name then I would. But this is the internet and I'm not about to release somebody else's name and/or information. If you people only knew the amount of pain it inflicts upon my soul hearing her cry or sound any sort of sad. Or how I was worried last night when her property and home were almost ablaze. Or how horrible I feel for getting expelled and getting us all in trouble. All because I'm an idiot, and I ruin things. So what's there left to do but try to explain (if she'll let me. My dog seems to think she'll forgive me. Or maybe Blue is just scratching at her fleas..), and pray to the Gods that we can work out everything that's been going on. Wish me luck Readers. And Rocket, if you're reading this one, I'm sorry and I'm going to prove it tomorrow if you'll still come out to see me. Whatever it takes, remember?
Readers, the Song of The Day is I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers. What's yours?


Friday, July 6, 2012

We Didn't Start The Fire

So I'm taking this Sociology class over the summer, and it's pretty badass. We had a couple music assignments lately so I figured I'd go a little old school on the chick and pull out some Billy Joel. As a warning; I just got done watching the first two seasons of Archer, so forgive me on my phrasing tonight. Anyway, I used today's Song of The Day in my assignment, which is literally the only reason it's the SOTD for today, although I'm sure if I went into it I could find some deep meaning as to how this song directly relates to my life today and all that shit I'm supposed to do. But rape that. The Song of The Day is We Didn't Start The Fire by Billy Joel. Love it or gtfo.
As a side note, rape jokes are never funny. Unless your talking about superman and batman. Then it's only funny because you just gave hundreds of uber-nerds nightmares for a month. (take that! Piss me off enough today, this is my revenge!!!)
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Night

Motherfucker I dare you to sleep tonight. The Song of The Day is The Night by Disturbed.


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Canadian Idiot

In honor of Canada Day the Song of The Day is Canadian Idiot by Weird Al. Since there's not really a story for today, just the usual shit going wrong and finding out that I really don't know anything about anyone. It's fun to watch somebody's lies fall out from under them. Especially over extremely trivial things. Things that you really don't need to lie about. I know you'll read this, and I know you'll know it's for you. So just come out and confess that way I don't have to cite my sources.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I feel weak. Several reasons have led to this conclusion, but the main one is this; I can't make a decision without considering how others would feel or react to things. Even with my escape attempt, I was doing that to try and make things better for the people who lived in that house and myself. I knew how they'd react at first, but it's what would have happened after that. They would have rallied together to make sure that my sisters didn't want the same thing. And then there's everything that's going on with Rocket, Gods help me on this. I'll even start believing in Jesus fucking Christ if I have to just to get through this. I just want to fix things. EVERYTHING. Issues at home, issues with friends, issues with Rocket, and issues with myself. I feel that these extra stresses have sped up my ascension to insanity as now I talk to my pets as if they were capable of rational thought. The Song of The Day is Stricken by Disturbed, I have decided to just let my mind drift into the abyss for a couple days and see what happens with all these problems. Since trying to solve them seems to just make them worse, maybe ignoring them will help. (What kind of backwards logic is that???)
Readers, what's your song of the day? (Song title and artist in the comments section below with your username or tag)


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Out of Time

It seems like things can only go downhill from here, but seeing as I've already used that song, The Song of The Day is Out of Time by A Day To Remember. I just can't seem to make things right and nothing makes sense anymore. But not all the bad in this song applies to everything that's going on, just bits and fragments here and there to different things. Relationship with Rocket, life at home, summer school. I just want to fix things with everything.
Still no internet at home so I'm going to be posting from the library from now on, so there won't be any really long posts anymore. Sorry.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Holy Diver

I'm sorry to say that I may not be posting many songs this summer as the idiot family I'm stuck living with has turned off our internet. Despite the fact that I need it to take care of my online school work and it's basically the only way people actually communicate with me. Especially now that my sister has the phone that all my business posters say to call... Fucking great. So, I'm stuck going to the library every day to take care of my school work and to check out a new comic every once in a while, I guess it's not that much different from a couple months ago. Except this time they have no intention of turning it back on. Which is okay in some cases because with my sister gone I have the PS3 all to myself! I didn't play online that much anyway... So the Song of The Day is Holy Diver by Dio, just to hold you over until I have an actual song for tomorrow.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Saturday, June 9, 2012


I know I've already used this song this year, but it's all that fits. Or maybe It's Complicated by A Day To Remember, or Out of Time by A Day To Remember. Whatever though. The Song of The Day is Complicated by Your Favorite Martian. Because right now, that's all that fits. Mainly the chorus and rap part. Rocket and I are having issues. She did something horrible, and lied to me about it. I think I can forgive her, but I can't trust her. Not for a while. It's kind of funny. She never trusted me even though I never gave her reason not to, and I trusted her with everything. Now she's broken that trust, and her promises. It's just so complicated.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pour Me

The Song Of The Day is Pour Me by Hollywood Undead. Now I don't drink my problems away, mainly because my family has a history of Alcoholism and I'm too young. So what I do is spend ridiculous amounts of money on video games. What's wrong with me right now that I've bought and preordered more games that I need? Relationship issues. Don't get me wrong, I'm still perfectly in love with Rocket. We're just having some trust issues right now. Nothing that we can't work through, this is just what they call a speedbump. I know what to do. At least I hope I do...
Readers tell me what your song of the day is. Or else.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Burn It Down

The Song Of The Day is Burn It Down by Linkin Park. Has nothing to do with today, it's just a good song. Still on mobile posts, so don't expect anything too long.


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

When I'm With You

The Song of The Day is When I'm With You by Faber Drive. I had some trouble deciding the song for today. But ultimately I went with another love song. Now as you know by now, Rocket and I don't have much time together. That's because our families seem to think that seeing eachother once a week is enough. Well, fuck them. Normally I wouldn't show such aggression towards somebody else's family, especially Rocket's family, I love her family. Except for her younger brother, he just creeps me out. Her older brother seems like a badass though. But I take issue with only seeing her once a week, especially now that I may have a means of increasing how much we see eachother. Anyway, I'm going to stay focused on attempting to achieve mutual happiness when I'm with her. Mutual as in for her and I, not for anybody else. But on the topic of the music, it's a really good song. I would also recommend, with this, Rooftops (A Liberation Broadcast) by Lostprophets, For The Win by We Are The In Crowd, and Tonight by FM Static.
So there it is for today Readers, now might I ask what your song of the day is? You know the drill by now. Song title and artist, an initial or something if you don't have an account. And just in case you don't know where to put it (that's what she said LOLZ), all of this should be typed into the comments section below this post. Or wherever it is for you. I don't know what your page looks like!


