Get Infected

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I am but a conduit for the verbal and musical expressions that the universe chooses to channel through my mind and soul.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Better Than Me

That moment when you realize you're holding someone back from something better, and your heart stops beating, those are the moments that make us realize how worthless we think we are to the people we care about. But the moment we lose hope in our relationships with those people, that's when we truly become worthless. Never lose hope in your love, and never let your love lose hope in you. Because it doesn't matter who, or what, tries to stop the relationship of two people, if it truly love then it will last all trials. You may realize it's love instantly, or it could take months, years even of spending time with this one person to truly "fall in love" with them, but love is love.
The moment you let this song of the day come true for you, is when you begin to doubt your Love. When you feel them turn away, don't just let it happen, even if you're wrong about them losing feeling for you, show them how much you truly love them.
Say an ex comes back to you, trashes your Love, and wants you back. It won't matter, because you are in love, and whatever they have to offer is not worth giving up a future for. Worst case scenario time, say you do leave your Love, and the ex wrongs you again, your Love will take you back, they would put you back together after the monster had torn you apart, and your relationship would be either be stronger, or filled with the doubt and worry that you would leave again, this time for good.
The Song of The Day is Better Than Me by Hinder, and it is never true for those in love. It is a song that inspires doubt and self-pity, although the music is good, it is a horrible song.
I love you Rocket, and this is not the song for us.
Readers, what's your song of the day?


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