Monday, May 28, 2012

Wouldn't It Be Nice

The Song of The Day is Wouldn't It Be Nice by The Beach Boys. Now I only know the first verse of the song, but I reckon that's all I need to know. Did I really just say that? Okay, so my computer is currently useless, so I downloaded the Blogger app so we can still have a way of communicating through music. So if this takes a while to post... well then fuck it.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Inside Out

I couldn't think of a song for today. So go listen to Inside Out by Eve 6. I am declaring that the song of the day.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Behind Blue Eyes

The Song of The Day is Behind Blue Eyes by Limp Bizkit. Yes, it's a cover, but a damn good one. Now those that know me well, mainly my face, know that I don't have blue eyes. But that's not the point, and I didn't choose this song because I'm sad or depressed or anything like that. I chose this song because the lyrics hold truth in them. Nobody knows what it's like for the other person. You don't know their story, you don't know their past, and it's not for you to speculate about. You don't know what thoughts or memories lay behind those eyes of theirs. Whether or not they're holding back some secret anger. Whether or not they're on a quest for vengeance or safety. If they're sad, feeling down or hated, or how they really feel at that moment. And when you do find their past, don't hold it against them. I know I used to point this out frequently, but our generation has drifted too far from the old ways. The world has become rotten and evil to the point where most people will use whatever information they have to ruin anyone they can, just to make themselves feel better, and that's not right Readers. Just because somebody has had a rough past, whether it was their fault or whether somebody else caused it, doesn't mean that they aren't a good person. Who they were may have made them who they are today, but that shouldn't change what you think of them. And if it does, if when you find out that bit of their backstory that's hidden from the world you completely change how you think of them, shame on you. You are one of the types of people that makes me wish I had access to a nuclear power and the satellites to direct it. 
The song was originally by The Who.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Nine In The Afternoon

Today was pretty awesome. We left early in the morning, not as early as I would've hoped, to go pick up Rocket so we could go to the Russian Food Festival out in Boise. I have a newfound respect for Russian culture. So much so that I want to go there just to eat their food. Forever. Just live in Russia for the food. Although considering the exchange rate from American dollars to Russian Rubles, I should really make my fortune here with music and then go to Russia and have a mansion built. Y'know, the one that I mentioned before, built into the side of a mountain and all that. I don't really care which mountain, so long as it happens. Then we came back to base and went swimming. SO MUCH CHLORINE IN MY EYES IT STILL FUCKING BURNS LIKE YOU HAVE NO IDEA. IT HURTS. I think that's enough caps-lock for this post. But besides the chlorine poisoning my eyes, I had fun. Rocket was there (looking amazing in her swim-suit), and apparently Dmitri was there waiting for us. Oh and my sister Mix was there too. But she's actually the reason we had to leave so early, because she had a birthday party to go to. So we left, dropped Rocket off with her grandmother at the grocery store, then went boating. Now I don't know how many of you know this, but I detest fishing. I used to love it when I was littler. Y'know, like 11, but now it just bores the hell out of me. Literally puts me right the fuck to sleep, no joke. I fell asleep on the boat for a couple minutes. I should probably check a mirror or something to make sure they didn't draw on my face or something. Whatever I'll do that later. So we spent nearly 3 hours on the damn boat, I enjoyed half of it (the half where the boat was actually moving), we caught 4 fish, 3 of which we took home. Apparently you can't eat sucker-fish. Well, you can it's just that they're dirt fish. The scum of the fish world (actually they're the ones that eat the scum of the fish world. Because they eat scum. Off the bottom of the body of water. You get it.). But the point is I had a badass day. I'm in love, I've got family that at least cares about me a little bit (did I tell you? Mum is gonna try to get Rocket and I more than just one day a week.), and I can't stop singing. I'm happy, and that brings to mind a song about being happy. The Song of The Day is Nine In The Afternoon by Panic! At The Disco.
Readers, what's your song of the day? Feel free to share in the comments, I generally look up whatever people post (not that I get a lot of replies), and I'm always looking for more music.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Play That Funky Music

So I had another one of my genius ideas, not one of those "It sounded like a good idea at the time" ideas, but a really good idea. Me, Dmitri, and whoever the hell else we can get to form up a band, are going to do a Cover CD. But not some normal cover cd where they don't even change the genre or time period. And not a "Glee" Cover CD where they get some prissy looking high school choir to sing all the songs with high energy and absurd amounts of rainbow flavored cocaine. No, this'll be different in that we're going to take funky, righteous, hellacious 70's disco-esque music and do all punk rock covers of them. So the Song of The Day, in honor of the 70's, is Play That Funky Music by Wild Cherry, a band you've probably never heard of because they're really only known for this song. And even then they aren't really known so much as listened to. I never even knew who the fuck they were until about 15 minutes ago, but I knew the song. Not much else to report here, I got a hair-cut yesterday, really short. That's about it.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Forget It

Another song chosen just for it's name. The Song of The Day is Forget It by Breaking Benjamin. The name says it all, literally. I've been fighting myself a lot lately, arguing with the thoughts, suspicious vile thoughts, and I realize that whatever my other self says is all lies. Just dirty lies that I don't need to listen to. So I'm just going to drop it, no matter how much I had myself believing they were true, I'm just going to forget it. Because some problems just aren't worth the risk, and this one had a huge risk either way. If I'm wrong, I'm screwed, if I'm right, I'm screwed.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Monday, May 14, 2012


The Song of The Day is Kickapoo by Tenacious D. I'm not really into explaining right now. Just listen to the song.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

If I Leave

I'm going to be completely honest, I don't know the lyrics to this song and I only chose it for the name. I know I like the song, and I've listened to it several times, I just don't have the lyrics memorized and don't feel like looking them up right now for fear that they might twist my message in this post into something that it's not meant to be. So for the integrity of this post, don't think of the lyrics. The Song of The Day is If I Leave by A Day To Remember.
They're sending me away. For whatever reason they have in their heads, because I know that the reason they told me isn't the real one. I also know that Mother knows me. She knows that anytime I get on a plane alone, it's a one way ticket, and I'm not ready to leave like that. I'm not ready to go home. I've got promises to keep, I've got a real love that I want to keep with me. I also know that if I leave, Rocket will think that I've abandoned her, because I won't be able to come back. That's part of their plan though, because my grandmother told me she'd pay for a one way ticket for me and to ship my stuff up there, so it won't just be for the summer. Not that I can talk to anybody in my family about this, none of them would listen. None of them care what I want or what's really best for me. On top of that I'd be returning home as a failure. I can't do that, I won't survive it. Old friends will ask what happened to me, wondering why I've changed from the innocent dreamer that I once was, into some delusional delinquent. Then there's my other self, the bastard doubts everything everyone says. Distorting words and phrases to sinister meanings and contexts, reminding me just how weak I am. If I can't control my own mind how can I control the situation? How can I fix a problem on the outside if I'm fighting a war with myself on the inside? Everything is just fucked right now, and things are only going to get worse from here. I know it, I can feel the energies shifting around me and in this house. Something is about to break, and it's not just my mind. I can't leave yet, I'm not ready to go home, I've still got things to take care of here, I've still got Rocket and I'm not about to leave her just to escape some legal issues. We were together when all of this started, and the only way we're going to get through this is together.
I can't go home yet..


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Little Boxes

It seems that no matter how different we try to be, we always end up the same. We always end up fitting into some little sub-group or clique. That doesn't seem right to me. All these supposed role-models tell us to go out and be our own person and be unique and all that, but we all have to go up to the universities, then we come out all the same. So the Song of The Day is Little Boxes by this amazing band called Walk Off The Earth. Seriously, go to youtube right now and look up their cover of Somebody That I Used To Know (I have no clue who the original artist is, but the cover is better anyway.), it's awesome. I won't ruin it for you by telling you why it's awesome, but I think they could've used a couple more guitars. Y'know what guys, I'm just going through a whole mental deconstruction thing right now and I can't do this tonight. I'm just really messed up right now.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Sound of Silence

Guess how much of today made sense! Nothing. I got lost in the dream world last night and I'm not sure if I'm even awake right now. It's a real inception moment, only instead of being Cobb, I'm more like Molley. Which is kind of sad. Don't worry, I'm not going to go off and kill myself because I'm confused, I'm just saying that I don't know what went on today. Literally, I know that I had toast for breakfast, pancakes for lunch, and spaghetti for dinner. Anything in between that really wasn't important I guess. So that's why the Song of The Day is The Sound of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel, because I don't understand what the song is about. Not much to report on today, I guess I'm a mean person. I never felt that I was excessively mean, but I can start paying more attention to what I say and do now.
Maybe the song of the day should've been Pain by Three Days Grace


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Just Checking In

So, I was going through some old posts in the archives, and I'm astounded at how far I've come. I started this in 2010 with a small song library, now it's 2012 and I've learned of more music than I had thought there was back then. I mean, I knew of the bands and their music, but now I've got this entire computer filled with over a month of music, and that's not counting what's just on my Droid. This was one of those days that just didn't amount to anything. So fuck it.
Readers, do any of you have a song of the day?


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bleed It Out/Waiting For The End

There are those times when it seems like nobody around you knows what the fuck is really going on. This past month has been one of those times for me. The Songs of The Day are Bleed It Out and Waiting For The End, both by Linkin Park. Yes it's a song about suicide, but I'm far from that. Suicide is for the weak, and I'm not as weak as my other self seems to think. No, this is the song of the day because sometimes you have to do something drastic to make people realize what the real problem is. Now it seems like everybody in my family that is involved or has taken interest in this situation is just blaming my actions on my friends and Rocket, and that's not right. My father says that I was "just chasing some girl" (to put it nicely, I'd not repeat what he called her.), which sucks because she was looking forward to possibly meeting him this week, but after all that was said today I'm not sure that I want him here. He doesn't understand that all of this has nothing to do with the bitter feud that he and my mother have. He doesn't get that this isn't just because I live with somebody other than him. I don't live with him because I know that I'll never live up to his expectations, but it seems that even here I can't escape being a huge fucking disappointment to the bastard. So I don't know what to do to make him understand that I don't need somebody else flipping shit on me when I've pretty much kicked the crap out of myself every day since I failed my friends. He doesn't have that guilt, he's never let anybody down the way I have.
Then there's my Grandmother, one of the only 3 people that doesn't make me feel fucking useless because of this. No, she just makes me feel more guilty. There are only three things that really hurt me about all this. They are, in this order, letting down my grandparents, not being able to see Rocket as much, and knowing that my feeling of overall failure is justified. My Grandma and Grandpa (on my fathers side) are the people that are my inspiration to succeed. Even before I met Rocket, or my brothers in Florida, I knew I had to be famous to pay them back. They are first on my list of people to help when I make it. Of course my grandmother always wanted me to be a doctor, lawyer, or scientist, so a profession in the arts was out of the question to her, so I changed my plan a bit to where I could still be happy without being a disappointment. I know it sounds petty, but they are some of the most important people in my life, and I can't let them down. I'm seriously afraid that they might die if I go to juvie. I'm not fucking kidding.
In other news I "finished" my new mask. It's kind of a demonic skull looking face. It was originally orange, so I repainted it all white, and I wear it with a kind of ninja hood behind it so that the black and white contrast. I'm going to splatter it with red paint to look like blood splatter. It's gonna be sick.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Sunday, May 6, 2012

I'm Just A Kid

I'm done with hope, because hoping for things only leads to disappointment and the realization of how impossible your objective was in the first place, which then leads to sadness. So hope=sadness. In what could be my last Song of The Day for a while, I plan to say a lot. I won't, but I plan to.
The Song of The Day is I'm Just A Kid by Simple Plan, that's what I am, just a kid. In the eyes of my parents, in the eyes of the world, in the eyes of everyone I'm just a stupid kid. That's not going to be how they see me tomorrow though, tomorrow they'll just see a person who committed a crime or two. They won't see a kid, which isn't fair. A lot of it isn't fair or doesn't make sense though. You all tell us that as teenagers we need to start acting like adults, but refuse to stop treating us as children. Then when we start acting responsible and trying to be more adult you tell us that we have to appreciate the time we have because once we turn 18 nothing is fun anymore. Nothing is fun right now. I literally have one fun day a week if I'm lucky, and the only reason that it's fun is because I get to spend time with Rocket. Which doesn't happen very often anymore because I got expelled and my stepfather doesn't like her for absolutely no reason what-so-fucking-ever. He's trying to be nicer though, I know he is. He just really sucks at it, really. The point is that no matter what happens tomorrow, it won't feel right. Rocket, Dmitri, and I could get away with no punishment whatsoever, and I'd only feel more guilty. Or I get sent to juvie and lose my mind. Or get put on probation, which means that they'd try to stop Rocket and I from seeing eachother. I don't care though, even if they are reading this right now, I'd break whatever rules were put in front of me just to see her. I'd break out of wherever they throw me if it meant I could spend time with her more than just once a week. But it wouldn't be a discrete "dig under the ground with a spoon" breakout, I'd start a riot, then all of us would get out. Well, those of us that aren't getting the shit beat out of us or fighting with the officers.
Dmitri says that we probably won't get juvie though. How would he know? It's not like he's been picked up for shit like this before, plus they might be getting me with some federal charges or some bullshit like that, we don't know what they're charging me with because the genius in charge of serving me my summons LOST MY FUCKING PAPERS. Really? Your sole job is delivering some papers to a minor awaiting his court date, and you lose the papers? What kind of a dipshit do you have to be? And this isn't just a day before thing, they told us the papers were missing 3 days ago. So now I'm going in with no fucking clue as what to expect, or how to prepare myself. So I've got to wing it and do whatever the fuck I can to get the least possible punishment for myself, and if possible Rocket. Notice I'm not going to fight for Dmitri. Nope, not after finding out just why the cops stopped to talk to us in the first place. I told him we didn't need to steal anything, but nobody fucking listens to me. If people just listened to me, and had we stuck to my plan, this wouldn't be happening right now. So fuck him, because that's the mood I'm in right now.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Friday, May 4, 2012

Take Over The World

"Gee Brain, what are we going to do tonight?"
Know the answer? If not, get out of my web address. The Song of The Day is Take Over The World by Your Favorite Martian. Y'know what, I don't have time for this. I'm about to watch Insidious. Hoping it's as scary as they all say it is. It's been a while since a movie has scared me.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Let Go

I tried to narrow what happened yesterday down to one song, and I couldn't do it. Too many thoughts, too many feelings, not enough words. So I made a playlist today while I was lying in bed all day. It is as follows;

Sing For The Moment by Eminem
Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park
I'm Just A Kid by Simple Plan
I Just Wanna Run by The Downtown Fiction
Lights Out by Mindless Self Indulgence

That's about it. I don't know what today's song of the day will be, but that covers yesterday.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Till I Collapse

A lot of you keep telling me to just give up. That I've got no reason to keep fighting. Hell, I was telling myself that for a couple weeks, but that's not who I am anymore. I'm a lyricist, a weaver of webs with words and music. If only I could put more out than just the words though. That doesn't matter, what matters is that this is what I do, I write, and I'm going to keep writing until my legs fall out from underneath me. Or the ground that I stand on, whichever comes first. Family was against my pursuit in the arts until recently, now that I may not have a lot of time left to pursue my dream of owning a guitar shop and writing for a famous band. Even if all of us know that this isn't the end of the world, we all know how I take things. I'll either leave the house every day for hours on end to gods-know-where, or I'll give up on everything and never leave my room and probably try to kill myself a couple times (third time's the charm right? not funny....).
The Song of The Day is Till I Collapse by Eminem, because I'm gonna keep at this songwriting thing until I die, not that I intend to die, I'm going to live forever as a god of music. Whether it's from my personal voice, or just the words from my pen, somebody that I don't know is going to remember me. You will remember me.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Monday, April 30, 2012

You'll actually have to READ this one!

Drones by Rise Against
Our Time Now by Plain White T's
My Own Worst Enemy by Lit

All of these songs have been featured here at least once, and each of them was a candidate for today's Song of The Day. So which one won? Well, now that you're this far I suppose I should tell you so you can be on your way. Fuck that. First let me elaborate on why each one is qualified to be the SOTD.

Let's start with My Own Worst Enemy by Lit.
-Why It's Qualified
Who is the one person that's always getting in the way of your happiness? You. This goes for everyone. But relates to my day very little.
This is not the SOTD

Drones by Rise Against
-Why It's Qualified
Who are you in the eyes of the government? Nobody. That's what we are, and we could all take a hint from this song, and V For Vendetta (have I mentioned that's my number 2 favorite movie?).
Not The SOTD

Our Time Now by Plain White T's
Fuck all the rules, love jumps the barriers set by our peers and elders. All these things that happen between people are natural and good.
Not The SOTD

So then what could it be? Wait, what's this?! There was a fourth competitor! The Song of The Day is All I Want by A Day To Remember. All I want is a place to call my own. To get out of this town. There were really only two options for the SOTD anyway, and both were by A Day To Remember. It was either All I Want or All Signs Point To Lauderdale.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Shut-Up And Smile

Let's just be happy. I'll say this no matter how much everybody hates hearing it; I love Rocket. If I could use real names on this page, you'd all know who and why. Then you'd be jealous of me, and stop reading. So no names for you. The Song of The Day is Shut-Up And Smile by Bowling For Soup. I know it's been on this page before, but probably last years playlist. I wish Rocket didn't have to go home tonight, I'm missing her again already, as pathetic as it sounds it's true. I know that I won't see her for another week, and the knowledge of that just kills me. It shouldn't be like this. I shouldn't feel like such a failure if she's happy with me. I know I let a lot of people down with my escape attempt and the resulting expulsion, but failing her hurt the most. Knowing that all of this could've been avoided for a bit longer had I been more in control of the situation back then. Knowing that another vision could potentially come true because of tonight. It won't though. I have communed with the spirits! And they hath warned me of a somewhat beneficial future that is still to be avoided with all my ability. For now at least.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Friday, April 27, 2012


I had some trouble selecting my Song of The Day for today. Then I realized that not much happened today that I could relate in a song, so I'm just going to feature a new favorite of mine as the Song of The Day, which is Complicated by Your Favorite Martian. If you watch =3 or any other of Ray William Johnson's channels, then you know about YFM and YFMTS (YEAH!). Watch the music video for this song. Fucking do it. I'll know if you don't. I'm creepy like that. Sentence fragments. Yeah.
I'm so ready for tomorrow. I really just want to sleep right now so that it'll get here faster so I can see Rocket. Seriously, you have no fucking clue. NO FUCKING CLUE PEOPLE.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Song of The Week

Wow, how did I ever forget about the Song of The Week post? As previous, this and the Song of The Day will be two separate posts. The Song of The Week is Kick Monday (In The Nutsack) by Watsky & Mody feat. Wax. Now I know this was Monday's SOTD, but get the fuck over it. I'm the writer, you're the reader, and nobody is forcing you to agree with me. Not yet at least... But yeah, I kicked this week in the nutsack. Saturday is going to be great no matter how many people actually show up, and I learned a couple new songs. Such as Jump by Van Halen. Yeah.
Readers, what's your song of the week?


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Between Angels and Insects

I hate money. Have I ever mentioned that? It serves fucking no purpose other to make the rich feel good about themselves and turn the poor towards suicide. Really, you need the money to buy the stuff to give you a semblance of happiness. You need the money to buy food to support yourself. Is that how it should be? Should people suffer hunger and unhappiness just because of a piece of paper? Now the more argumentative of you will bitch and moan about how a monetary system gives us reason to work and helps us to maintain social order. Well call me a fucking communist then because I believe that's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. This country doesn't need cash to solve it's problems, it needs smarter people. Hell, the whole fucking world just needs to get smarter. The Song of The Day is Between Angels and Insects. This is one song that gets the fucking idea. This one and 1 Trillion Dollar$ by Anti-Flag (featured in a previous, much older post). I hate money, and I hate what it does to us. People are gunned down every day just for the couple bucks that they may or may not have on them. People go homeless because they can't afford to stay in a house or apartment. What happened to humanity? There are no records that the cavemen had any form of economy, and they seemed to get along just fine. "Oh well it was a simpler time then, they didn't have the technology that we do now." Oh so this is all because of our fancy sleek machines? No, no it's not. This is because people have to have something in exchange. Nobody does anything out of the kindness of their heart anymore, or to genuinely help their fellow human beings. Not even all these supposed "non-profit charity organizations". It's all corporate bullshit. Someone somewhere in that company is making hundreds of thousands of dollars that they don't fucking need. The only reason we think we need money and all of these nice things is because the whole fucking world is insecure. You, me, your neighbor, President Obama, Congress (and every fucking oil baron in it), even the people you look up to. Whether or not any of us realize it, we're being played, and it's not a very fun game. We get caught in this infinite loop, like playing tag with three-people-no-tagbacks. Just when we think we've spent enough money to feel good about what we have, something better comes out. Then you've got to work more to replace something you just bought, just so that you're not insecure about having last weeks model. All of us just need to grow the fuck up and get over ourselves.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Party Playlist

So as most of you know I'm organizing a party for this Saturday. Turns out it's kinda hard to invite people without internet. But I always hated the music that the schools play at parties or dances, let's be honest we don't want to listen to the same song mixed 100 different ways for 4 hours, and I figured I can do better with a playlist. It's got 69 songs (not on purpose) and they're all pretty high energy. Here we go.

19-2000 (Soulchild Remix) by Gorillaz
Airplanes by B.O.B. feat. Hayley Williams of Paramore
The Anthem by Good Charlotte
As You're Falling Down by Escape The Fate
Behind Closed Doors by Rise Against
Blitzkrieg Boom by Deathstars
Burn It To The Ground by Nickelback
The Catalyst by Linkin Park
Chicks Dig Giant Robots by Deathwish iX
Come Out And Play by The Offspring
Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy
Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low
Dirty Little Secret by The All-American Rejects
Valley of The Damned by Dragonforce
Without Me by Eminem
Fade Out/In by Paloalto
Faint by Linkin Park
Fake It by Seether
Die For Metal by Manowar
Girls Not Grey by AFI
Good Girls Bad Guys by Falling In Reverse
Gorgeous Nightmare by Escape The Fate
Handlebars by The Flobots
Hear Me Now by Hollywood Undead
Heartless by The Word Alive
Hello Fascination by Breathe Carolina
Hey by Lil Jon feat. 3OH!3
Issues by Escape The Fate
Jack Sparrow by The Lonely Island
JiggaFaintCrush by Jay-Z
Kickstart My Heart by Motley Crue
Kill The Rock by Mindless Self Indulgence
Let Me Hear You Scream by Ozzy
Lights Out by Mindless Self Indulgence
Living After Midnight by Judas Priest
Just Lose It by Eminem
Lost Woods (Ephixa Dubstep)
Love The Way You Lie by A Skylit Drive
Master Exploder by Tenacious D
The Middle by Jimmy Eat World
Monster by Skillet
My Darkest Hour by Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Never Wanted To Dance by Mindless Self Indulgence
Numb/Encore by Jay-z
The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At The Disco
Points of Authority/99 Problems/ One Step Closer by Jay-z
Porn Star Dancing by My Darkest Days
The Pretender by Foo Fighters
A Really Cool Dance Song by Bowling For Soup
Rock And Roll All Night by Kiss
Scotty Doesn't Know by Lustra
Shut Me Up by Mindless Self Indulgence
Situations by Escape The Fate
Song 2 by Blur
Stacy's Mom by Fountains of Wayne
Straight To Video by Mindless Self Indulgence
Summer of 69 by Bowling For Soup
Superman by Goldfinger
Technologic by Daft Punk
Till I Collapse by Eminem

I don't feel like typing out the rest right now, but that's a majority of the music isn't it? So deal with it


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

You Had Me At Hello

So is anybody else really not into Bloggers new dashboard layout? It's all white and not very colourful, but whatever. The Song of The Day is You Had Me At Hello by A Day To Remember. It's been three weeks since Rocket and I last saw eachother, and nearly each minute has been spent trying to think of what we could do each weekend. But none of that ever happened, so this weekend has to be killer. Not killer as in murderer, but killer as in totally fucking righteous! The Poor Man's Prom planning is going well, Rocket wants it to be a masquerade, which normally I wouldn't protest to, but it's so little time and people might be discouraged to come if they don't have a mask. So I'm thinking we should just nix that idea and go straight forward with the previous plan; a semi-formal come as you are kind of thing that people don't wear masks at. None of this, aside from the 3 weeks thing, has anything to do with my song of the day. It is what it is because I miss Rocket. Sure we talk on the phone nearly every night, and we've got this weekend, but it isn't enough time. We need more together. It's like I spend most of my day just counting down to when I can call her or when she calls me. Maybe a better song would be Where'd You Go by Fort Minor, but that one turns angry towards the end and I'm not mad at her. If I'm mad at anyone it's myself. I caused all of this. The missing time is all my fault. If I hadn't gotten myself expelled then we'd still see eachother every day and the weekends, but I'm an idiot. I did something because the plan called for it to happen, and I paid for it.
A message to all of you Readers that are still in school; Don't ever do anything to get expelled. It kills certain parts of you, makes you realize just how weak you are and just how much you have to lose.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Monday, April 23, 2012

Kick Monday (In The Nutsack)

The Song of The Day is Kick Monday (In The Nutsack)by Watsky & Mody ft.Wax . Because that is exactly what I intend to do. So the weekend was great, I almost died a couple times, three exactly, got beaten down with my own cross, got 12 new books, currently reading 4 of them. Un Lun Dun is pretty cool so far, granted I'm only on page 32. Rocket and I are planning our "Poor Man's Prom", I was going to take her to the real one but I kinda got expelled and that tends to fuck with my participating in school events. So we're planning our own. We're having it at my place, but not really inside my house. Aside from the kitchen and bathrooms, the entire house will be cut off from everybody but my inner circle of friends (Rocket, Savvy, Bass Man, The Trojan, and my sister Mix. Not that she's invited, she just has to stay home to watch the baby while the party is going on.). I think it's gonna go great! I've got the layout planned, everybody should bring a party dish (by dish I mean a plate of food or something like that for all to share, not an actual dish like a bowl or plate or something like that.). Then Rocket had the idea for Karaoke, and I realized that I can totally hook that up. I have a program on my computer that removes the words from any audio file I choose, but it deletes the original. Doesn't matter cuz I can just make two copies of the song before I edit the original one. Anyway, we're going to hook up my audio board to my amp, plug in whatever I have the karaoke files saved on to the audio board, then plug in a mic and let it play out. That with everything else I have planned for it will be pretty cool.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Friday, April 20, 2012

A Really Cool Dance Song

The Song of The Day is A Really Cool Dance Song by Bowling For Soup. Just look it up, I don't have time to explain why right now.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Current Tracks

So, I didn't really have any defining moments in my day that registered on a musical level. But here's my playlist for the day!

Out of Time by A Day To Remember
It's Complicated by A Day To Remember
It's Not Over by Secondhand Serenade
Hero by Skillet
Follow Me by Uncle Kraker (spelled right? I don't give a fuck)
Fuck You by Ceelo Green
Apologize by Silverstein (none of that Onerepublic bullshit)
S.E.X. by Nickelback

That's what I've listened to today. What's your Wednesday Playlist of The Day Readers?


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Darkness Within (Acoustic)

So, as many of you know already, I'm a lyricist. That means that I write song lyrics with the intention of producing music with them or selling them for profit. Now I'm sure right now a lot of you are thinking "That sounds like the easiest shit ever! I'm gonna go out and write a hit song right now!", if only it was that simple. The Song of The Day is Darkness Within (Acoustic) by Machine Head. It's about music. I'm using this to tell you that it's not easy writing good lyrics, it's especially harder to sell them. You need to have inspiration, a story, a strong beat in your head while you write, luck, and I've been told that hallucinogenic drugs can help a bit too (not that I'd know anything about that.). Overall, it's like a minigame in Life. Not the HASBRO board game, but the metaphor of comparing life to some suck ass game where the general public has literally no hope of ever making it to the last godsdamned square. Fucking rich folk and g-men have all the cards with the matching color-squares (10 points for candyland reference! Somebody should pay me for all this advertising. lolz.). I've probably gone through at least 20 different versions before I submit my best work for criticizing from my friends. And they can be pretty harsh sometimes. But I never give up on a set of lyrics or a song. Even if I'm just working with 2 chords and a single verse, I'll keep going till I'm happy with it, and that's what matters. You don't do this because it's some get-rich-quick plan, you do it because you want to. It's just like writing poetry, only with music behind it and it doesn't take 6 fucking hours in a smokey coffee house to listen to ONE GODSDAMNED STORY (ALL CAPS RAGE ON YOU FUCKING SLOW ASS POETS! LEARN TO SPEAK NORMAL SPEEDS!). I'm just putting the final touches on Rocket's song right now as I copy it into my official songbook. Only my best work goes in the song book. The rest gets incinerated along with any original copies.
I also write music to tell my stories, or to let out all of this pent up rage that builds from my environment. Somebody pisses me off beyond the point of no return, I don't murder them and their entire family out of revenge (although sometimes I wish I had), I write a song. When I have something to say that I couldn't say in a regular conversation, I sing it out in a song. I'm not saying it's for everybody, I'm just saying music has power. Whether it's the music in your ipod, or the music in you.
So Readers, if any of you will answer the fucking question this time, what's your song of the day?


Monday, April 16, 2012


We went by the High School today to get my transcripts so I could register for summer school and for school next year. Rocket, Savvy, and The Other walked by our car, so I rolled down my window and her and I talked. Seeing her absolutely made my day, but having to leave killed me. I whispered the song Darkness Within by Machine Head all the way home through gritted teeth. Beating the shit out of myself mentally for making it to where we have so little time together. I really don't think anybody could hate me more than I do at any point in my life. But I'm trying to be positive again. The Song of The Day is Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls. I know, it's a soft-rock ballad. But it's good, and the very first line says something that I really feel.
Mother and The Stepfather forgot to pay the internet bill, so we have internet at my house anymore. So I'm at the library. I didn't read anything about there being a time limit to how long I can be on a computer, so I'll probably be here a while. Not on this page though, I'm just putting up my post for the day then getting the hell out of here.
Do me a favor, spread the word about my site. Like us on Facebook and all that neat stuff (yes, I just said NEAT. Suck it.), and don't forget to answer the timeless question;
What's your song of the day?


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Two Weeks

Ignore the sadness behind the song, and the rage, and the depression, then realize what I'm going to say is true. The Song of The Day is Two Weeks by All That Remains. Not because I'm having more relationship issues, not because I'm dead (as the music video suggests), but because a lot can change in two weeks. Two weeks ago I was a depressed, sad, emo-ish, angry dude. Now I'm chill, content, positive, and ready to take on what the universe has in store for me next. What's changed in your lives over the past two weeks readers? Things going for the better or worse? Two weeks was enough time for me to figure out what was wrong with me, and to learn how to fix it, see if you can do the same if you're going through some trouble. Don't be so stubborn as to believe that it's the rest of the world that needs to change, change your damn self first.
Readers, what's your song of the day? Always looking for new music, so post in the comments section below.



When do you reach the point where you decide to tell the world to fuck off because you're having a good time? When you're zoned out to a song on the radio? When you're baked out of your mind? Exploring with friends? Or just sitting around, hanging out and watching anime at 1 in the morning? I don't know exactly when I reached this point, but "fuck tomorrow I just wanna jump." Not off a building or anything suicidal like that, just jump. Like on a trampoline or some shit. So the Song of The Day (for April 14, cuz it's technically the 15 right now) is Jump by Simple Plan. I was going to go with the Van Halen song of the same name, but I already had Simple Plan on file and I'm a lazy bastard so suck it up and read on. I don't really know all the lyrics to the song, but the chorus gets straight to the damn point. "FUCK TOMORROW", I've decided to try making as few plans as possible for the future, and just go along with what happens. Still going to try to call Rocket everyday, still going to make plans with friends and shit, but all future plans? Any hopes of wasting life away at something that shall never be achieved through anything but luck? Fuck it. Let's everyone just go along with whatever comes. So, yeah. I thought I had more to say (once again), but I lost it somewhere in the depths of my mind.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Friday, April 13, 2012

Welcome To My Life

WHOA. I'm back, and a lot has changed since my extended absence. Blogger got a new look, the Facebook Timeline became mandatory, Rocket and I almost broke up (but we didn't), and I'm not depressed anymore. Yeah, you read that last part right. From now on I shall try to be only a positive thinker. "But Virus, why is your Song of The Day something depressing then?" Shut-up, be patient. I'm getting to that.
The Song of The Day is Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan. Because for the last week, aside from 2 days ago, that song fit perfectly into everything that I was feeling. I'm pretty sure that if I didn't have my Mother on my side and helping me work shit out, I would've punched a hole through my wall and broken both my hands. Just sayin'.
Anyway, I'm back, shit's changed for the better, and I want to world to know that I love Rocket. Not that any of you know who that is. Okay, some of you know who that is, but only if you know me. Which I can guarantee that most of my readers do. Oh well.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Monday, March 26, 2012


Yo, sometimes you just gotta go. You just gotta fight back in whatever way you can. Now some of you will say that's just the teenage rebel in me (love you Grandma), but others will recognize something else in these songs. So here, look 'em up. Love them, hate them, do whatever you want with them once you've heard them. So here we go.

Till I Collapse by Eminem
Bring The Pain by Mindless Self Indulgence
Prayer of The Refugee by Rise Against
Faint by Linkin Park
Grammatizator by Rise Against
Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold

Listen to them, figure out what they have in common. Then post your playlist with the same theme in the comments section below.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Getting Away With Murder

It's not that hard. Getting away with murder. Not saying that I've done it before, but I know enough about it. There's a science to it. You don't ever need to worry about "how am I going to kill this person?." It's "What do I do with the body, weapon, and crime scene?." Now I'm not encouraging that you go off and practice this theory, and the only reason my Song of The Day is Getting Away With Murder by Papa Roach is because I live with an unstable threatening asshole that has the God-Complex stick shoved so far up his ass you can see it poking out of the top of his skull. Before I go any further on that note, let me point out a fucking retarded ass law made up by politicians that grew up sucking on their mother's money-tit. It's called "Corporal Punishment", y'know the extremely controversial law that basically says you can brutalize anybody in your house under 18 to whatever extent and any way you want just so long as they can still breathe and still walk afterwards, and if they try to defend themselves you can have them thrown in jail for assault? I'm sure you'll remember it now. But this asshole I'm forced to call my step"father" (as if he's any sort of father figure) threatened my 13 year old sister with it yesterday. Now that, that's just pushing me a little too close to the edge right now, and with the situation I'm in you really don't want me to go over the edge. I'm a guy with no future, no hope, and no family. All I've got right now is Rocket and my music, and those are the two things I'm going to hold on two for as long as I can. But with every threat he's ever made, every time he's told my mother that he's going to kill me, every time he's threatened mine and my sister's lives, every time he's hit on other women while I'm with him and he knows he's fucking married. There are people in this world that deserve to die Readers, but you'll notice they almost always outlive the good people in the world that try to get along with others, that want to help people and make this shithole of a planet a better place. So I propose a new law, as a counter to their Corporal "Punishment" (or the beat the shit out of your kids however long you want law). This new law would be one that says if some douche bag is terrorizing your family and threatening your lives, you have legal authority to tie him down, torture the motherfucker until he begs you to kill him, then give him a pair of cement shoes and drop him in the fucking ocean. And the government will pay for all materials used as a way of apologizing to you for having to deal with this asshole for so long. I like my law better. I'd feel so much better afterwards. But with the way things currently are, I can't kill him. No matter what service I'd be doing the world, I CAN'T do it. I mean me, as a person, could not kill him. Only strictly because I couldn't get away with it, and because I'll never have enough money to hire a professional killer (joking! for all the feds watching this, track my email and I'll give you his name, rank, and current address. Conspiracy to commit murder applies to years of words coming out of his mouth, and if I can't have personal justice, maybe you can help me.)
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Love The Way You Lie

Now, this is not the Song of The Day, it's just another badass song that I thought should be shared with the masses. Yesterday I was talking with Dmitri about doing a rock or metal cover of an Eminem or D12 song. Then I'm scrolling through some music online and noticed something that I thought was really badass. Then I listened to it, and I thought it was even more badass than my original assessment. Love The Way You Lie by A Skylit Drive from Punk Goes Pop Volume 4. Look it up.
Readers, any songs that you think the others should know? Feel free to post them in the comments section below, if it is still down there.


Friday, March 23, 2012


I'm constantly being told how good of a person I am. How smart I am. How respectful I am. But it's all a lie. I'm not meant to be a perfect kid, or some genius that cures cancer (which in theory is uncurable. Seeing as how cancer is basically just a faulty cell or some failing part of the persons cellular structure, the only actual cure is death.), hell I may not even end up being the Rockstar I want to be, but none of that matters to these people. They only see the good, because that's all that I let them see. They don't see the sides of me that show how messed up in the head I really am. The fact that there's more than one should give a hint! I'm constantly combating these other sides just to make sure I don't say or do something that I'll regret for the rest of my life. Maybe in retrospect I should have tried a little harder to keep all these bad ideas locked away, so uh... My bad. The point is, that no matter how much these people tell me how bright, nice, and good I am it just makes this worse. That I can get away with such a con, deceiving even myself at times, only encourages this. Sure I can be polite to the point where it's like I'm from a different time, but I'm not a good person because of that. I've fucked up a LOT. Getting arrested and expelled are some of the worst things to ever happen to me, but I caused it by being a bad person. My grandmother says that "The path to hell is paved with good intentions", I believe it. My intentions have always damned me. Even if I was just trying to help, or to protect somebody, or even if I was doing what should be considered the right thing, I've always been punished for trying to be a good guy, so in their eyes aren't I the bad guy? I don't know where else I'd go with this, but I think I'm done. The Song of The Day is Duality by Slipknot.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Just look it up. Crush Crush Faint. Just look it up on youtube. The dude that made it is apparently called TheUnforgettableSound.

Monday, March 19, 2012

New Divide

I had some trouble trying to convey my thoughts into a song today. Or rather, I had some trouble trying to find a song that I could use to properly convey my thoughts to you Readers. So I'll start like this. Ever have one of those days where you just want to rip yourself apart piece by piece? Like, you hate yourself for your decisions, but you acknowledge that there's nothing you can do to change what you did, and that just makes it worse. You want to off yourself but won't because there's people that need you and you have this false sense of pride that drive you to tell the universe "Fuck off, this soul is mine!"? This is one of those days for me. Because of my paranoia, and my dreams. I hate dreaming, with a passion. I used to have these really kickass rocker dreams, and now they all suck. Back to whatever the fuck I hinted at a story with earlier.
I say a lot of stupid shit (if you've read this blog before, you know that), and I get in trouble for a lot of stupid shit, but as my mother once told me "You're a teenager, that's pretty much the epitome of 'It seemed like a good idea at the time'." She's right, but what bothers me the most, in when I don't know what I did to piss somebody off. Did I say something? Was it something I did? Then they don't tell me when I ask. When I ask what I did wrong I'm not just curious, I want to fix it. Cross whatever gap I have caused. The Song of The Day is New Divide by Linkin Park. I know I've done it before, but that was like two years ago right? Right? Whatever, fuck off.
On a note that has nothing to do with anything I've talked about today, my mother leaves for Home tomorrow. That's right, she gets to take a trip up to our hometown in Alaska. I'm not going with for two reasons; 1)I won't leave the state unless Rocket is with me for fear that I might not make it back. 2) I don't want to use my grandparents airline miles. They'll need those to come to my graduation. Which I will graduate, despite what all of you fucks say.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Friday, March 16, 2012

All Signs Point To Lauderdale

I'm not sure that I'm spelling the name of this song right. But The Song of The Day is All Signs Point To Lauderdale by A Day To Remember. The Chorus of the song, that's how I'm feeling right now.


Thursday, March 15, 2012


The only words to describe today are boring and repetitive. So here's a song that is both boring, and repetitive. I really can't figure out why it's on my Droid. The Song of The Day is Technologic by Daft Punk. For some reason I used to like this song, enough to pay itunes for it apparently. Rocket can't come over tomorrow, and by the time I'd get there it'd be time for chores and I always feel like I'm just getting in the way and not really helping with anything. We're gonna try for Saturday and Sunday and then next weekend and spring break. But I know that my Mother and her Husband will come up with a hundred different reasons why we can't see eachother during the whole week that she doesn't have school. She says that she doesn't do it on purpose, but every time I even bring up Rocket or going to see her it's always a "maybe" and something always comes up. So forgive me if it leads me to believe that they obviously don't want me seeing her. Well, they can go fuck themselves.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Last Song

The Song of The Day is The Last Song by Foo Fighters. For my father, because this is the last Song that I will dedicate to you. I'm done with you.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Topic one. Don't get married to somebody with children if you're not ready to be a parent. My Mother's Husband, no longer known as the stepfather because that insinuates that he's a parent, really wants nothing to do with any of us. Not me, not my sister, and not his daughter. His reason for being here? As far as I can tell he doesn't have one. He never has anything nice to say about anyone, not me, not my sisters, not my mother. He bitches about everything and has told me before that he doesn't need any of us (which I find to be completely untrue because he can't really clean up after himself, as displayed by his and my mothers room.). And he displays no outward affection towards my mother, mainly just sexual actions towards her. Just what I see though. Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe I'm right again.
Now I've been getting this a lot. "Why'd you try to run?". Well, the answer is because of all of the bullshit that daily life requires us to deal with. Then there's my biological father, "I just don't understand why you don't want to live with me. Look at all your friends up here, they're all going to be successful and not a total fuck up. And somehow that's all because they live near me." (okay so that's not exactly what he says, but in a nutshell that's what I'm getting from it.) And the answer, which I didn't want to say before because I really didn't want to hurt his feelings , but his constant referring to Rocket as just another "piece of ass" (do it again old man, I fucking dare you.) has pushed me beyond caring about how he feels. So the real answer comes in three parts. First of all, you keep fucking comparing me to EVERYONE. I know I'm not who YOU want me to be, but I'm working towards being who I want to be, and in my life that's what matters. Part 2, you don't care what I want to do, you're going to push me into what you did as a kid. You're going to do whatever it takes to make me just like you, and no matter how many times you tell me not to be like you you're just going to keep pushing me towards it. And that's what pisses you off the most right now, that I'm not just like you. Lastly, and this one will really hurt, it's that you're fucking boring. Everything is the same with you. Maybe I'll regret saying all this later, but right now it feels pretty damn good.
Next up, now that I've gone off on my little rant that has absolutely nothing to do with my Song of The Day, is my Song of The Day which happens to be Island by The Starting Line. Because that's where we'd be right now. Some little island or coastal area in the South. In a way I'm kinda glad they caught us, but now I've sampled freedom. I want more. I want that feeling of not having to report or call in to anyone, or having to leave Rocket at 3:00 pm every day. And I know I've only got a couple years until then, but a year is a long time, and I know how things turn out, but no matter how positive it is if we stay, I can't wait. I'm an impatient little bastard.
So readers, what's your song of the day?
